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Handbook of Material Weathering, Sixth Edition, is an essential guide to the effects of weathering on polymers and industrial products, presenting theory, stress factors, methods o… Read more
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Handbook of Material Weathering, Sixth Edition, is an essential guide to the effects of weathering on polymers and industrial products, presenting theory, stress factors, methods of weathering and testing and the effects of additives and environmental stress cracking. The book provides graphical illustrations and numerical data to examine the weathering of major polymers and industrial products, including mechanisms of degradation, effect of thermal processes, and characteristic changes in properties. The book also discusses recycling, corrosion and weathering, and the weathering of stone. This sixth edition updates this seminal work with recent developments and the latest data.
Polymers and industrial plastics products are widely used in environments where they are vulnerable to the effects of weathering. Weathering stress factors can lead to deterioration or even complete failure. Material durability is therefore vital, and products for outdoor usage or actinic exposure are designed so that the effects of artificial and natural weathering are minimized.
This book is an important reference source for those involved in studying material durability, producing materials for outdoor use and actinic exposure, research chemists in the photochemistry field, chemists and material scientists designing new materials, users of manufactured products, those who control the quality of manufactured products and students who want to apply their knowledge to real materials.
Research chemists in the photochemistry field, chemists and material scientists designing new materials, users of manufactured products, quality controllers of manufactured products, students who want to apply their knowledge to real materials, regulating agencies, and patent and litigating attorneys.
1 Photophysics1.1 Nature of radiation1.2 Absorption of radiation by materials1.3 Fate and utilization of absorbed energy1.4 Radiative processes involving dimers1.5 Modeling and photophysical data2 Photochemistry2.1 Typical routes of photochemical reactions2.2 Photochemical reactivity and quantum yield2.3 Excitation of excited state2.4 Parameters of photochemical reactions2.6 Quenchers and photosensitizers3 Parameters of Exposure3.1 Radiation3.2 Temperature3.3 Water3.4 Atmosphere composition3.5 Pollutants3.6 Biological substances3.7 Water pollutants3.8 Stress3.9 Cooperative action of different parameters4 Measurements in Assessment of Weathering Conditions4.1 Radiation4.2 Sunshine duration4.3 Temperature4.4 Relative humidity4.5 Time of wetness4.5 Rain4.6 Pollutants5 Climatic Conditions5.1 Introduction5.2 Radiation5.3 Sunshine duration5.4 Temperature5.5 Precipitation5.6 Relative humidity5.7 Wetness time5.8 Pollutants5.9 Surface soiling6 Methods of Outdoor Exposure6.1 Introduction6.2 Climatic conditions and degradation rate6.3 Variability of weather conditions and its impact on the strategy in outdoor exposures6.4 Influence of specimen properties6.5 Typical methods of outdoor exposure6.6 Other parameters of exposure6.7 Relevant Standards7 Laboratory Degradation Studies7.1 Introduction7.2 Light sources7.3 Filters7.4 Radiation: delivery, monitoring, and control7.5 Temperature control7.6 Humidity control7.7 Specimen spraying7.8 Specimen racks and holders7.9 Weathering equipment7.10 Correlation between different devices7.11 Pollutants7.12 Precision of studies8 Weathering Cycles9 Sample Preparation10 Weathering Data Interpretation. Lifetime Prediction11 Artificial Weathering Versus Natural Exposure12 Effect of Weathering on Material Properties12.1 Mass loss12.2 Depth of degradation12.3 Mechanical properties12.4 Changes of color and optical properties12.5 Surface changes12.6 Molecular weight12.7 Chemical composition of surface and bulk12.8 Morphology and structure of surface layers12.9 Glass transition temperature12.10 Self-healing13 Testing Methods of Weathered Specimen13.1 Visual evaluation13.2 Microscopy13.3 Imaging techniques13.4 Gloss13.5 Color changes13.6 Visible Spectrophotometry13.7 UV spectrophotometry13.8 Infrared spectrophotometry13.9 Near infrared spectroscopy13.10 Raman spectroscopy13.11 Nuclear magnetic resonance13.12 Electron spin resonance13.13 Mass spectrometry13.14 Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy13.15 Chemiluminescence, fluorescence, and phosphorescence13.16 Atomic absorption spectroscopy13.17 WAXS and SAXS13.18 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS13.19 X-ray microtomography13.20 Mass change13.21 Density13.22 Contact angle13.23 Diffusion of gasses and water transport in polymers13.24 Electrical properties13.25 Ultrasonic measurements13.26 Thermal analysis13.27 Rheological properties of materials13.28 Other physical parameters13.29 Tensile strength13.30 Elongation13.31 Flexural strength13.32 Impact strength13.33 Creep and constant strain tests13.34 Residual stress13.35 Scratch and mar resistance13.36 Other mechanical properties13.37 Surface roughness13.38 Molecular weight13.39 Gas and liquid chromatography13.40 Titrimetry13.41 Dehydrochlorination rate13.42 Gel fraction13.43 Oxygen uptake13.44 Water absorption, porosity13.45 Microorganism growth test13.46 Environmental stress cracking resistance14 Data on Specific Polymers14.1 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, ABS14.2 Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate, ASA14.3 Alkyd resins14.4 Acrylic resins14.5 Cellulose14.6 Chitosan14.7 Epoxy resins14.8 Ethylene-propylene rubber, EPR14.9 Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, EVAc14.10 Ethylene propylene diene monomer, EPDM14.11 Fluoropolymers14.12 Melamine resins14.13 Phenoxy resins14.14 Polyacrylamide14.15 Polyacrylonitrile14.16 Polyamides14.17 Polyaniline14.18 Polycarbonates14.19 Polyesters14.20 Polyethylene14.21 Polyethylene, chlorinated14.22 Poly(ethylene glycol)14.23 Polyfluorene14.24 Polyimides14.25 Poly(lactic acid)14.26 Polymethylmethacrylate14.27 Polyoxyethylene14.28 Polyoxymethylene14.29 Poly(phenylene oxide)14.30 Poly(phenylene sulfide)14.31 Poly(-phenylene terephthalamide)14.32 Poly(-phenylene vinylene)14.33 Polypropylene14.34 Polystyrenes14.35 Polysulfones14.36 Polytetrafluoroethylene14.37 Polythiophene14.38 Polyurethanes14.39 Poly(vinyl alcohol)14.40 Polyvinylchloride14.41 Poly(vinylidene fluoride)14.42 Poly(vinyl methyl ether)14.43 Styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer14.44 Silicones14.45 Polymer blends14.46 Rubbers15 Effect of Additives on Weathering15.1 Fillers and reinforcing fibers15.2 Pigments15.3 Plasticizers15.4 Solvents and diluents15.5 Flame retardants15.6 Impact modifiers15.7 Thermal stabilizers15.8 Antioxidants15.9 Antimicrobial additives15.10 Curatives, crosslinkers, initiators15.11 Catalysts15.12 Compatibilizer15.12 Impurities15.13 Summary16 Weathering of Compounded Products16.1 Adhesives16.2 Aerospace16.3 Agriculture16.4 Appliances16.5 Automotive parts16.6 Automotive coatings16.7 Coated fabrics16.8 Coil coated materials16.9 Composites16.10 Concrete16.11 Conservation16.12 Construction materials16.13 Cosmetics16.14 Dental materials16.15 Electronics and electrical materials16.16 Environmental pollutants16.17 Foams16.18 Food16.19 Gel coats16.20 Geosynthetics16.21 Glass and glazing materials16.22 Greenhouse film16.23 Hair16.24 Laminates16.25 Medical equipment and supplies16.26 Military applications16.27 Molded materials16.28 Packaging materials16.29 Paints and coatings16.30 Pavements16.31 Pharmaceutical products16.32 Pipes and tubing16.33 Pulp and paper16.34 Roofing materials16.35 Sealants16.36 Sheet16.37 Siding16.38 Solar cells and collectors16.39 Textiles16.40 Windows16.41 Wire and cable16.42 Wood17 Stabilization and Stabilizers17.1 Limiting the incoming radiation17.2 Deactivation of excited states and free radicals17.3 Elimination of singlet oxygen, peroxide decomposition, and limiting oxidative changes17.4 Defect removal17.5 Stability of UV stabilizers17.6 Distribution of UV absorber17.7 Stabilizer entrapment and interaction17.8 Protective coatings17.9 Examples of stabilization technology18 Biodegradation18.1 Biodegradation environment18.2 Enzymatic reactions18.3 Biodegradation of materials18.4 Biocides18.5 Methods of testing18.6 Controlled biodegradation19 Recycling19.1 Effect of degradation on recycling19.2 Re-stabilization of material for recycling19.3 Multilayer materials19.4 Removable paint19.5 Chemical recycling20 Environmental Stress Cracking20.1 Definitions20.2 Parameters controlling ESC20.3 Mechanisms of environmental stress cracking20.4 Kinetics of environmental stress cracking20.5 Effect of ESC on material durability20.6 Methods of testing21 Interrelation Between Corrosion and Weathering22 Weathering of Stones