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Volume IAHandbook of Crystal Growth, 2nd Edition (Fundamentals: Thermodynamics and Kinetics) Volume IA addresses the present status of crystal growth science, and provides… Read more
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Volume IAHandbook of Crystal Growth, 2nd Edition (Fundamentals: Thermodynamics and Kinetics) Volume IA addresses the present status of crystal growth science, and provides scientific tools for the following volumes: Volume II (Bulk Crystal Growth) and III (Thin Film Growth and Epitaxy). Volume IA highlights thermodynamics and kinetics. After historical introduction of the crystal growth, phase equilibria, defect thermodynamics, stoichiometry, and shape of crystal and structure of melt are described. Then, the most fundamental and basic aspects of crystal growth are presented, along with the theories of nucleation and growth kinetics. In addition, the simulations of crystal growth by Monte Carlo, ab initio-based approach and colloidal assembly are thoroughly investigated.
Volume IBHandbook of Crystal Growth, 2nd Edition (Fundamentals: Transport and Stability) Volume IB discusses pattern formation, a typical problem in crystal growth. In addition, an introduction to morphological stability is given and the phase-field model is explained with comparison to experiments. The field of nanocrystal growth is rapidly expanding and here the growth from vapor is presented as an example. For the advancement of life science, the crystal growth of protein and other biological molecules is indispensable and biological crystallization in nature gives many hints for their crystal growth. Another subject discussed is pharmaceutical crystal growth. To understand the crystal growth, in situ observation is extremely powerful. The observation techniques are demonstrated.
Volume IA
Volume IIB
Scientists and engineers from diverse (academic/industrial) backgrounds including crystal growers, physicists, chemists, engineers, bioengineers, solid state scientists, materials scientists, earth scientists, etc.
With more than 40 years experience in the field of Semiconductors, and in particular Crystal Growth, he is well-recognized as well as accomplished, with prizes including (but not limited to): The Yamazaki-Teiichi Prize (2002); IOCG (International Organization for Crystal Growth) Laudise Prize (2004); Award for the Contribution to the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (2004); Award for the Great Achievement to the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (2007).
His 207 original papers, 229 Reviews, Proceedings and 492 (including 33 Invited talks) Oral Presentatios, and authorshi/contribution to 16 books are indicative of his knowledge and standing in the field.
He has (and still holds) numerous Editorial (journal) functions and has chaired and organised several conferences/meetings and acted as President for the Japan Assoc. Crystal Growth and the International Organization for Crystal Growth (IOCG).