H.E.A. Tinsley and S.D. Brown, Multivariate Statistics and Mathematical Modeling.
J. Hetherington, Role of Theory and Experimental Design in Multivariate Analysis and Mathematical Modeling.
R.V. Dawis, Scale Construction and Psychometric Considerations.
H.E.A. Tinsley and D.J. Weiss, Interrater Reliability and Agreement.
M. Hallahan and R. Rosenthal, Interpreting and Reporting Results.
A. Venter and S.E. Maxwell, Issues in the Use and Application of Multiple Regression Analysis.
C.J. Huberty and M.D. Petoskey, Multivariate Analysis of Variance and Covariance.
M.T. Brown and L.R. Wicker, Discriminant Analysis.
R.M. Thorndike, Canonical Correlation Analysis.
R. Cudeck, Exploratory Factor Analysis.
P.A. Gore, Jr., Cluster Analysis.
M.L. Davison and S.G. Sireci, Multidimensional Scaling.
M.M. Mark, C.S. Reichardt, and L.J. Sanna, Time-Series Designs and Analyses.
P.B. Imrey, Poisson Regression, Logistic Regression, and Loglinear Models for Random Counts.
L.F. Dilalla, Structural Equation Modeling: Uses and Issues.
R.H. Hoyle, Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
B.J. Becker, Multivariate Meta-analysis.
G.A. Marcoulides, Generalizability Theory.
R.K. Hambelton, F. Robin, and D. Xing, Item Response Models for the Analysis of Educational and Psychological Test Data.
L. Dumenci, Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis.
I.G.G. Kreft, Using Random Coefficient Linear Models for the Analysis of Hierarchically Nested Data.
T.J.G. Tracey, Analysis of Circumplex Models.
J.B. Willett and M.K. Keiley, Using Covariance Structure Analysis to Model Change over Time.
Author Index.
Subject Index.