Overview: J.B. Heywood, Motor Vehicle Emissions Control: Past Achievements, Future Prospects. Global Aspects: E. Sher, Environmental Aspects of Air Pollution. R. Carel, Health Aspects of Air Pollution. P.O. Plaut and S.E. Plaut, Economic and Planning Aspects of Transportation Emission. Spark-Ignition Engines: R. Stone, Introductory Chapter: Overview and the Role of Engines with Optical Access. S. Hochgreb, Combustion RelatedEmissions in Engines. M. Dulger, Pollution from Rotary Internal Combustion Engines. B.E. Milton, Control Technologies in Spark Ignition Engines. Compression-Ignition Engines: F. Pischinger, Introductory Chapter: The Diesel Enginefor Cars--Is There a Future? J.G. Hawley, C.J. Brace, F.J.Wallace, and R.W Horrocks, Combustion Related Emissions in Engines. S.J. Charlton, Control Technologies in Compression Ignition Engines. Two-Stroke Engines: C.C. Stan, Introductory Chapter: From a Simple Engine to an Electronically-Controlled Gasdynamic System. Y. Ikeda, T. Nakjima, and E. Sher, Air-Pollution from Small Two-Stroke Engines and Technologies to Control It. S. Henningsen, Air-Pollution from Large Two-Stroke Diesel Engines and Technologies to Control It. Fuels: D.R. Blackmore, Introductory Chapter: Fuel Effects. Y. Zvirin, M. Gutman, and L. Tartakovsky, Fuel Effects on Emissions. References. Appendices: National Gasoline Specifications. National Specifications for Automotive Diesel Fuel. US EPA Models for Calculation of Fuel Effects on Exhaust Emissions.