The Hand in Action: J.R. Flanagan, P. Haggard, and A.M. Wing,<$> The Task at Hand. M.A. Goodale, L.S. Jakobson, and P. Servos,<$> The Visual Pathways Mediating Perception and Prehension. The Motor Hand:<$> M.-C. Hepp-Reymond, E.J. Huesler, and M.A. Maier,<$> Precision Grip in Humans: Temporal and Spatial Synergies. J. Fridén and R.L. Lieber,<$> Muscle Architecture Basis for Neuromuscular Control of the Forearm and Hand. M.H. Schieber,<$> Individuated Finger Movements: Rejecting the Labeled-Line Hypothesis. E.M. Rouiller,<$> Multiple Hand Representations in the Motor Cortical Areas. J. Armand, E. Olivier, S.A. Edgley, and R.N. Lemon,<$> The Structure and Function of the Developing Corticospinal Tract: Some Key Issues. Hand Positioning in Reaching:<$> J.F. Soechting, D.C. Tong, and M. Flanders,<$> Frames of Reference in Sensorimotor Integration: Position Sense of the Arm and Hand. D.A. Rosenbaum, R.G.J. Meulenbroek, and J. Vaughan,<$> Three Approaches to the Degrees of Freedom Problem in Reaching. C. Ghez, S. Cooper, and J. Martin,<$> Kinematic and Dynamic Factors in the Coordination of Prehension Movements. F. Lacquaniti,<$> Neural Control of Limb Mechanics for Visuomanual Coordination. Hand-Arm Coordination in Reach and Grasp:<$> T. Iberall and A.H. Fagg,<$> Neural Network Models for Selecting Hand Shapes. Y. Paulignan and M. Jeannerod,<$> Prehension Movements: The Visuomotor Channels Hypothesis Revisited. M. Wiesendanger, O. Kazennikov, S. Perrig, and P. Kaluzny,<$> Two Hands--One Action: The Problem of Bimanual Coordination. A.M. Wing,<$> Anticipatory Control of Grip Force in Rapid Arm Movement. The Sensorimotor Hand:<$> C.E. Chapman, F. Tremblay, and S.A. Ageranioti-Bélanger,<$> Role of Primary Somatosensory Cortex in Active and Passive Touch. L. Jones,<$> Proprioception and Its Contribution to Manual Dexterity. A.B. Vallbo and J. Wessberg,<$> Proprioceptive Mechanisms and the Control of Finger Movements. R.S. Johansson,<$> Sensory Control of Dexterous Manipulation in Humans. J.R. Flanagan,<$> Action-Perception Coupling in Judgments of Hand-Held Loads. S.J. Lederman and R.L. Klatzky,<$> Action for Perception: Manual Exploratory Movements for Haptically Processing Objects and Their Features. References. Glossary. Index.