Haematin Enzymes
A Symposium of the International Union of Biochemistry Organized by the Australian Academy of Science Canberra
- 1st Edition - May 12, 2014
- Editors: J. E. Falk, R. Lemberg, R. K. Morton
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 0 8 0 6 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 1 4 9 - 6
International Union of Biochemistry, Volume 19: Haematin Enzymes, Part 1 provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of hematin enzymes. This book covers a variety of… Read more

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Request a sales quoteInternational Union of Biochemistry, Volume 19: Haematin Enzymes, Part 1 provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of hematin enzymes. This book covers a variety of topics, including porphyrin complexes, chemical reactions of iron complexes, hemoprotein molecules, metalloporphyrins, and oxyhemoglobins. Organized into 22 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the relevance of magnetic susceptabilitty and magnetic resonance data. This text then examines studies on electron-transfer processes involving metal ions and shows how the electronic structures of the hem enzymes may be relevant to the types of electron-transfer that can take place. Other chapters consider the implications of the coordination of organic molecules to metal ions. This book presents as well a comparison between known properties and reactions of some simple iron complexes with chelating and conjugated ligands. The final chapter deals with the chemical structures of the prosthetic groups of the cytochromes of type a. This book is a valuable resource for scientists, theorists, and research workers.
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The Electronic Structure and Electron Transport Properties of Metal Ions Particularly in Porphyrin Complexes
Terminology in Ligand-Field Theory
Spin States of Haem Compounds
Electron Transport
Mechanism of Oxidative Phosphorylation
The Role of the Metal in Porphyrin Complexes
Higher Oxidation States
Effects of Metal on Reactivity at Periphery
The Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Porphyrins Solubilized in Aqueous Detergent Solutions
Cations of Porphyrins and their Spectra
The Reactions Between Metal Ions and Porphyrins
Some Physical Properties and Chemical Reactions of Iron Complexes
Oxidation-Reduction Potentials of Haem Compounds
Spectra and Redox Potentials of Metalloporphyrins and Haemoproteins
Correlations Between Structure and Physical Properties
Models for Haemoproteins
Some New Compounds of Haems with Bases
Carbon Monoxide-Pyridine Complexes with Haems
Equilibrium Constants for Reactions of Haems with Ligands
Modification of the Secondary Structure of Haemoprotein Molecules
The Haem-Binding Groups in Haemoproteins
The Nature of Haem-Binding, and the Bohr Effect
Models for Linked Ionizations in Haemoproteins
On the Stability of Oxyhaemoglobin
Oxygenation ofHaemoglobin
Ferrihaemoprotein Hydroxides: A Correlation Between Magnetic and Spectroscopic Properties
Spin States and Spectra of Haemoproteins
The Electronic Origins of the Spectra
Analysis and Interpretation of Absorption Spectra of Haemin Chromoproteins
Interpretation of Absorption Spectra of Haemoproteins
The Bands in the Region of 830 and 280 mμ
The Haem-Globin Linkage. 3. The Relationship Between Molecular Structure and Physiological Activity of Haemoglobins
Native Globin
The Linkage of Iron and Protein in Haemoglobin
Early Stages in the Metabolism of Iron
The Enzymic Incorporation of Iron into Protoporphyrin
The Formation of Metal-Porphyrin Complexes
Co-Ordination of Divalent Metal Ions with Porphyrin Derivatives Related to Cytochrome c
Metal Incorporation in Model Systems
On the Enzymic Incorporation of Iron
Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Cytochrome c
The Location of Cytochromes in Escherichia coli
The Origin ofthe Respiratory Granules of Bacteria
On the Cytochromes of Anaerobically Cultured Yeast
The Lactate Dehydrogenase of Yeast
Components of the Respiratory Chain in Yeast Mitochondria
On the 'Haemoglobin' Absorption Bands of Yeast
Irreversible Inhibition of Catalase by the 3-Amino-1:2:4-Triazole Group of Inhibitors in the Presence of Catalase Donors
Catalase Oxidation Mechanisms
Oxidation States of Haemoproteins
Peroxide Compounds of Catalase and Peroxidase
The Nature of Catalase-Peroxide Complex I
Studies on Problems of Cytochrome c Oxidase Assay
Assay of Cytochrome c Oxidase
Inhibition of Cytochrome c Oxidase by Cytochrome c
Interaction of Cytochrome c with Other Compounds
The Effect of Cations on the Reactivity of Cytochrome c in Heart Muscle Preparations
Composition of Cytochrome c Oxidase
Function of Copper in Cytochrome Oxidase Preparations
Cytochrome Oxidases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Ox-Heart Muscle and their Related Respiratory Components
Properties and Nomenclature of Cytochromes a and a3
The Prosthetic Groups of Pseudomonas Cytochrome Oxidase
The Reaction of Cytochrome c Oxidase with Oxygen
The Oxygen-Reducing Equivalents of Cytochromes a and a3
The Isolation, Purification and Properties of Haemin a
Model Systems for Cytochrome Oxidase
Absorption Spectra of Ferro- and Ferri-Compounds of Haem a
Cryptohaem a
Mitochrome in Relation to Cryptohaem a
Cytochrome Oxidase Components
The Structure of Porphyrin a, Cryptoporphyrin a and Chlorin a2
The Structure of Haem a and Haem a2
The Structure of Porphyrin a
The Properties of Haem a2 and Cytochrome a2
Extractability of Ferro- and Ferricytochrome c
A Haemopeptide from a Tryptic Hydrolysate of Rhodospirillum rubrum Cytochrome c
Electrometric and Other Studies on Cytochromes of the C-Group
Protein Configuration and Linkage to the Prosthetic Group in Cytochrome c
Studies of the Haemochrome-fonning Groups in Cytochrome c
The Amino Acid Sequence in Horse Heart Cytochrome c
Comments on the Structure of Cytochrome c
Structure and General Properties of Cytochrome c
Comparative Properties of Cytochrome c from Yeast and Heart Muscle
Properties of Native Cytochrome c
Reactivity of Native Cytochrome c in Oxidative Phosphorylation
Structure of Bacterial Cytochromes of c-Type
Structure and Redox Potentials of Cytochrome c
The Electron Transfer from Cytochromes to Terminal Electron Acceptors in Nitrate Respiration and Sulphate Respiration
Cytochrome C3
Nature and Properties of Cytochrome c3
Functional Aspects of Cytochrome c3
Evolutionary Aspects of the Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria and of Cytochrome c3
The Atypical Haemoprotein of Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria
The Functions of Cytochrome b4 and of Cytochrome c544 (Halotolerant Coccus)
Nomenclature of CO-Binding Pigments
Cytochrome o
On the Oxidase Function of RHP
Spectrophotometric Studies of Cytochromes Cooled in Liquid Nitrogen
'Trapped' Steady-States
Low-Temperature Absorption Spectra of Cytochromes in Relation to Structure
Studies on Microsomal Cytochromes and Related Substances
On the Nature of Cytoplasmic Pigments of Liver Cells
Possible Functions of the Cytochromes of the Endoplasmic Reticulum of Animal Cells
The Significance of E0 Values of Cytochromes in Relation to Cellular Function
The Cytochromes of Plant Tissues
Cytochromes c1 and b3 of Particulate Components of Plants
The Cytochromes of Roots
The Chemical and Enzymic Properties of Cytochrome b2 of Bakers' Yeast
Conditions for the Autoxidation of Flavocytochrome b2
Kinetic Studies on the Action of Yeast Lactate Dehydrogenase
Various Forms of Yeast Lactate Dehydrogenase
Studies on Bakers' Yeast Lactate Dehydrogenase
The Problem of Cytochrome b2
Properties of Intact and Modified Cytochrome b2
Nature of Bakers' Yeast Lactate Dehydrogenase
Nomenclature of Cytochrome b2 and Derived Proteins
The Substrate Specificity of Cytochrome b2
On the Cytochrome b Components in the Respiratory Chain in Yeast
The Kinetics of Reactions Catalysed by Cytochrome b2
The Kinetics of Reduction of Cytochrome b2
The Absorption Spectrum in Relation to the Structure of Cytochrome b2
The Contribution of the Prosthetic Groups to the Absorption Spectrum of Cytochrome b2
The Oxidation-Reduction Changes in the Reaction of Lactate with Cytochrome b2
The Function and Bonding of the Flavin Group of Cytochrome b2
The Bonding Between the Flavin Group and Apoprotein of Cytochrome b2
Possible Free Radical Formation in Flavoproteins
Autoxidation of Cytochrome b2
The Role of Cytochrome b in the Respiratory Chain
The Cross-Over Theorem and Sites of Oxidative Phosphorylation
The Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Cytochrome b
On the Redox Potential of Cytochrome b, the Kinetics of Reduction of Cytochrome b and the Existence of Slater's Factor
The Influence of Cyanide on the Reactivity of Cytochrome b
Energy Transfer and Conservation in the Respiratory Chain
Mechanism of Oxidative Phosphorylation
The Significance of Respiratory Chain Oxidations in Relation to Metabolic Pathways in the Cell
On 'Additional DPN' of Incubated Mitochondria
Possible Structure of Complexes of DPN or of DPNH Involved in Oxidative Phosphorylation
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 384
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: May 12, 2014
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483208060
- eBook ISBN: 9781483221496
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