Preface1. Introduction1.1. Tick Studies: Historical Background1.2. External Morphology of Ixodid Ticks4,13341331.3. Tick Genera in India3,863861.4. Keys to Genera of Indian Ixodidae1.5. Biology and Life Cycle82,90,13382901331.6. Hosts1.7. List of Haemaphysalis Ticks from All Over the World1.8. Keys to Subgenera60,61,77,78,8560617778851.9. List of Indian Haemaphysalis Ticks According to Subgenera2. Structurally Primitive Haemaphysalines2.1. Subgenus Alloceraea2.2. Subgenus Allophysalis2.3. Subgenus Aboimisalis2.4. Structurally Intermediate Haemaphysalines2.5. Structurally Advanced Haemaphysalines2.6. Subgenus Haemaphysalis2.7. Subgenus Kaiseriana2.8. Subgenus Aborphysalis2.9. Subgenus Segalia2.10. Subgenus Rhipistoma2.11. Proposed New Species3. Geographic Distribution and Ecologic Preference3.1. Host Preferences84,103,110,112,114,115841031101121141153.2. Host-Related Structural Adaptations and Evolution853.3. Impact of Deforestation, Urbanization, and Faunal Changes20,45,832045833.4. Seasonal Prevalence46,110461103.5. Biology11,12,14,17,38,87,88111214173887883.6. Distribution of Haemaphysalis Ticks in Different Biotopes in the KFD Area16,4616463.7. Control of Haemaphysalis Ticks in the KFD Area34,42,100,110,12334421001101233.8. Phylogeny of Indian Haemaphysalis Ticks62,9662963.9. Tick-Borne Diseases in India48,87,94,95,106,12348879495106123Appendix I. A New Species Described from Kerala111Appendix II. Scientific and Common Names of Host SpeciesReferences