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Growing Your Career with Social Media presents social media tools, current trends and professional development strategies to help busy librarians remain up-to-date. This title off… Read more
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Growing Your Career with Social Media presents social media tools, current trends and professional development strategies to help busy librarians remain up-to-date. This title offers advice from librarians on how to use social media for career development and continuing education. Advice is based on accumulated experience from professionals who have incorporated social media into their professional lives. The book includes interviews and suggests ways librarians can use social media as a tool for self-promotion. It includes tables of social media tools and their potential uses, and also provides resources, lists, organizations and information on librarians currently active in social media.
Librarians, academic librarians, specialist librarians including corporate librarians, library leaders, library managers; postgraduate students and researchers in library and information science and early career librarians
Section 1: Introduction
How this Book Can Help You
Book features
Section Introductions
Section Challenges
Additional Resources
Section 2: Why Social Media Matters
Chapter 1: Defining social media
Chapter 2: Social media trends
Chapter 3: The evolving roles of
librarians and libraries
Chapter 4: How social media is used for libraries
Section Challenge
Additional Resources
Section 3: Career Development
Chapter 5: Differences Between Popular Social Media Networks
Blogger and WordPress
Popular Social Media Platforms Infographic
Table- Websites that Teach About Social Media
Chapter 6: Using Social Media for Professional Development
Locating Opportunities with Digital Curation
Setting up Alerts and RSS Feeds
Automating Your Social Media Activities
HootSuite Tip Sheet
If This Than That (IFTTT) Tip Sheet
Chapter 7: Using Social Media to Find Career Opportunities
Table- Organizations on Social Media for Finding Jobs
Chapter 8: Using Social Media for Networking
Defining Personal Learning Networks (PLN)
Creating Your Own Network PLN
Table- Learning Networks on Social Media for Professional Development
Chapter 9: Branding Yourself with Social Media
Defining Branding
Tools for Developing Your Professional Presence
Branding Strategies
Creating Content
How to Share Content
Infographic-The Do’s and Don'ts of Sharing Content
Infographic- Types of Copyright Licenses
Getting Started with User-Generated Content
Section Challenge
Additional Resources
Section 4: Case Studies
Section Introduction
Chapter 10: Case Studies
Interview 1
Interview 2
Interview 3
Interview 4
Interview 5
Section Challenge
Additional Resources
Summary of Case Study Tips
Section 5: Closing Suggestions
Section Introduction
Chapter 11: Social Media Precautions
Social Media Pros and Cons
Keeping Your Social Presence Professional
Understanding Netiquette Rules
Following Your Digital Footprint
Ethical Use of Social Media
The Legalities of Social Media
Infographic- Types of Copyright Licenses
Addressing Negative Feedback
Section Challenge
Additional Resources
Section 6: Appendices
Table- Directory of Social Media Tools with Descriptions of Their Purpose
Table- Popular Librarians on Social Media
Table- Librarian Chats
Table- Locating Graphics for Social Media Posts
Table- Organizations on Social Media Offering Professional Development