Global Sedimentology of the Ocean
An Interplay between Geodynamics and Paleoenvironment
- 1st Edition, Volume 3 - September 17, 2008
- Author: Christian M. Robert
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 1 8 1 7 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 3 0 9 3 - 0
A great deal of information has been gained during the past 20 years about the deep ocean. This book synthesizes new information in marine sedimentology, applying concepts to case… Read more

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Request a sales quoteA great deal of information has been gained during the past 20 years about the deep ocean. This book synthesizes new information in marine sedimentology, applying concepts to case studies, and integrating the information in a context of plate tectonics, global circulation, and sedimentary processes. The potential of sediment series as archives of past environments is highlighted.
* complete update of synthetic information in marine sedimentology.* association of information on the origin and transport of sediment particles, the evolution of sediment series and their role as archives of past environments.
marine geologists.
1. Introduction1.1 Historical aspects1.2 Objectives2. Generalities2.1 Structure2.2 Physics2.3 Sedimentology3. Major types of basins in oceans history3.1 Rift systems3.2 Intraplate basins3.3 Crustal fissures3.4 Oceans in a context of divergence3.5 Aulacogen basins3.6 Oceans in a context of convegence3.7 Basins in a context of collision3.8 Paleogeography of major oceanic systems4 Formation of oceanic sediments4.1 Terrigenous sediments4.2 Biogenic sediments4.3 Organic sediments4.4 Sediments of volcanic origin4.5 Authigenic sediments5. Diagenesis of oceanic sediments5.1 Dynamics of diagenesis5.2 Effects of diagenesis5.3 Diagenetic alteration of terrigenous sediments5.4 Diagenetic alteration of biogenic calcareous sediments5.5 Diagenetic alteration of biogenic siliceous sediments5.6 Diagenetic alteration of organic sediments6. Past oceanic environments6.1 Anoxic Cretaceous ocean6.2 Strangelove Ocean at the Cretaceous/Tertiary Booundary6.3 Early Paleogene Southern Ocean6.4 Warm oceans at the Paleocene/Eocene Boundary and in the Early Eocene6.5 Eocene/Oligocene transition South of Tasmania6.6 Early and middle Miocene oceans: the Monterey Hypothesis6.7 Messinian salinity crisis in the mediterranean6.8 Mediterranean sapropels
- No. of pages: 496
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Volume: 3
- Published: September 17, 2008
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444518170
- eBook ISBN: 9780080930930
Christian M. Robert
ancien chef de clinique à la faculté de médecine de Tours, chirurgien orthopédiste au CH de Tarbes.
Affiliations and expertise
Aix-Marseille Universites, FranceRead Global Sedimentology of the Ocean on ScienceDirect