List of Contributors
Chapter 1 Geomorphology of a Tectonically Active, Glaciated Coast, South-Central Alaska
I. Introduction
II. Physical Setting
III. Coastal Geomorphology
IV. Coastal Sedimentary Environments
V. Summary
Chapter 2 Fjord Sedimentation in Northern British Columbia
I. Introduction
II. Controls on Fjord Development and Sedimentation
III. Burke Channel-North Bentinck Arm
Chapter 3 Coarse-Grained Beach Sedimentation under Paraglacial Conditions, Canadian Atlantic Coast
I. Introduction
II. Glaciation in Atlantic Canada
III. Postglacial Relative Sea Level and Tidal Adjustments
IV. Modern Oceanographie Environment
V. Beach Morphology and Sediments—Selected Examples
VI. Beach Development Under Varying Sediment-Source Regimes
VII. Beach Development Under Varying Relative-Sea-Level Regimes
VIII. Beach Development Under Varying Dynamic Regimes
IX. Conclusions
Chapter 4 An Evolutionary Model for Transgressive Sedimentation on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia
I. Introduction and Objectives
II. Physical Processes
III. Relative Sea Level
IV. Coastal Geology
V. Eastern Shore Processes and Morphology
VI. Evolutionary Coastal Model
VII. Discussion
VIII. Conclusions
Chapter 5 Holocene Evolution of the South-Central Coast of Iceland
I. Introduction
II. Glaciation
III. Fluvioglacial Processes
IV. Coastal Processes
V. Shoreface and Continental Shelf
VI. Conclusions
Chapter 6 An Inventory of Coastal Environments and Classification of Maine's Glaciated Shoreline
I. Introduction
II. Coastal Climate
III. Late Quaternary History
IV. Bedrock Geology
V. Methods
VI. Results
VII. Discussion
VIII. Summary
Chapter 7 Quaternary Stratigraphy of Representative Maine Estuaries: Initial Examination by High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling
I. Introduction
II. Geologic Setting
III. Methods
IV. Discussion
V. Conclusions
Chapter 8 Controls and Zonation of Geomorphology Along a Glaciated Coast, Gouldsboro Bay, Maine
I. Introduction
II. Physical Setting
III. Methods
IV. Geomorphic Classes
V. Controls of Coastal Geomorphology
VI. Geomorphic Zonation
VII. Conclusions
Chapter 9 Sediment Accumulation Forms, Thompson Island, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
I. Introduction and Setting
II. South Cuspate Spit: Drift Convergence and the Initiation of a Tombolo
III. North Cuspate Spit: Migrating Spits and Gravel Ridge Forms
IV. South Longshore Spit: Gravel Overwash and Bar Emergence
V. Conclusions
Chapter 10 Source of Pebbles at Mann Hill Beach, Scituate, Massachusetts
I. Introduction
II. Mann Hill Beach
III. Offshore Sediment
IV. Waves
V. Wave-Induced Sediment Transport
VI. Source of the Shingle on Mann Hill Beach
Chapter 11 Shoreline Development of the Glacial Cape Cod Coastline
I. Introduction
II. Glacial Geology of Cape Cod
III. Coastal Geomorphology of Cape Cod
IV. Cape Cod's Fulcrum-Nodal Coastline
V. Fulcrum Cliffline Erosion
VI. Cape Cod Beach Sediment Patterns
VII. Barrier Beach Analogs of Cape Cod
VIII. Conclusion
Chapter 12 Reworking of Glacial Outwash Sediments Along Outer Cape Cod: Development of Provincetown Spit
I. Introduction
II. Evolution of Provincetown Spit
III. Methodology
IV. Results
V. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 13 Development of the Northwestern Buzzards Bay Shoreline, Massachusetts
I. Introduction
II. Physical Setting
III. Bedrock and Glacial Geology
IV. Sediment Supply
V. Shoreline Components and Processes
VI. Discussion and Summary