1. Geothermal Reservoirs
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Development of Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
1.3 Definitions
1.4 The World's Geothermal Resources
1.5 Organization of the Book
1.6 References and Units
2. Conceptual Models of Geothermal Fields and Systems
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Conductive Systems
2.3 Convective Systems: Liquid Dominated
2.4 Convective Systems: Vapor Dominated
2.5 Concepts of Changes under Exploitation
2.6 Developing a Conceptual Model of a Geothermal Reservoir
2.7 Summary
3. Simple Quantitative Models
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Simplifications and Concepts of Storage
3.3 Pressure Transient Models
3.4 Simple Lumped-Parameter Model
3.5 Steam Reservoir with Immobile Water
3.6 Reserves
3.7 Fractured Media
3.8 Chemical Flow Models
3.9 Applicability of the Models
4. Well Completion and Warm-up
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Measurements during Drilling
4.3 The Completed Well
4.4 The Completion Test
4.5 Warm-up
4.6 The "Static" Well
4.7 Vapor-Dominated Systems
4.8 Summary
5. Flow Testing
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Initiating Discharge
5.3 Measurement and Measurement Techniques
5.4 Pressure and Temperature Profiles in Flowing Wells
5.5 Interpretation of Output Data
5.6 Injection
5.7 Summary
6. Case Study: A History of Well BR2, Broadlands Geothermal Field, New Zealand
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Drilling and Testing Period (May-August 1966)
6.3 The Discharge Period, 1966-1971
6.4 Shutdown and Pressure Recovery August 1971 -December 1980
6.5 Conclusion
7. Quantifying Reservoir Properties
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Inference from Fluid Distribution
7.3 Interference Testing
7.4 Long-Term Reservoir Tests
7.5 Other Tests
7.6 Svartsengi, Iceland
7.7 Raft River
7.8 East Mesa
7.9 Summary
8. Long-Term Behavior: The Observed Response of Fields to Exploitation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Larderello and Other Italian Fields
8.3 Reykjavik and Selfoss, Iceland
8.4 Wairakei
8.5 The Geysers, California
8.6 Cerro Prieto, Mexico
8.7 Broadlands, New Zealand
8.8 Kawerau
8.9 Ahuachapan
8.10 Summary
9. Field Monitoring and Management
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Measurements
9.3 Changes in Well Performance
9.4 Decline Curves and Trend Analysis
9.5 Sophisticated Reservoir Models
9.6 Optimization
10. Current Geothermal Reservoir Problems
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Fractured Reservoirs, Re-injection, and Tracer Returns
10.3 Surface Activity: Natural and Disturbed
10.4 Subsidence
10.5 Conclusion
Appendix 1. Pressure Transient Analysis
A1.1 Introduction
A1.2 Basic Solution
A1.3 Wellbore Storage and Skin
A1.4 Injection
A1.5 Two-Phase Flow
A1.6 Pseudopressure
A1.7 Variable Flow Rate
A1.8 Fractured Media
A1.9 Wellbore Thermal and Flow Effects
A1.10 Barometric and Tidal Effects; Use of Water Levels
A1.ll Temperature Transients
A1.12 Changes in Permeability
Appendix 2. Equations of Motion and State
A2.1 Introduction
A2.2 Conservation Equations
A2.3 Darcy's Law
A2.4 Constitutive Relations
A2.5 Pressure-Temperature-Depth Relations in Boiling Fluid
Appendix 3. Conversions, Notations, and Properties
A3.1 Steam Tables
A3.2 Notation
A3.3 Unit Conversions
Author Index
Subject Index