Conversion Factors Prologue 1. Some Antecedents to the Modern-day Profession of Geophysics Through World War I Diffusing Geophysical Knowledge Geophysical Forbearers Prior to the 19th Century A Brief Overview of Earth Physics - 1800 to 1919 Artillery Location by Acoustic and Seismic Means Oceanography Simultaneously Becomes a Science and a Technology 2. Geophysics Comes of Age — The Roaring Twenties and the Depressing Thirties The Golden Days of Exploration Geophysics The Appearance of Electrical Well Logging Classical Seismology Strikes Out on Its Own The Rebirth of Extensive Océanographie Endeavors 3. Geophysicists at War - 1939-1945 Exploration Geophysics During a Time of Global War Classical Seismology During the War Years Geophysical Detection of Enemy Artillery Influence Mines in Naval Warfare — A New Application of Geophysical Sensors Geophysical Aspects of Undersea Warfare4. Reversion to Peacetime, 1945—1950 A Time of Transition Exploration Geophysics Bounces Back Classical Seismology Stays Much the Same The Opening of the Canadian Arctic Oceanography Comes of Age 5. The 1950s — A Burgeoning Era of Geophysics A Short Overview of the Decade Correcting the Manpower Shortage in Exploration Geophysics The Geophysical Industry Grapples with Managerial and Technical Problems The Advent of Magnetic Recording and Electronic Data Processing Non-dynamite Energy Sources for Seismic Exploration A Seismic Search for St. Peter's Tomb Project Magnet — A Global Airborne Survey of the Earth's Magnetic Field Should there be a Nuclear Test Ban? The Berkner Panel on Seismic Improvement Meteorological Fallout from Escalating Nuclear Test Programs The International Geophysical Year Laying the Foundation for Earth-oriented Satellites Military Oceanography Thrives During "Peacetime" Geophysical Research Penetrates the Polar Basin The Oceanographers also Prefer Large-scale Projects 6. Science in Government and Government in Science — the 1960s The Exuberant 1960s Bad News and Good News for the Geophysical Industry The Geophysical Industry Shifts to Digital Recording and Processing The Search for Appropriate Underground Nuclear Test Ban Language Project Vela Uniform — A Potential Solution to the Treaty Language Problem Creation of a Modern Global Seismological Network Vela Uniform's Research Program Are Bigger and Better Seismic Arrays the Route to Go? Tabor Pluto - The British Equivalent to Vela Uniform Research Explosions and Their Impact International Seismology with a Neutralist Flavor The Substitution of Plate Tectonics for Continental Drift Project Mohole Loses Out to the Deep Sea Drilling Project A Decade of Ocean Politics and Ocean Policy Earth-oriented Satellites at Last 7. Geophysics Interacts with the Environmentalists and OPEC - the 1970s and the Early 1980s A Period of Controversy Boom Days Once Again for Exploration Geophysics Non-profit Geophysics Acquires a Political Hue The Good Earth as a Killer Is Mankind Modifying the Earth? By what Means will Geophysics Progress into the Future? 8. Geophysics as a Business — Then and Now The Dollar Volume of the Exploration Geophysics Industry Role of the Individual Entrepreneur Growth and Proliferation of Geophysical Firms Corporate Profiles — General The Nature of Large, Full Service Contractors Compagnie Générale de Géophysique Digicon, Inc. Geophysical Service, Inc. — Texas Instruments, Inc. Petty-Ray Geophysical Operations Seiscom Delta, Inc. Seismograph Service Corporation Teledyne Geotech and Teledyne Exploration Western Geophysical Company of America Smaller Seismic Data Acquisition Firms An Exceptional Small Firm — the Dawson Geophysical Company A Unique Firm — the Geophysical Systems Corporation Some New Firms on the Scene Fairfield Industries, Inc. Geophysical Company of Norway Grant Geophysical Corporation NF Industries, Inc. NORPAC Exploration Services, Inc. Firms Specializing in Seismic Data Processing Teknica Resource Development, Ltd. Geoquest International, Inc. Other Service Companies Equipment Manufacturing and Supply Companies The Consulting Business The Business End of Gravity and Magnetic Surveys The Craig Ferris-E. V. McCollum Partnership The Gravity Meter Exploration Company Sigmund Hammer The Mineral Exploration Business Barringer Resources, Inc. The Industry's Prospects for the Future The Situation as Viewed by the International Association of Geophysical Contractors Manpower Issues The Potential for Continued Technical Advances and Discoveries of New Natural Resources 9. Geophysics As They Saw It In Retrospect Some Major Personal Achievements Exploration Geophysics Earth Physics Oceanography Oceanography—MeteorologyPersonal Vignettes Teaching Geophysics: Comments on the Early Years of the Lamont Geological Observatory Learning Geophysics Geophysical Prospecting: Reflections on the Field of Exploration Geophysics Conception of the Common-depth-point Method of Seismic Surveying The Way It Really Happened — The Invention of the VIBROSEIS System Oceanographic Expeditions of Unusual Interest The Unforeseen Demise of Operation Skijump II The International Indian Ocean Expedition and its Scientific AftermathAppendix A — Significant Events in the Evolution of Geophysical Service, Inc. and its Offshoot, Texas Instruments, Inc. References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors