Geophysics for Petroleum Engineers
- 1st Edition, Volume 60 - December 9, 2013
- Authors: Fred Aminzadeh, Shivaji N. Dasgupta
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 0 6 6 2 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 2 9 6 1 - 3
Geophysics for Petroleum Engineers focuses on the applications of geophysics in addressing petroleum engineering problems. It explores the complementary features of geophy… Read more

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Request a sales quoteGeophysics for Petroleum Engineers focuses on the applications of geophysics in addressing petroleum engineering problems. It explores the complementary features of geophysical techniques in better understanding, characterizing, producing and monitoring reservoirs.This book introduces engineers to geophysical methods so that they can communicate with geophysicist colleagues and appreciate the benefits of their work. These chapters describe fundamentals of geophysical techniques, their physical bases, their applications and limitations, as well as possible pitfalls in their misuse. Case study examples illustrate the integration of geophysical data with various other data types for predicting and describing reservoir rocks and fluid properties. The examples come from all over the world, with several case histories from the fields in the Middle East.
- Introduces geophysical methods to engineers
- Helps understanding, characterizing, producing and monitoring of geophysical techniques
- Updates the changing needs of reservoir engineering
Geophysicists, geophysical engineers and petroleum engineers
ForewordPrefaceSeries Editor's PrefaceSummary1. Introduction2. Petroleum Geology3. Petroleum geophysics4. Petrophysics5. Geostatistics6. Reservoir Characterization7. Reservoir Monitoring8. Geophysics in Drilling9. Geophysics for Unconventional Resources1. Introduction1.1 Purpose of the Book1.2 Geoscience Disciplines1.3 Geoengineering Concept1.4 Integration of Disciplines1.5 Continuous Measurements in Intelligent Field1.6 Petroleum Geology1.7 Formation Evaluation—Petrophysics1.8 Geostatistics1.9 Reservoir Characterization1.10 Reservoir Monitoring1.11 Geophysics in Drilling1.12 Geophysics for Unconventional ResourcesReferences2. Fundamentals of Petroleum GeologyAbstract2.1 Introduction2.2 Formation of Organic Matter2.3 Origin of Petroleum2.4 Occurrence of Petroleum Systems2.5 Sedimentation and Deformation Process2.6 Geologic Times2.7 Petroleum Reservoirs2.8 Hydrocarbon Reservoirs2.9 Petroleum Traps2.10 Traps Associated with Fracture Networks2.11 Reservoir Rocks2.12 The Role of a Geologist2.13 The Role of Geophysics2.14 Exploration and Appraisal WellsReferences3. Fundamentals of Petroleum GeophysicsAbstract3.1 Introduction3.2 Geophysical Techniques3.3 Inversion of Geophysical Data3.4 Seismic Reflection Technique3.5 Seismic Wave Propagation and Attenuation3.6 Seismic Data Acquisition3.7 Seismic Data Processing3.8 Seismic Resolution3.9 Seismic Modeling3.10 Seismic Attributes3.11 Spectral Decomposition3.12 Absorption3.13 Similarity/Coherency/Curvature3.14 Amplitude Variations with Offset3.15 Multicomponent Seismic Technique3.16 Vertical Seismic Profile3.17 Crosswell Seismic3.18 Gravity Techniques3.19 Magnetic Technique3.20 Electrical and EM Surveys3.21 Crosswell EMReferences4. Formation EvaluationAbstract4.1 Introduction4.2 Well Logging ToolsReferences5. Geostatistics and Other Unconventional Statistical MethodsAbstract5.1 Overview5.2 Conventional Geostatistical Methods5.3 Unconventional Statistical Methods5.4 Artificial Neural Networks5.5 Fuzzy Logic5.6 Permeability Prediction from Logs5.7 Genetic Algorithms5.8 Integration of SC Methods with Each Other and Conventional Geostatistical MethodsReferences6. Reservoir CharacterizationAbstractIntroduction6.1 Overview6.2 SURE Challenge6.3 Integration of the Disciplines6.4 Geophysics in Reservoir Characterization6.5 Unproven Reserves6.6 Unconventional Resource AssessmentReferences7. Reservoir MonitoringAbstractSummary7.1 Time-Lapse Geophysics7.2 4D Seismic7.3 Evolution of 4D Seismic Monitoring7.4 Gravity Data for Fluid Monitoring7.5 Gravity Method for EOR Monitoring7.6 Monitoring CO2 Sequestration and EOR Monitoring7.7 A 4D Seismic Case History from Ghawar Oil Field7.8 Seismic Monitoring Challenge in Arab-D7.9 Feasibility Study7.10 Methodology7.11 Permanent Reservoir MonitoringReferencesFurther Reading8. Geophysics in DrillingAbstract8.1 Seismic Delineation of Structural Disruptions: Faults, Fractures, and Sinkholes8.2 Highly Porous Formations8.3 Mechanically Weak Rock Layers8.4 Subsurface Caverns8.5 Geophysical Prediction of Overpressured Zones8.6 Shallow Gas and Shallow Overpressure8.7 Deep Geopressure8.8 Construction Hazards8.9 Hazards in Marine Environment8.10 Looking “Ahead” and “Away” from the Bit8.11 Horizontal Drilling and Geosteering8.12 Geosteering in Wells8.13 Gulf Geosteering Case Study8.14 SWD/MWD/LWD Tools8.15 Seismic While Drilling8.16 Real-Time Monitoring of Drilling Process8.17 Looking Ahead and Around a Horizontal Well8.18 Looking Above and Below a Horizontal WellReferences9. Geophysics for Unconventional ResourcesAbstract9.1 Introduction9.2 Geophysical Data Contribution to Unconventional Reservoirs9.3 Rock Properties for Unconventional Resource Development9.4 Seismic Inversion for Rock Properties9.5 Amplitude Variation with Angle and aZimuth9.6 Seismic Anisotropy for Fracture Detection9.7 Microseismic and Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring9.8 Microseismic Monitoring Case Study9.9 Integration of Geophysical Tools for Unconventional Resources Development9.10 Calculating Stimulated Reservoir Volume Based on Deformation9.11 Integrated Approach for Fracture Zone Characterization9.12 Quantifying the Risks Associated with Induced SeismicityReferencesIndex
- No. of pages: 344
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Volume: 60
- Published: December 9, 2013
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444506627
- eBook ISBN: 9780080929613
Fred Aminzadeh
Affiliations and expertise
Professor of Petroleum and Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los AngelesSD
Shivaji N. Dasgupta
Affiliations and expertise
Saudi ARAMCO, Dahran, Saudi ArabiaRead Geophysics for Petroleum Engineers on ScienceDirect