Contents of Volume 1
Part I Geology: Coarse Grained Sediment Transport and Accumulation in Estuaries
Morphology of Sand Accumulation in Estuaries: An Introduction to the Symposium
Hurricanes as Geologic Agents on the Texas Coast
Tide and Fair-Weather Wind Effects in a Bar-Built Louisiana Estuary
Processes of Sediment Transport and Tidal Delta Development in a Stratified Tidal Inlet
Origin and Processes of Cuspate Spit Shorelines
Moveable-Bed Model Study of Galveston Bay Entrance
Simulation of Sediment Movement for Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina
Sediment Transport Processes in the Vicinity of Inlets with Special Reference to Sand Trapping
A Recent History of Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina
The Recent History of Wachapreague Inlet, Virginia
The Influence of Waves on the Origin and Development of the Offset Coastal Inlets of the Southern Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia
Response Chracteristics of a Tidal Inlet: A Case Study
Genesis of Bedforms in Mesotidal Estuaries
Bedform Distribution and Migration Patterns on Tidal Deltas in the Chatham Harbor Estuary, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Morphology and Hydrodynamics of the Merrimack River Ebb-Tidal Delta
Ebb-Tidal Deltas of Georgia Estuaries
Hydrodynamics and Tidal Deltas of North Inlet, South Carolina
Intertidal Sand Bars in Cobequid Bay (Bay of Fundy)
Sediment Transport and Deposition in a Macrotidal River Channel: Ord River, Western Australia
A Study of Hydraulics and Bedforms at the Mouth of the Tay Estuary, Scotland
Circulation and Salinity Distribution in the Rio Guayas Estuary, Ecuador
Tidal Currents, Sediment Transport and Sand Banks in Chesapeake Bay Entrance, Virginia
High-Energy Bedforms in the Non-tidal Great Belt linking North Sea and Baltic Sea
Part II Engineering: 1) Use of Vegetation in Coastal Engineering
The Influence of Environmental Changes in Heavy Metal Concentrations on Spartina alterniflora
Biotic Techniques for Shore Stabilization
Salt-Water Marsh Creation
Submergent Vegetation for Bottom Stabilization
Vegetation for Creation and Stabilization of Foredunes, Texas Coast
Management of Salt-Marsh and Coastal-Dune Vegetation
Some Estuarine Consequences of Barrier Island Stabilization
Where Do We Go From Here?
2) Estuatine Dredging Problems and Effects
An Overview of the Technical Aspects of the Corps of Engineers National Dredged Material Research Program
Aspects of Dredged Material Research in New England
Effects of Suspended and Deposited Sediments on Estuarine Environments
Water-Quality Aspects of Dredging and Dredge-Spoil Disposal in Estuarine Environments
Meiobenthos Ecosystems as Indicators of the Effects of Dredging