I. Case History Studies on Rifts: Europe and Asia. The Oslo Rift: a review (E.-R. Neumann et al.). A stretching model for the Oslo Rift (H.E. Ro, J.I. Faleide). Early magmatic phase in the Oslo Rift and its related stress regime (B. Sundvoll, B.T. Larsen, B. Wandaas). North Sea rift system (P.A. Ziegler). Basaltic magmatism in the North Sea and its relationship to lithospheric extension (D. Latin, F.G. Waters). European Cenozoic rift system (P.A. Ziegler). Lithospheric cross sections of the European Cenozoic rift system (C. Prodehl et al.). Deep crustal structure of the Rhine Graben from DEKORP-ECORS seismic reflection data: a summary (J.P. Brun, M.-A. Gutscher and teams). 3-D structure of the lithosphere beneath the southern Rhine Graben area (A. Glahn, M. Granet). Subsidence analysis and modelling of the Roer Valley Graben (SE Netherlands) (L. Zijerveld et al.). Mafic alkaline magmatism associated with the European Cenozoic rift system (M. Wilson, H. Downes). The Valencia trough (western Mediterranean): an overview (E. Banda, P. Santanach). Styles of extension in the Pannonian Basin (G. Tari, F. Horváth, J. Rumpler). Tertiary evolution of the Intra-Carpathian area: a model (L. Csontos et al.). Review of Neogene and Quaternary volcanism of the Carpathian-Pannonian region (C. Szaboó, S. Harangi, L. Csontos). Dnieper-Donets palaeorift (A.V. Chekunov et al.). Baikal rift zone: structure and geodynamics (N.A. Logatchev, Yu. A. Zorin). Asthenospheric diapir beneath the Baikal rift: petrological constraints (A.I. Kislev, A.M. Popov). Faults and tectonic stresses of the Baikal Rift Zone (S.I. Sherman). Heat flow variations in continental rifts (S.V. Lysak). Geodynamics of the Shanxi Rift system, China (X. Xu, X. Ma). The Mesozoic-Cenozoic east China rift system (Z.-Y. Tian, P. Han, K.-D. Xu). II. Case History Studies on Rifts: North and South America and Africa. Tectonic setting of the Midcontinent Rift system (W.R. Van Schmus). Geophysical investigations and crustal structure of the North American Midcontinent Rift system (W.J. Hinze et al.). The igneous petrology and magmatic evolution of the Midcontinent rift system (K.W. Klewin, S.B. Shirey). The Midcontinent rift in the Lake Superior region with emphasis on its geodynamic evolution (W.F. Cannon). Speculations on the origin of the North American Midcontinent rift (W.F. Cannon, W.J. Hinze). Variations across and along a major continental rift: an interdisciplinary study of the Basin and Range Province, western USA (C.H. Jones et al.). Tectonics and stratigraphy of the East Brazil Rift system: an overview (H.K. Chang et al.). The West and Central African rift systems: Foreword (J.D. Fairhead). A plate tectonic setting for Mesozoic rifts of West and Central Africa (R.M. Binks, J.D. Fairhead). Early Cretaceous rifts of Western and Central Africa : an overview (R. Guiraud, J.-C. Maurin). Regional framework, structural and petroleum aspects of rift basins in Niger, Chad and the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) (G.J. Genik). Tectonostratigraphic development of the Interior Sudan rifts, Central Africa (T.R. McHargue et al.). Magmatism and rifting in Western and Central Africa, from Late Jurassic to Recent times (M. Wilson, R. Guiraud). Chronology and dynamic setting of Cretaceous-Cenozoic rifting in West and Central Africa (R. Guiraud et al.). Comparison of the Tanganyika, Malawi, Rukwa and Turkana Rift zones from analyses of seismic reflection data (B.R. Rosendahl, E. Kilembe, K. Kaczmarick). Some remarks on the structure and geodynamics of the Kenya Rift (U. Achauer et al.). Nature of the crust beneath magmatically active continental rifts (P. Mohr). III. Geodynamics of Rifting: Thematic Discussions. The role of rifting in the evolution of the Earth's crust (V.Y. Khain). Plate tectonics, plate moving mechanisms and rifting (P.A. Ziegler). Rifting of Africa and pattern of mantle convection beneath the African plate (N. Pavoni). Aulacogens and aulacogeosynclines: Regularities in setting and evolution (E.E. Milanovsky). From rifting to passive margin: the examples of the Red Sea, Central Atlantic and Alpine Tethys (P. Favre and G.M. Stampfli). Modelling the loading stresses associated with active continental rift systems (M.H.P. Bott). The mechanics of continental extension and sedimentary basin formation: A simple-shear / pure-shear flexural cantilever model (N.J. Kusznir, P.A. Ziegler). Modelling the tectonic development of the Tucano and Sergipe-Alagoas rift basins, Brazil (G.D. Karner, S.S. Egan, J.K. Weissel). Variation in extensional fault geometry related to heterogeneities within basement and sedimentary sequences (J.-J. Jarrige). Intraplate stresses and dynamical aspects of rifted basins (S. Cloetingh, H. Kooi). Role of crustal stretching on subsidence of the continental crust (E.V. Artyushkov). Development of asymmetric basins along continental transform faults (Z. Ben-Avraham). Geodynamics of rifting and implications for hydrocarbon habitat (P.A. Ziegler).