Section A: Stable Isotope Geochemistry.
1. Boron isotopes in cherts: DSDP and on-land; fractionation and diagenesis (Y. Kolodny).
2. The significance of &dgr;34S determination and evaluation in organic rich sediments, insight into the mechanistic approach I. The role of sulfur in the diagenetic stage: A conceptual review (Z. Aizenshtat, A. Amrani).
3. The significance of &dgr;34S determination and evaluation in organic rich sediments, insight into the mechanistic approach II. Insight to the mechanisms controlling catagenesis of Type II-S kerogens to the formation of asphalt and petroleum: Study and conceptual overview (Z. Aizenshtat, A. Amrani).
4. The distribution and isotopic composition of sulfur in solid bitumen from Papua New Guinea (M. Ahmed et al.).
5. Ventilation of marine sediments indicated by depth profiles of porewater sulfate and &dgr;34S (G.E. Claypool).
6. Factors controlling the carbon isotopic composition of methane and carbon dioxide in New Zealand geothermal and natural gases (J. Hulston).
7. Insights on the origin of pristane and phytane in sediments and oils from laboratory heating experiments (R. Ishiwatari, M. Ishiwatari).
8. Light element geochemistry of the lunar surface (J.F. Kerridge).
9. Stable and radiocarbon isotopes and carbon cycling in coastal sediments (M.I. Venkatesan).
10. Holocene chronostratigraphic beachrocks and their geologic climatic significance (G.M. Friedman).
Section B: Forensic and Environmental Geochemistry.
11. Molecular markers and their use in environmental organic geocehmistry (R. Eganhouse).
12. The geochemical and magnetic record of coal combustion products in West Virginia reservoir sediments and soils (M. Goldhaber, T. Callender, R. Reynolds).
13. Projections of fossil fuel use and future atmospheric CO2 concentrations (P. Doose).
14. Geochemistry of coastal tar balls in southern California - A tribute to I.R. Kaplan (K. Kvenvolden).
15. Behavior of oxy-anions of As, Se and Mo in full-scale wastewater treatment plants (J.O. Nriagu et al.).
16. An evaluation of hydroxyl radical formation in river water and the potential for photodegradation of bisphenol A (N. Nakatani, N. Hashimoto, H. Sakugawa).
17. Water soluble dicarboxylic acids, total carbon and nitrogen, and their stable isotope ratios in Asian aerosols (K. Kawamura et al.).
18. Trace elements in Gulf of Mexico Oysters, 1986-1999 (B.J. Presley et al.).
Section C: Petroleum Geochemistry.
19. Geochemical differentiation of Silurian from Devonian crude oils in eastern Algeria (K.E. Peters, S. Creaney).
20. C4-Benzene and C4-Naphthalene thermal maturity indicators for pyrolysates, oils and condensates
(R.J. Hill et al.).
21. Thermal alteration of cretaceous black shale from the Eastern Atlantic III: Laboratory simulations
(B.R.T. Simoneit et al.).
22. Vitrinite alteration rate as a function of temperature, time, starting material, aqueous fluid pressure, and oxygen fugacity - Laboratory corroboration of prior work (W.G. Ernst, R. Ferreiro Mählmann).
23. "... and the vale of Siddim was full of slime [=bitumen, asphalt ?] pits" (Genesis, 14:10) (A. Nissenbaum).
Section D: Geochemistry of Ancient and Recent Sediments.
24. Geochemical and submicron-scale morphologic analysis of individual Precambrian microorganisms (J.W. Schopf).
25. Origin and migration of methane in gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the Nankai Trough (A. Waseda, T. Uchida).
26. Seasonal methane emissions by diffusion and ebullition from oligohaline marsh environments, Terrebonne Parrish, Atchafalaya Basin, Gulf Coast Louisiana (J.S. Leventhal, G.R. Guntenspergen).
27. Organic geochemistry of lipids in marine sediments in the Canary Basin: Implications for origin and accumulation of organic matter (S. Linblom, U. Järnberg).
28. Formation of eastern Mediterranean sapropels - what can be learnt from Baltic Sea sapropels? (R. Hallberg).
29. Carbon-sulfur- iron relationships in the rapidly accumulating marine sediments off southwestern Taiwan (Shuh-Ji Kao et al.).