Damaging accidental explosions are a continuous threat to industry. Categories for such explosions include combustible dust explosions; reactive gas explosions, both confined and unconfined; hybrid explosions involving both gases and dusts; bursts of pressure vessels and piping; and liquid propellant explosions. This book evaluates the physical processes and resulting blast effects for these types of explosions. Special attention is given to reactive gas explosions, both confined and unconfined. This latter class of explosion has occurred all too frequently in refineries and petrochemical complexes, and is also one of the most difficult to predict and evaluate. Much recent work on this topic is reviewed and summarized. This is the only publication of its kind, to date, that offers such a thorough coverage of these types of industrial explosions. [p]Each class of explosion source is reviewed separately, first discussing fundamentals, then presenting methods of analysis and testing, and finally giving curves or equations to predict effects of the particular class of explosion. An extensive bibliography is included together with tables of pertinent properties of explosive materials. The text also includes many figures, equations, tables and a keyword index.
The book is intended for researchers in the field of characterizing and mitigating industrial explosions. It will also be of interest to engineers, scientists, and insurers involved in processes.