Spectrometry for spin and shape isomer identification, R W Bauer et al. Status of current nuclear structure data bases for gamma-ray laser applications, E D Arthur & D C George. Symmetry approach to coherence in spontaneous decay, F X Hartmann et al. Laser coupling to nuclei via collective electronic oscillations: a simple heuristic model study, J C Solem and L C Biedenharer. Graser with recoil, L Cohen. An examination of the pumping requirements for multiphoton deexcitation of isomeric levels, D Sparrow et al. An investigation into the possibility of lasing directly from an isomeric level, B Balko. Compilation of low energy gamma-rays, A Artna-Cohen. Superlattice geometry for gamma-ray lasers, G C Baldwin. Perfect crystal grasers, G T Trammell et al. Theorem relating spatial and temporal harmonics for nuclear interlevel transfer driven by collective electronic oscillations, J C Solem. Nuclear excitation via the motion of electrons in a strong laser field, J F Berger et al. Research required for the development of gamma-ray lasers, G C Baldwin. Some Mossbauer effect considerations in gamma-ray laser development, G R Hoy et al. Level mixing resonance spectroscopy (LENS) - a novel probe of non linear nuclear quadrupole resonance, R Coussement & P Boolchand. Experimentally realized linewidths of narrow nuclear gamma resonances, P Boolchand.