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This new volume of Methods in Enzymology continues the legacy of this premier serial by containing quality chapters authored by leaders in the field. This volume covers G protein c… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
This new volume of Methods in Enzymology continues the legacy of this premier serial by containing quality chapters authored by leaders in the field. This volume covers G protein coupled receptors and includes chapters on such topics as post-translation modification of GPCR in relationship to biased agonism, structure-based virtual screening, and GPCR oligomerization in the brain.
Series Page
Methods in Enzymology
Chapter One. Expression of GPCRs in Pichia pastoris for Structural Studies
1 Introduction
2 Generation of Expression Clones
3 Screening Transformants
4 Characterization and Optimization of Initial Target Receptor Production
5 Large-Scale Production
6 Prospects for Large-Scale GPCR Production in P. pastoris
Chapter Two. Conformational Ensemble View of G Protein-Coupled Receptors and the Effect of Mutations and Ligand Binding
1 Introduction
2 Overview of the Conformational Ensemble Prediction
3 Generating Starting Structures Based on Templates
4 BiHelix: TM Bundle Conformational Sampling of Helix Rotation Angles
5 SuperBiHelix TM Bundle Sampling of All Helix Orientation Angles
6 Effect of Mutations on the WT Conformational Ensemble
7 Ensemble Docking of Ligands to WT or Mutant Receptors
8 Summary
Chapter Three. Structural Evolution of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
1 Introduction
2 The Puzzle of GPCR Evolution
3 The Evolution of Class A GPCRs Viewed by MDS
4 Evolutionary Trends
5 Structural Evolution of GPCRs
6 Summary
Chapter Four. Directed Evolution of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors for High Functional Expression and Detergent Stability
1 Introduction
2 Methods
Chapter Five. The Role of Hydrophobic Amino Acids in the Structure and Function of the Rhodopsin Family of G Protein-Coupled Receptors
1 Introduction
2 The Structure of GPCRs
3 Sequence Analyses of the 7TM Segments of the Rhodopsin Family of GPCRs
4 Importance of the Highly Conserved Hydrophobic Amino Acid at Position 3.40 in the Process of Agonist-Induced Receptor Activation
5 The Hydrophobic Cages of Arginine of the (D/E)RY Motif in TM3, Tyrosine of the (N/D)PxxY Motif in TM7, and Tyrosine in TM5
6 The Transmembrane Aqueous Channel is Interrupted by a Layer of Hydrophobic Residues
7 The Role of Highly Conserved Hydrophobic Residues in G Protein Binding
8 The Role of Highly Conserved Hydrophobic Residues in Receptor Oligomerization
9 Conclusions
Chapter Six. Structure of β-Adrenergic Receptors
1 Introduction
2 Toward the Structures of β-Adrenergic Receptors
3 Lessons from the Structures of β-Adrenergic Receptors
4 Outlook
Chapter Seven. Advances in Methods to Characterize Ligand-Induced Ionic Lock and Rotamer Toggle Molecular Switch in G Protein-Coupled Receptors
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Principles
3 Detailed Experimental Procedure
Chapter Eight. Crystallogenesis of Adenosine A2A Receptor—T4 Lysozyme Fusion Protein
1 Introduction
2 Generation of Fusion Receptors for Crystallogenesis
3 Small-Scale Purification
4 Analytical Size-Exclusion Chromatography
5 Other Analytical Methods
6 Ligand and Additive Selection
7 Large-Scale Purification of Receptors
8 Crystallization
9 Crystal Testing and Data Collection
10 Summary
Chapter Nine. Probing GPCR Structure
1 Introduction
2 Receptors for Extracellular Nucleosides and their Modeled Structures
3 Receptors for Extracellular Nucleotides and their Modeled Structures
4 Neoceptors: Reengineering GPCRs for Recognition of Modified Agonists
Chapter Ten. Strategies for Studying the Ligand Binding Site of GPCRs
1 Introduction
2 The VPAC1 Receptor, an Archetype of the Class B GPCRs
3 Photoaffinity Labeling of the VPAC1 Receptor
4 Chemical and Enzymatic Cleavages of Photoaffinity-Labeled VPAC1
5 Identification of the VPAC1 Residue Covalently Linked to the 125I-Bpa Probe by Edman Degradation Sequencing or “Met-Scan” Procedures
6 Summary
Chapter Eleven. Expression of Mammalian G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Caenorhabditis elegans
1 Introduction
2 Expression of Transgenic GPCRs in C. elegans
3 Detection of Heterologous GPCR Gene Expression
4 Large-Scale Expression of Heterologous GPCRs
5 Purification of Heterologous GPCRs
6 Determination of Transgenic GPCR Activity and Function
7 Concluding Remarks
Chapter Twelve. Expression, Purification, and Structural Analysis of Intracellular C-Termini from Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors
1 Introduction
2 Synthesis of mGluR-CT
3 Structural Analysis
Chapter Thirteen. Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis of GPCRs Using Amber Codon Suppression and Bioorthogonal Labeling
1 Introduction
2 Site-Specific Introduction of Chemically Reactive Handles in Proteins by UAA Mutagenesis
3 Luciferase as a Tool to Optimize the UAA Mutagenesis Method
4 Luciferase as a Tool to Evaluate Bioorthogonal Chemical Ligation Reactions to Modify UAAs
5 Synthesis of Probes with Reactive Groups for Bioorthogonal Reactions
6 Site-Specific Labeling of Membrane Proteins using Chemically Reactive Handles Introduced by Site-Directed UAA Mutagenesis
7 Extension of the Labeling Strategy to GPCRs of Unknown Structure
8 Engineering Constraints of Site-Specific Attachment of Fluorophores
9 Conclusions
Chapter Fourteen. Mapping a Ligand Binding Site Using Genetically Encoded Photoactivatable Crosslinkers
1 Introduction
2 Targeted Photocrosslinking in Live Cells Using Genetically Encoded Photocrosslinkers
3 Analysis of GPCR–Ligand Complexes
4 Conclusion
Chapter Fifteen. Alternative mRNA Splicing of G Protein-Coupled Receptors
1 Introduction
2 Establishment of Primary hMSMCs
3 Detection of Alternatively Spliced mRNA
4 Quantification of Alternatively Spliced mRNAs Using Real-Time qPCR
5 Summary
Chapter Sixteen. Functional Residues Essential for the Activation of the CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor
1 Introduction
2 The HU210-CB1 Receptor Model Representing an Early Stage of the Activated State
3 The HU210-CB1 Receptor in the Active State
4 Potential Functional Residues of the CB1 Receptor
5 Emerging Picture of the Molecular Mechanism of CB1 Receptor Activation
Author Index
Subject Index