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Fuzzy Modeling and Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining and Exploration is a handbook for analysts, engineers, and managers involved in developing data mining models in business… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Fuzzy Modeling and Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining and Exploration is a handbook for analysts, engineers, and managers involved in developing data mining models in business and government. As you’ll discover, fuzzy systems are extraordinarily valuable tools for representing and manipulating all kinds of data, and genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming techniques drawn from biology provide the most effective means for designing and tuning these systems.
You don’t need a background in fuzzy modeling or genetic algorithms to benefit, for this book provides it, along with detailed instruction in methods that you can immediately put to work in your own projects. The author provides many diverse examples and also an extended example in which evolutionary strategies are used to create a complex scheduling system.
Earl has over thirty years experience in managing and participating in the software development process at the system as well as tightly integrated application level. In the area of advanced machine intelligence technologies, Earl is a recognized expert in fuzzy logic, and adaptive fuzzy systems as they are applied to information and decision theory. He has pioneered the integration of fuzzy neural systems with genetic algorithms and case-based reasoning. As an industry observer and futurist, Earl has written and talked extensively on the philosophy of the Response to Change, the nature of Emergent Intelligence, and the Meaning of Information Entropy in Mind and Machine.