Preface. VOLUME 1. Invited papers. Nuclear fusion, an energy source (R. Toschi). ITER overview (R. Aymar). The ITER magnet system (M. Huguet). Design of in-vessel components for ITER (R.R. Parker). Management of waste from the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor and from future fusion power plants (K. Bróden et al.). Status of European breeding blanket technology (L. Giancarli, M. Dalle Donne, W. Dietz). Recent results on vacuum pumping and fuel clean-up (R.-D. Penzhorn, D. Murdoch, R. Haange). Remote handling on fusion experiments (A.C. Rolfe). Possible divertor solutions for a fusion reactor. Part I. Physical aspects based on present day divertor operation (A. Kallenbach et al.). Part II. Technical aspects of a possible divertor (Ph. Chappuis et al.). Engineering experience in JET operations (E. Bertolini). D-T operation on TFTR (M.D. Williams). Development of high current negative ion source (T. Kuroda). Advances in techniques for diagnosing fusion plasmas (P.E. Stott). On-site developed components for control and data acquisition on next generation fusion devices (C.A.F. Varandas et al.). Oral Presentations. 10 papers. Contributed papers. Sections: A. First Wall, Divertors and Vacuum Systems. B. Plasma Heating and Control. C. Plasma Engineering and Control. D. Experimental Systems. VOLUME 2. E. Magnet and Related Power Supplies. F. Fuel Cycle and Tritium Processing Systems. G. Blanket Technology/Materials. H. Assembly, Remote Handling and Waste Management and Storage. I. Safety and Environment, Reactor Studies.