Invited Papers: The role of the associations in the European fusion programme (K. Pinkau). Towards a greater involvement of industry in the Community fusion programme (F. Fuster Jaume). Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor D-T results (D.M. Meade). Recent progress in JT-60U experiments (Y. Neyatani). Recent results from the DIII-D tokamak and implications for future devices (J. Luxon). JET with a pumped divertor: design, construction, commissioning and first operation (E. Bertolini). JET relevance to ITER, new trends and initial results (J. Jacquinot). ITER: the first experimental fusion reactor (P.-H. Rebut). Progress in the design of in-vessel components for ITER (R. Parker, W.B. Gauster). Model coil development and testing for ITER (B. Montgomery, K. Okuno, A. Torossian, T. Trokhachev, H. Tsuji). Advanced electron cyclotron heating systems for next-step fusion experiments (M. Thumm). Analyses performed within the European Safety and Environmental Assessment of Fusion Power (SEAFP) (I. Cook). The 14 MeV neutron source for the development of fusion reactor materials (P. Schiller).
Sections: I. First Wall, Divertor and Vacuum Systems. II. Plasma Heating and Control. III. Experimental Systems. IV. Magnets and Power Supplies. V. Fuel Cycle and Tritium Processing Systems. VI. Blanket Technology/Materials. VII. Remote Handling. VIII. Safety and Environment, Reactor Studies.