Volume I
Opening Addresses
R.S. Pease - Director of Culham Laboratory
Message from Guido Brunner - Commissioner for Energy, Research, Science and Education
R. Hancox - Symposium Chairman
Invited Lectures
Fusion and Renewable Energy Resources
Euratom Fusion Technology Programme
JET for Active Operation
Large Superconducting Magnets
The Zephyr Experiment
Technology of Heavy Ion Fusion
Materials Problems in Fusion Reactors
Hybrid Reactors
Design of an Engineering Test Facility
INTOR, a European View
Blankets & Shielding
Lithium technology development for fusion reactors
Comparison of calculated and experimental neutron attenuation and streaming data for fusion reactor design
Thermoelectric MHD in fusion technology
Activation and decay heat of an aluminum blanket for experimental fusion reactors
Calculation of neutron and gamma-ray streaming through the neutral beam injector port of INTOR-J
Transient analysis for fusion blanket power accidents
Parameter study on poloidal response distributions in toroidal blanket geometries
A conceptual composite blanket design for the tokamak type of thermonuclear reactor incorporating thermoelectric pumping of liquid lithium
Compatibility of Li20 with impure helium
Fusion blankets for high-efficiency power cycles
Design studies of an aluminum first wall for INTOR
NOEL - a no-leak fusion blanket concept
Surface heat loads during major disruptions in INTOR
Prompt radiation, activation, and shielding in the ignition experiment ZEPHYR
First wall life prediction by the FWLTB computer program
Measurements of tritium production in a lithium-aluminate blanket model and comparison with theoretical studies
Main features of an aluminum first wall and non-breeding blanket for experimental fusion reactors
Slowing-down as a neutron multiplication substitute for fusion reactor blankets
Neutronic design study of WITAMIR-I
Revised estimates of the tritium breeding performance of CTR blankets
Shielding studies for the Culham Conceptual Tokamak Reactor Mk.II
Vacuum Systems
Dynamic response analysis of the vacuum vessel of JT-60 against saddle-like electromagnetic forces
A tokamak model test against seismic vibration
An eddy current test on a tokamak vacuum vessel model
The thermo-magnetic transient in the vacuum vessel of a high field compact experiment
Electromagnetic loads on the ZEPHYR vacuum vessel caused by hard plasma disruption
New technologies applied to the vacuum vessel of ZEPHYR
Vacuum pumping system of the JET-Torus
Cryo-supply and transfer system for the JET neutral injection cryo-pumps
The gas beaming effect in the JET neutral injection vacuum system
Hydrogen cryopump operated near 2.2K for the PETULA tokamak
Shield vacuum seal development
Response of Zr-Al getter material to the anticipated TFTR in-torus environment
Magnet Technology
A toroidal bitter plate magnet for an ignition test reactor
Numerical computation of electromagnetic forces on the poloidal field coils of a tokamak device
tress analysis in the toroidal field magnet of tokamak devices
A reliability test on a toroidal field coil by imposing force and heat simulating the actual load
Design of rectangular coils for a tokamak
Stray field prevention in SPICA II
Stray field asymmetry due to the choice of the iron core geometry in tokamaks
Stresses in the ignitor device: problems and solutions
Some considerations on the stress analysis of the Swiss coil for the large coil task
Test program on the insulation system for the JET inner poloidal coils
3D-finite element model computation of the ASDEX divertor coils
Operational test and final technical concept of the ASDEX multipole magnetic field coils
Tape wound toroidal field magnet concept for ZEPHYR
A bitter type toroidal field magnet for ZEPHYR
Development of a copper-austenite conductor for the Zephyr toroidal field coil
Nb3Sn strip superconductor in tokamak windings
Manufacture and mechanical test of a "Tores Supra" model coil
Development of large D-shaped superconducting magnet
The manufacture of the JET toroidal field coils
Mechanical design of the poloidal coils for a large RFP experiment
Poloidal magnetic system for a large RFP experiment
Analysis of some fault conditions for the poloidal system of RFX
The design and development of the coils and cooling system for the DITE Mk II bundle divertor
Finite element analysis of the mechanical behaviour of the LCT-coil under magnetic body forces
The mechanical design of the Euratom test coil for the large coil task
TRIPERM - a versatile experimental facility for studying tritium and hydrogen permeation at nuclear heat exchanger conditions
Diffusion of tritium in ceramic blanket materials: the temperature dependence of the diffusion of tritium in 3-Li5AlO4
The influence of oxide film growth on tritium permeation through steam generator tubing
Helium purification by a tritiated water absorption system
Evaluation of large-scale gaschromatography for the recovery and separation of tritium from the exhaust of tritium-burning tokamak fusion experiments
Experimental Systems
Mechanical technology unique to laser fusion experimental systems
Technology for large tandem mirror experiments
Design of the ERASMUS 2 tokamak
Design and construction of the TCA tokamak
The reconfiguration of Doublet III to facilitate a reactor simulation experiment
Pulsed power supply and coil assembly of TPE-2
The design of SPICA II
A neutral beam-line installation for testing injector systems in the long pulse, megawatt regime
Completion and start-up phase of the ASDEX tokamak
An equipment protection and safety system for ASDEX tokamak
The JET mechanical structure - final design
Design proposal for the 2.0 MA RFX load assembly
The manufacture and assembly of a conducting shell and vacuum liner for the HBTXIA experiment
DITE status and upgrade proposals
Reduction of vibrational interference from the iron core on HBTXIA
Data Acquisition & Control
Real-time processor for a tokamak
Control, acquisition and data retrieval for the TCA tokamak
Design of the control and data acquisition system for SPICA II
Standardization of data organisation and management
Acquisition, archiving, and analysis of Doublet III diagnostic data on a distributed computer system
Control systems for sustaining neutral beam power supplies
A distributed intelligence control system using fibre optics
An automatic method for storing and retrieving raw data and analysed results
Data acquisition for the DITE surface physics experiments
The structure and support of a laboratory control and data acquisition system
The engineering data system for the HBTXIA experiment
Improved data acquisition system for TFR
Progress in computer-assisted diagnosis, and control of neutral beam lines
System design of ZENKEI, the central control system for JT-60
Data acquisition and processing system for the HCN interferometer diagnostic at the TEXTOR experiment
Microcomputer control of vacuum and gas filling systems
Remote control and display for TEXTOR with a CAMAC-computer system
Power Supplies
The sustaining neutral beam power supply system for the mirror fusion test facility
MFTF neutral-beam pulse power modulator
High power vacuum tube technology applied to fusion systems components
DITE Mk2 bundle divertor power supplies and control system
Plasma current control system in JIPP T-II
Power supply system of neutral beam injector for JFT-2
A half megawatt RF system for ion-cyclotron heating of the ERASMUS tokamak
Toroidal field circuit for a large RFP experiment
A modular approach for RFX DC power supplies
Some electro-technology aspects of HBTXIA
Feedback-controlled power supply for the vertical and horizontal field of TCA
High speed thyristor power amplifier control for JT-60 poloidal field
A thyristor breaker of 1.5 M 10Y V.A. for the poloidal field system of Torus Supra
The JET toroidal field power supply-capabilities and limitations
Test results of the Heliotron E power supply and control system
A 150kW low frequency oscillator for wall cleaning and preionisation of the TCA tokamak
JT-60 ohmic heating power supply
Optimized ohmic heating system with vacuum interrupter for the W VII stellarator
The ASDEX overvoltage protection system
A 2MJ drum-type homopolar motor-generator: developments and tests
Interactions between the line connected static convertors of TEXTOR
The grounding system of TEXTOR
A storage coil adapted to a power pulse system
Large flywheel generator - diode convertor for the JET tokamak
Plasma Engineering
Beamline system of neutral beam injector for JFT-2
Design considerations of neutral beam injection system for an ignition tokamak
Development of extraction electrode systems for 80kV long pulse operation on the Culham megawatt beam line
Transient simulation analysis of gas feed into a NBI neutral cell
Neutral beam injector performance on the PLT and PDX tokamaks
Considerations and calculations for the neutral-injection system in ZEPHYR
Physics design calculations for the JET neutral injectors
High power-density steady-state heat sinks
Investigation of the RF ion source RIG 10 for neutral injectors
A new procedure for the design of the equilibrium-field-currents for non-circular plasmas
Analytical evaluation of the inductances and dL/dR matrices in JET
Plasma equilibrium control in Doublet III
Experimental research on power supply and plasma control using simulator
Operation of the ASDEX feedback system
Plasma feedback control in JET
Particle and energy unloading from a tokamak using scrape-off limiters combined with helical islands
Heat removal in INTOR via a toroidal limiter
Design considerations and lay-out of the JET limiters
TRAIL: a tokamak rail gun limiter
Limiters in the Frascati tokamak device
Thermal consequences of plasma disruptions in TFTR and ETF
Estimates on a helical magnetic limiter applied to INTOR
High power RF systems for RFC-XX device
Technical aspects of a grill coupling system for lower hybrid heating in the WEGA tokamak
Application of torsional TTMP heating in PETULA tokamak - development necessary for large machines
An all metal array of antennae for RF heating of tokamaks in the ion cyclotron range of frequency
Start-up and heating of RFP reactors and large experiments
Acceleration and injection of D2-pellets
Conceptual design of cluster ion accelerator with moving potential wells
Ion beam generation with an inverse reflex tetrode
Reactor Studies
A tandem mirror reactor with an inherent thermal barrier
Energy accounting for heavy ion fusion reactor with various driver accelerators
Culham Conceptual Tokamak Reactor Mk II. Conceptual layout of buildings for a twin reactor power station
The effect of engineering considerations being accepted as the prime constraint in tokamak fusion reactor design
A steady-state tokamak reactor with non-divertor impurity control - STARFIRE
The Belt-Screw-Pinch reactor and other high-beta systems
Inertial confinement fusion reactor systems
Modeling of divertor flow for a reactor regime
Electromagnetic transient effects in the structure of experimental fusion reactors
An analysis of the estimated capital cost of a fusion-reactor
Factors affecting the minimum capital cost of a tokamak reactor
HYFIRE: a tokamak-high-temperature electrolysis system
A high flux energy and particle collection scheme for divertors
A "compact" reversed-field pinch (CRFP) reactor design
Conceptual studies on high gain laser fusion reactor with magnetically guided Li flow
Preliminary studies of the systems integration of NET/INTOR
Preliminary investigation of burn control in NET-INTOR
Neutron wall load, power density and pay-back time
WITAMIR-I, a tandem mirror reactor with non-zero nu
Fusion Materials
Radiation damage simulation experiments on a Mn-Cr austenitic stainless steel in a HVEM
Random walk of helium bubbles in vanadium
Electron beam weldabilitiy of nitrogen strengthed austenitic structural materials for fusion magnets
Irradiation creep and microstructural changes of stainless steel under light ion irradiation
An aluminum alloy for a non-breeding blanket NET/INTOR
First wall design and low-Z material development in JT-60
List of Poster Sessions
List of Discussion Sessions
List of Participants
Author Index