Fundamental Issues and Applications of Shock-Wave and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena
- 1st Edition - February 8, 2001
- Authors: K.P. Staudhammer, L.E. Murr, M.A. Meyers
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 3 8 9 6 - 2
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 5 0 7 7 - 0
This book contains the proceedings of EXPLOMET™ 2000, International Conference on Fundamental Issues and Applications of Shock-Wave and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena, held in Albuq… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThis book contains the proceedings of EXPLOMET™ 2000, International Conference on Fundamental Issues and Applications of Shock-Wave and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena, held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2000; the fifth in the EXPLOMET™ quinquennial series which began in Albuquerque in 1980.
The book is divided into five major sections with a total of 85 chapters. Section I deals with materials issues in shock and high strain rates while Section II covers shock consolidation, reactions, and synthesis. Materials aspects of ballistic and hypervelocity impact are covered in Section III followed by modeling and simulation in Section IV and a range of novel applications of shock and high-strain-rate phenomena in Section V.
Like previous conference volumes published in 1980, 1985, and 1995, the current volume includes contributions from fourteen countries outside the United States. As a consequence, it is hoped that this book will serve as a global summary of current issues involving shock and high-strain-rate phenomena as well as a general reference and teaching componant for specializd curricula dealing with these features in a contemporary way.
Over the past twenty years, the EXPLOMET™ Conferences have created a family of participants who not only converse every five years but who have developed long-standing interactions and professional relationships which continue to stimulate new concepts and applications particularly rooted in basic materials behavior.
The book is divided into five major sections with a total of 85 chapters. Section I deals with materials issues in shock and high strain rates while Section II covers shock consolidation, reactions, and synthesis. Materials aspects of ballistic and hypervelocity impact are covered in Section III followed by modeling and simulation in Section IV and a range of novel applications of shock and high-strain-rate phenomena in Section V.
Like previous conference volumes published in 1980, 1985, and 1995, the current volume includes contributions from fourteen countries outside the United States. As a consequence, it is hoped that this book will serve as a global summary of current issues involving shock and high-strain-rate phenomena as well as a general reference and teaching componant for specializd curricula dealing with these features in a contemporary way.
Over the past twenty years, the EXPLOMET™ Conferences have created a family of participants who not only converse every five years but who have developed long-standing interactions and professional relationships which continue to stimulate new concepts and applications particularly rooted in basic materials behavior.
For researchers in the field of shock and high-strain-rate phenomena. This book should also serve as a general reference work for those teaching in these fields.
Foreword: John S. Rinehart Awards: 2000. Our careers in dynamic material failure (D.A. Shockey, D.R. Curran). Preface. Materials Issues in Shock and High Strain Rates. Elastic-plastic impact (some persistent misperceptions) (J.J. Gilman). Dynamic material behavior under biaxial loading (L.W. Meyer, F. Hahn). A systematic study of the role of stacking fault energy (SFE) on shock-hardening in Cu and Cu-Al alloys (A. Rohatgi et al.). High strain-rate behavior of two Ti-6Al-4V alloys with different microstructures (T. Weerasooriya et al.). Experimental study of structural magnesium alloys with high absorption energy under dynamic loading (T. Mukai et al.). High strain rate behavior of explosives containing polymeric binders (V.S. Joshi, R.J. Lee). Dynamic behavior of high polymers with focus on macrolon (C.Y. Chiem et al.). Study on the formation of horizontal cracks in saturated sand (Che-Min Cheng et al.). Dynamic mechanical properties of microstructurally biased two-phase TiB2+Al203 ceramics (G. Kennedy et al.). Spall strengths of silicon carbides under shock loading (D.P. Dandekar, P.T. Bartkowski). Shear testing of Ti-6Al-4V alloy at high strain rates, up to 6*10E4 l/s (J.R. Klepaczko). Evolution of microstructure and strength during high-strain, high-strain-rate deformation of tantalum and tantalum -based alloys (F.D.S. Marquis). Fracture model for spalling of hard metallic materials based on the mesocale approach (P. Chevrier, J.R. Klepaczko). Effect of temperature and high strain rates on deformation induced phase transformation of Fe-Mn-Si-Al alloys (L.W. Meyer et al.). Dislocation aspects of shock-wave and high-strain-rate phenomena (R.W. Armstrong, F.J. Zerilli). Dynamic ductile evolution and tensile fracture: new experimental insights for models evolution (A.K. Zurek). Experimental and numerical study of the response of a woven glass/epoxy 7781 composite on the planar impact
loading (R. Tzubery et al.). Dependence of the titanium structure formed at high-strain-rate on its initial state (M.P. Bondar, O.L. Pervuhina). Measurement of lateral stress and spall strength in ceramics (N.H. Murray, W.G. Proud). Influence of microstructural anisotropy on the quasistatic and dynamic fracture of 1080 eutectoid steel (G.T. Gray III et al.). Shock-wave hardening and dynamic properties of a nitrogen alloyed austenitic steel at the Fe-Cr-Ni System (E. Lach et al.). Sound speeds of post-failure wave glass (J.U. Cazamias et al.). Shock properties of ALON (J.U. Cazamias et al.). Shock compression and sample recovery using cylindrical implosions (M. Yoshida et al.). Positive and negative strain-rate effect for materials with damage and/or phase transformation at high strain rates (L.-L. Wang, X-L. Dong). Appropriate material selection for surrogate leg models subjected to blast loading (D.S. Cronin et al.). Dynamic behavior of silicon carbide (C.J. Shih et al.). The effect of high strain rate compression on closed-cell aluminum foams (K.A. Dannemann et al.). Analysis of materials exposed to ultra-high shock pressure (J.N. Wilson et al.). Shock Consolidation, Reactions, and Synthesis. State of the art of explosive compaction (R. Prümmer). Shock synthesis of spinel-type high-pressure phase of Si3N4 (T. Sekine et al.). Explosive compaction of clad graphite powders and obtaining of coatings on their base (A.B. Peikrishvili et al.). Processing effects on the high-strain-rate response of hot-explosively-consolidated W-Ti alloys (L.J. Kecskes). Investigation of shock-induced chemical reactions in Mo-Si powder mixtures (K.S. Vandersall, N. Thadhani). Underwater-shock compaction of Mo/Cu functionally graded powders (A. Chiba et al.). Explosive compaction of nanocrystallime alumina powder (P. Weimar, R. Prümmer). On the numerical simulation of shock compacted metal sheathed high-Tc superconducting billets (A.G. Mamalis et al.). Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline NiTi shape-memory alloy by shock-compression (X. Xu, N. Thadhani). Synthesis of Ti-based metal-like ternary ceramic compounds by dynamic densification and reaction synthesis (J.L. Jordon, N. Thadhani). Fabrication of 2124 Al-SiC metal matrix composites by one dimensional underwater shock consolidation (K.S. Kumar et al.). Shock wave consolidation of B, B4C and powder mixtures containing B and B4C (F.D.S. Marquis et al.). Long-pulse explosive compacting of diamond powder (A.A. Deribas et al.). Shock compaction of bioceramic composites (M. Stuivinga et al.). Bulk samples of intermetallics, obtained by explosive compaction (R. Prümmer, D. Kochsiek). Material Aspects of Ballistic and Hypervelocity Impact. Energy deposition during rod penetration in multiple-layered targets of steel and titanium (F.I. Grace). Impact energy absorption of metal foam with controlled microstructure under dynamic loading (H. Kanahashi et al.). Comparison of deformation twinning in tungsten and iron ballistic projectiles (S. Pappu et al.). Anomalous flow phenomena in a high-oxygen-containing 375
tantalum explosively formed projectile (S. Sen et al.). Comparison of soda-lime glass, stainless steel, and tungsten carbide penetrator impact behavior on soft aluminum targets (O.L. Valerio et al.). Effects of properties of materials on penetration (J. Gao). Shear-band enforcement on flow upon stopping of penetrating projectiles by metallic targets (E. Hirsch, G. Yossifon). Study of titanium and uranium in plane and reverse ballistic experiments (B. Herrmann et al.). An examination of the taylor impact problem for experiments involving square and circular rods (G. Bessette, J.U. Cazarmias). Interface defeat of impacting rods against ceramic targets (F.I. Grace). Application of porous metal foams in hybrid armor systems (C.-J. Yu et al.). Microstructural and micromechanical aspects of ceramic/long-rod projectile interactions: dwell penetration transitions (J.C. LaSalvia et al.). Comparison of tungsten carbide penetrator impact behavior in soft and hard copper targets (D.A. Roberson et al.). Modelling and Simulation. Adiabatic shear bands: modeling and scaling laws (T.W. Wright). Constitutive modeling of spall-fracture on 1100 aluminum plates after hypervelocity impact (C. Carrasco et al.). Introduction of material length scales through damage percolation modeIling (M.J. Worswick et al.). A computational model for polyurethane foam (D.E. Grady, N.A. Winfree). A comparison of residual microstructures in explosively formed projectiles of copper and iron and their role in hydrocode validation (S. Pappu, L.E. Murr). Tungsten-heavy alloy ballistic rod penetration into a copper target: microstructural analysis and computer simulations (C. Kennedy et al.). Material model for high-hard steel and ballistic penetration simulations (C. Hari Manaj Simha, N.S. Brar). Modeling incipient spallation in commercially pure
tantalum (D.L. Tonks et al.). Experimental study and modeling of dynamic fracture of copper (S. Jacobi et al.). The proportion of plastic work converted to heat in Ti-6Al-4V: MTS model prediction and experimental data (D.A.S. Macdougall, P.J. Maudlin). Modeling solid-article erosion in high temperature superalloys (A. Rohatgi et al.). Novel Applications of Shock and High Strain-Rate Phenomena. Self-organization of shear bands in stainless steel: grain size effects (Q. Xue et al.). Comparison of calculated and experimental results of fragmenting cylinder experiments (L.T. Wilson et al.). Analysis of the shock interaction under the super deep penetration effect (S. Usherenko et al.). Dynamic material property studies by laser-launched flyer plate impact and transient x-ray diffraction (D.L. Paisley et al.). NITINOL®-stainless steel compound materials, made by explosive welding (R. Prümmer, D. Stöckel). Comparative behavior of Ti and 304 stainless steel in a magnetically-driven implosion at the Pegasus-II facility (J.L. Stokes et al.). Plug formation and fracture of hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) Ti-6Al-4V targets (V.F. Nesterenko et al.). Joining of thin metal plate onto various materials using regulated underwater shock wave (K. Hokamoto et al.). Non-die explosive forming of conjugated spherical pressure vessels (T. Zheng et al.). Non-die explosive forming of double-layered spherical metal vessels (T. Zheng et al.). Recent advances in high-pressure equation-of-state capabilities (J.R. Asay et al.). Explosive forming of thin-wall semi-spherical parts (H. Fengman et al.). Determination of crash-relevant parameters by dynamic tensile tests (I. Schael, W. Bleck). Examination of the mesoscopic scale response of shock compressed heterogeneous materials using a line-imaging velocity interferometer (W.M. Trott et al.). A method to estimate explosion-induced stress field in various media based on point source blast wave solution (A. Sakurai, K. Tanaka). Spall studies in copper foils using the laser-driven miniflyer (D.J. Alexander et al.). Non-die explosive forming of large extra-thin-wall spherical vessels (T. Zheng et al.). Contributing Author Index. Subject Index.
loading (R. Tzubery et al.). Dependence of the titanium structure formed at high-strain-rate on its initial state (M.P. Bondar, O.L. Pervuhina). Measurement of lateral stress and spall strength in ceramics (N.H. Murray, W.G. Proud). Influence of microstructural anisotropy on the quasistatic and dynamic fracture of 1080 eutectoid steel (G.T. Gray III et al.). Shock-wave hardening and dynamic properties of a nitrogen alloyed austenitic steel at the Fe-Cr-Ni System (E. Lach et al.). Sound speeds of post-failure wave glass (J.U. Cazamias et al.). Shock properties of ALON (J.U. Cazamias et al.). Shock compression and sample recovery using cylindrical implosions (M. Yoshida et al.). Positive and negative strain-rate effect for materials with damage and/or phase transformation at high strain rates (L.-L. Wang, X-L. Dong). Appropriate material selection for surrogate leg models subjected to blast loading (D.S. Cronin et al.). Dynamic behavior of silicon carbide (C.J. Shih et al.). The effect of high strain rate compression on closed-cell aluminum foams (K.A. Dannemann et al.). Analysis of materials exposed to ultra-high shock pressure (J.N. Wilson et al.). Shock Consolidation, Reactions, and Synthesis. State of the art of explosive compaction (R. Prümmer). Shock synthesis of spinel-type high-pressure phase of Si3N4 (T. Sekine et al.). Explosive compaction of clad graphite powders and obtaining of coatings on their base (A.B. Peikrishvili et al.). Processing effects on the high-strain-rate response of hot-explosively-consolidated W-Ti alloys (L.J. Kecskes). Investigation of shock-induced chemical reactions in Mo-Si powder mixtures (K.S. Vandersall, N. Thadhani). Underwater-shock compaction of Mo/Cu functionally graded powders (A. Chiba et al.). Explosive compaction of nanocrystallime alumina powder (P. Weimar, R. Prümmer). On the numerical simulation of shock compacted metal sheathed high-Tc superconducting billets (A.G. Mamalis et al.). Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline NiTi shape-memory alloy by shock-compression (X. Xu, N. Thadhani). Synthesis of Ti-based metal-like ternary ceramic compounds by dynamic densification and reaction synthesis (J.L. Jordon, N. Thadhani). Fabrication of 2124 Al-SiC metal matrix composites by one dimensional underwater shock consolidation (K.S. Kumar et al.). Shock wave consolidation of B, B4C and powder mixtures containing B and B4C (F.D.S. Marquis et al.). Long-pulse explosive compacting of diamond powder (A.A. Deribas et al.). Shock compaction of bioceramic composites (M. Stuivinga et al.). Bulk samples of intermetallics, obtained by explosive compaction (R. Prümmer, D. Kochsiek). Material Aspects of Ballistic and Hypervelocity Impact. Energy deposition during rod penetration in multiple-layered targets of steel and titanium (F.I. Grace). Impact energy absorption of metal foam with controlled microstructure under dynamic loading (H. Kanahashi et al.). Comparison of deformation twinning in tungsten and iron ballistic projectiles (S. Pappu et al.). Anomalous flow phenomena in a high-oxygen-containing 375
tantalum explosively formed projectile (S. Sen et al.). Comparison of soda-lime glass, stainless steel, and tungsten carbide penetrator impact behavior on soft aluminum targets (O.L. Valerio et al.). Effects of properties of materials on penetration (J. Gao). Shear-band enforcement on flow upon stopping of penetrating projectiles by metallic targets (E. Hirsch, G. Yossifon). Study of titanium and uranium in plane and reverse ballistic experiments (B. Herrmann et al.). An examination of the taylor impact problem for experiments involving square and circular rods (G. Bessette, J.U. Cazarmias). Interface defeat of impacting rods against ceramic targets (F.I. Grace). Application of porous metal foams in hybrid armor systems (C.-J. Yu et al.). Microstructural and micromechanical aspects of ceramic/long-rod projectile interactions: dwell penetration transitions (J.C. LaSalvia et al.). Comparison of tungsten carbide penetrator impact behavior in soft and hard copper targets (D.A. Roberson et al.). Modelling and Simulation. Adiabatic shear bands: modeling and scaling laws (T.W. Wright). Constitutive modeling of spall-fracture on 1100 aluminum plates after hypervelocity impact (C. Carrasco et al.). Introduction of material length scales through damage percolation modeIling (M.J. Worswick et al.). A computational model for polyurethane foam (D.E. Grady, N.A. Winfree). A comparison of residual microstructures in explosively formed projectiles of copper and iron and their role in hydrocode validation (S. Pappu, L.E. Murr). Tungsten-heavy alloy ballistic rod penetration into a copper target: microstructural analysis and computer simulations (C. Kennedy et al.). Material model for high-hard steel and ballistic penetration simulations (C. Hari Manaj Simha, N.S. Brar). Modeling incipient spallation in commercially pure
tantalum (D.L. Tonks et al.). Experimental study and modeling of dynamic fracture of copper (S. Jacobi et al.). The proportion of plastic work converted to heat in Ti-6Al-4V: MTS model prediction and experimental data (D.A.S. Macdougall, P.J. Maudlin). Modeling solid-article erosion in high temperature superalloys (A. Rohatgi et al.). Novel Applications of Shock and High Strain-Rate Phenomena. Self-organization of shear bands in stainless steel: grain size effects (Q. Xue et al.). Comparison of calculated and experimental results of fragmenting cylinder experiments (L.T. Wilson et al.). Analysis of the shock interaction under the super deep penetration effect (S. Usherenko et al.). Dynamic material property studies by laser-launched flyer plate impact and transient x-ray diffraction (D.L. Paisley et al.). NITINOL®-stainless steel compound materials, made by explosive welding (R. Prümmer, D. Stöckel). Comparative behavior of Ti and 304 stainless steel in a magnetically-driven implosion at the Pegasus-II facility (J.L. Stokes et al.). Plug formation and fracture of hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) Ti-6Al-4V targets (V.F. Nesterenko et al.). Joining of thin metal plate onto various materials using regulated underwater shock wave (K. Hokamoto et al.). Non-die explosive forming of conjugated spherical pressure vessels (T. Zheng et al.). Non-die explosive forming of double-layered spherical metal vessels (T. Zheng et al.). Recent advances in high-pressure equation-of-state capabilities (J.R. Asay et al.). Explosive forming of thin-wall semi-spherical parts (H. Fengman et al.). Determination of crash-relevant parameters by dynamic tensile tests (I. Schael, W. Bleck). Examination of the mesoscopic scale response of shock compressed heterogeneous materials using a line-imaging velocity interferometer (W.M. Trott et al.). A method to estimate explosion-induced stress field in various media based on point source blast wave solution (A. Sakurai, K. Tanaka). Spall studies in copper foils using the laser-driven miniflyer (D.J. Alexander et al.). Non-die explosive forming of large extra-thin-wall spherical vessels (T. Zheng et al.). Contributing Author Index. Subject Index.
- No. of pages: 716
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: February 8, 2001
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080438962
- eBook ISBN: 9780080550770
K.P. Staudhammer
Affiliations and expertise
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USALM
L.E. Murr
Affiliations and expertise
University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX, USAMM
M.A. Meyers
Affiliations and expertise
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA