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Fuel Cell Modeling and Simulation: From Micro-Scale to Macro-Scale provides a comprehensive guide to the numerical model and simulation of fuel cell systems and related devices,… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Fuel Cell Modeling and Simulation: From Micro-Scale to Macro-Scale provides a comprehensive guide to the numerical model and simulation of fuel cell systems and related devices, with easy-to-follow instructions to help optimize analysis, design and control. With a focus on commercialized PEM and solid-oxide fuel cells, the book provides decision-making tools for each stage of the modeling process, including required accuracy and available computational capacity. Readers are guided through the process of developing bespoke fuel cell models for their specific needs.
This book provides a step-by-step guide to the fundamentals of fuel cell modeling that is ideal for students, researchers and industry engineers working with fuel cell systems, but it will also be a great repository of knowledge for those involved with electric vehicles, batteries and computational fluid dynamics.
1 Fuel Cell Fundamentals
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1. Fuel cell perspective
1.1.2. Fuel cell operation
1.1.3. Fuel cell types
1.1.4. Fuel cell characterization
1.2 Thermodynamics
1.2.1. Gibbs free energy
1.2.2. Second law of thermodynamic and fuel cells
1.2.3. Fuel cell efficiency
1.2.4. Role of effective factors
1.3 Electrochemical Reaction Kinetics
1.3.1. Exchange current density
1.3.2. Butler-Volmer equation
1.3.3. Role of effective factors
1.4 Charge Transfer
1.4.1. Electronic resistance
1.4.2. Ionic resistance
1.4.3. Role of effective factors
1.5 Heat and Mass Transport
1.5.1 Diffusive heat and mass transfer
1.5.2 Convective heat and mass transfer
1.2.3. Role of effective factors
1.6 Summary
1.7 Problems
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Components and structure
2.1.2 Transport Phenomena in PEMFCs
2.1.3 Balance of system for PEMFCs
2.1.4 Hydrogen for PEMFCs
2.2 Micro-scale Modeling and Simulation of PEMFCs
2.2.1 Microstructure reconstruction
2.2.2 Pore-scale numerical simulation methods
2.2.3 Lattice Boltzmann simulation for evaluating transport properties
2.2.4 Lattice Boltzmann simulation for inspecting droplet behavior
2.2.5 Lattice Boltzmann simulation for inspecting electrode performance
2.2.6. Pore-network simulation of water transport
2.2.7. VOF simulation of water transport
2.3 Macro-scale Modeling and Simulation of PEMFCs
2.3.1 1D models
2.3.2 Framework of finite-volume method
2.3.3 2D/3D single-phase models
2.3.4 2D/3D multi-phase models
2.3.5 2D/3D non-isothermal models
2.3.6 Modeling of a stack
2.3.7 Modeling and control of PEMFC system
2.3.8. Modeling of PEMFC cold start
2.4 Summary
2.5 Problems
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Components and structures
3.1.2 Transport Phenomena in SOFCs
3.1.3 Balance of fuel processing subsystem
3.2 Micro-scale modeling and Simulation of SOFCs
3.2.1 Microstructure reconstruction methods
3.2.2 Lattice Boltzmann simulation of reactive gas flow
3.3 Macro-scale Modeling and Simulation of SOFCs
3.3.1 1D models
3.3.2 2D/3D models
3.3.3 Modeling of a stack
3.3.4 Modeling and control of SOFC system
3.4 Summary
3.5 Problems
4 Hydrogen Storage Systems
4.1. High-pressure Tanks
4.2 Hydrogen Absorbing Tank
4.2.1. 1D modeling
4.2.2 CFD simulation
4.3 Thermal Management Modeling
4.4 Summary
4.5 Problems
5 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)
5.1. Vehicle Dynamics
5.2 FCEV Components and Configurations
5.2.1 Traction motor
5.2.2 PEMFC and hydrogen tank
5.2.3 Battery
5.3. Modeling And Control of FCEVS
5.4 Summary
5.5 Problems
6 Fuel Cell Power Plants
6.1 SOFC Power Plant
6.2 SOFC/Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant
6.3 PEMFC Power Plants
6.4 Summary
6.5 Problems
7 CHP Systems
7.1 PEMFC-based CHP System
7.2 SOFC-based CHP System
7.3 Summary
7.4 Problems
8 Appendices
A Lattice-Boltzmann Codes
A.1 Droplet Movement
A.2 Reaction on the Cathode CL
D Optimization Methods
D.1 Genetic Algorithm
D.2 PSO Algorithm
E Implementing Optimization Methods in C++