Applications I. Using LOTOS in a Design Environment (M. Vigder, R.J.A. Buhr). Using VDM to Specify OSI Managed Objects (L. Simon, L.S. Marshall). Invited Paper. What is the Method in Formal Methods ? (E. Brinksma). Performance and Reliability. Io: An Estelle Simulator for Performance Evaluation (E. Fernandez, D. Vazquez, J. Vinyes). Modeling Timeouts and Unreliable Media with a Timed Probabilistic Calculus (H. Hansson). Industry Reports. Formal Methods at AT&T - An Industrial Usage Report (J.A. Chaves). The Adoption of Formal Methods within OTC (K. Rosenberg). Linking Specifications with Implementations (M. Kooij). Experience of Using LOTOS Within the CIM-OSA Project (A. McClenaghan). Applications II. An Exercise in Protocol Synthesis (P. van Eijk, J. Schot). Specification of a Distributed Coordination Function in LOTOS (I. Widya, F. Sadoun, G.-J. van der Heijden). XP, An Experiment in Modular Specification (G. Veltink). Invited Paper. Understanding Interfaces (S. Lam, A.U. Shankar). Change Management. Modeling Dynamic Communication Structures in LOTOS (L. Fredlund, F. Orava). Dynamic Configuration in LOTOS (E. Najm, J.-B. Stefani). Timed Extensions. An Upward Compatible Timed Extension to LOTOS (G. Leduc). Mapping Time-Extended LOTOS to Standard LOTOS (A. McClenaghan). LOTOS-like Process Algebras with Urgent or Timed Interactions (T. Bolognesi, F. Lucidi). Transformations. Event Structures for Design and Transformation in LOTOS (R. Langerak). A Calculus to Define Correct Transformations of LOTOS Specifications (T. Massart). Inverse Expansion (S. Pavón, M. Hulström, J. Quemada, D. de Frutos, Y. Ortega). Tools and Environment. A LOTOS Data Facility Compiler (DAFY) (E. Lallemand, G. Leduc). The Superimposition of Estelle Programs: A Tool for the Specification and Implementation of Observation and Control Algorithms (B. Caillaud). Design and Implementation of an Application Interface for LOTOS Processors (K. Ohmaki, H. Tsuji, K. Yamanaka, Y. Sato, Y. Itabashi, T. Shimizu). Validation. Formal Specifications, Validation and Implementation of an Application Protocol with Estelle (C.T. Nguyen, P. Hunel, M.C. Vialatte). Specification and Validation of a Simple Overtaking Protocol using LOTOS (P. Ernberg, L. Fredlund, B. Jonsson). Protocol Trace Analysis Based on Formal Specifications ( M. Kim, S.T. Chanson, S.T. Vuong). Language Issues. Inheritance in LOTOS (S. Rudkin). Mixing LOTOS and SDL Specifications (H. Saria, H. Nirschl, C. Binding). &Lgr;&bgr;: A Virtual LOTOS Machine (J.A. Mañas, J. Salvachúa). Tools Reports. FORSEE (J. Billington, G. Wheeler, B. Keck, K. Parker). Tools for Process Algebras (E. Madelaine, D. Vergamini). A Cross Compiling Experiment: A PC Implementation of a LOTOS Spec (J. Mañas, J. Salvachúa, T. de Miguel). The Lotosphere Integrated Tool Environment Lite (P. van Eijk). Invited Paper. Superposition Refinement of Parallel Algorithms (R.J. Back, K. Sere). Verification. Specification and Verification of a Sliding Window Protocol in LOTOS (E. Madelaine, D. Vergamini). Protocol Verification System for SDL Specifications Based on Acyclic Expansion Algorithm and Temporal Logic (H. Saito, T. Hasegawa, Y. Kakuda). Process Foundations. Process Algebra Traces Augmented with Causal Relationships (C. Fidge). Fairness in LOTOS (C. Wu, G. von Bochmann). A LOTOS Based Calculus with True Concurrency Semantics (J.-P. Courtiat, R.J. Coelho da Costa).