Mohammed Latif Khan
Dr. Mohamed Latif Khan is a Professor of Forestry and Coordinator of Scientific & Industrial Research Cell and also Deputy Coordinator of Bioinformatics Centre at North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology (Deemed University), NIRJULI, Arunachal Pradesh. He is a plant ecologist and conservation biologist, obtained his doctoral degree from North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India. His research interests have gradually expanded from tree regeneration to the fields of biodiversity conservation and eco-restoration. Dr. Khan is presently engaged in the studies on conservation and regeneration of endangered and medicinal plant species, inventory and analyses of biodiversity of sacred groves, exploration of germplasm of bamboo and cane species. Dr. Khan is also trained to study the phylogeny and genetic diversity of plant species. He has also been trained at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun for the application of remote sensing and GIS in biodiversity conservation. He also has research collaboration with Concordia University, Canada, Grand valley State University and Kansas University, USA. Through his research program, he has supervised twenty five undergraduate, five graduate and ten Ph. D. theses and currently he is supervising eight Ph.D. theses. He has contributed 103 peer-reviewed papers and 33 conference papers, invited presentations, and lectures. One book has also been co-edited by him. Dr. Khan is a recipient of prestigious Nanda Memorial Young Scientist Medal from the Indian Society for Tree Scientists for his outstanding research in the field of Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation. He is a recipient of DST-BOYSCAST and DBT-Overseas fellowships in thrust area ‘Biodiversity Conservation’ and worked as visiting faculty at University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA, and Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Affiliations and expertise
Professor, Department of Botany, Dr. Harisingh Gour Central University, Sagar, MP, India