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Food Fortification in a Globalized World outlines experiences over the past 50 years—and future potential—for the application of food fortification across a variety of foods in… Read more
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Food Fortification in a Globalized World outlines experiences over the past 50 years—and future potential—for the application of food fortification across a variety of foods in the industrialized and developing world. The book captures recent science and applications trends in fortification, including emerging areas such as biofortification, nutraceuticals and new nutrient intake recommendations, standards, policy and regulation. The book proposes a balanced and effective food fortification strategy for nations to adopt. In covering the most technical scientific details in an approachable style, this work is accessible to a range of practitioners in industry, government, NGOs, academia and research.
Food fortification has become an increasingly significant strategy to address gaps in micronutrient intakes in populations with measurable impact in both industrialized and developing countries. While the positive impacts are well recognized there are new concerns in some countries that excessive fortification of foods, outdated nutritional labeling rules and misleading marketing tactics used by food manufacturers may result in young children consuming harmful amounts of some vitamins and minerals.
Graduate level and above researchers in academia, industry, and government bodies studying nutritional epidemiology, public health, food security, food chemistry, food science and technology
Section 1 - Need and Approach
1. Food Fortification: Past Experience, Current Status, And Potential for Globalization
2. Prevalence, Causes and Consequences of Micronutrient Deficiencies. The Gap Between Need and Action
3. Developing National Strategies to Prevent and Control Micronutrient Deficiency: The Role of Food Fortification
Section 2 - Recommendations and Guidance
Section 3 - Delivery Methods
Section 4 - Technical and Business Considerations
Section 5 - Fortification Vehicles
12. Wheat and Maize Flour Fortification
13. Rice Fortification
14. Salt Fortification
15. Fortification of Condiments and Sauces
16. Fortification of Bouillon Cubes
17. Fornication of Fats and Cooking Oils
18. Fortification of Milk and Dairy Products
19. Fortification of Breakfast Cereals
Section 6 - Nutrient Wise Review of Evidence and Safety of Fortification
Section 7 - Program Performance Measurement and Improvement
Section 8 - National Program Case Studies and Lessons Learned
Section 9 - Business Case Studies
Section 10 - Future Trends and Strategies