1. Ecological Systems, Natural Resources, and Food Supplies
I. Introduction
II. The Structure and Functioning of Ecosystems
III. Evolution of Living Systems
IV. Biogeochemical Cycles
V. Aquatic Ecosystems
VI. Terrestrial Ecosystems
VII. Human Food Gathered and Hunted from the Wild
VIII. Agricultural Ecosystems
IX. Resource Constraints in World Food Production
X. Food Needs for Future Generations
XI. Requirements for Solving Food Problems
XII. Conclusion
2. Interdependence Of Food And Natural Resources
I. Introduction
II. World Population Growth
III. Energy Constraints
IV. Arable Land—Quality and Quantity
V. Water Constraints
VI. Biological Diversity
VII. Looking to the Future
3. Loss of Biological Diversity and its Potential Impact on Agriculture and Food Production
I. Introduction
II. Species' Contributions to Modern Agriculture
III. Extinction Processes
IV. Conclusion
4. Availability of Agricultural Land for Crop and Livestock Production
I. The World Land Area and Its Utilization
II. Food Production and Land
III. Livestock Production and Land
IV. Conclusion
5. Land Degradation and its Impact on Food and other Resources
I. Introduction
II. Land Degradation
III. Technological Options for Minimizing Soil Degradation
IV. Land Degradation and World Food Production
V. Need to Restore Productivity of Degraded Lands
VI. Conclusions
6. Water Use in Agriculture
I. Introduction
II. Global Perspective
III. Water Sources and Systems
IV. Water in Crop Production
V. Water in Animal Production
VI. Water in Food Processing
VII. Water Quality
VIII. Irrigation Systems
7. Water Scarcity and Food Production in Africa
I. Introduction
II. Present Resource Crisis
III. Water and Development
IV. Water Availability Limits Increase of Carrying Capacity
V. The Combined Picture
VI. Conclusions
8. Agricultural Chemicals: Food and Environment
I. Introduction
II. Use of Agricultural Chemicals
III. Nitrogen in Agroecosystems
IV. Pesticides
V. Rational Use of Agricultural Chemicals
9. Natural Gas as a Resource and Catalyst for Agroindustrial Development
I. Background
II. Monteagudo Agroindustrial Project
III. Food Processing Plants
IV. Energy Supply
V. Alternatives for the Supply of Electricity and Steam
VI. Water Supply
VII. Gas Pipeline
VIII. Transportation System
IX. Impact of the Project
X. Conclusions
10. Mechanization and Food Availability
I. Introduction
II. Farming and Agriculture
III. Mechanization, Tractorization, and Electrification
IV. Summary
11. Population, Food, and The Economy Of Nations
I. Is Population Limited by Food?
II. Is Food Driven by Population or by the Economy of Nations?
III. Can the Worst Fears of Environmentalists be Substantiated?
IV. Vision 2020
12. Ecological Resource Management for a Productive, Sustainable Agriculture
I. Introduction
II. Principles for a Productive, Sustainable Agriculture
III. Soil Nutrient and Water Resources
IV. Pests and Their Control
V. Importance of Biological Resources
VI. Environmental and Economic Aspects of Ecological Agricultural Management
VII. Conclusion
13. Population Growth, Agrarian Structure, Food Production, and Food Distribution in the Third World
I. Introduction
II. The Malnutrition Debate
III. Population Growth and Hunger
IV. The Green Revolution and the Alleviation of Hunger: Contribution and Controversy
V. Agrarian Structure, Food Production, and Hunger
VI. Food Policy, Food Consumption, and Nutrition
VII. Discussion
Appendix: Data Sources and Operationalization of Variables for the Empirical Analysis of Food Access in Third World Countries
14. Environment And Population: Crises And Policies
I. Introduction
II. Human Needs Worldwide
III. Standard of Living and Population Growth
IV. Population Growth
V. Per Capita Use of Resources in the United States and China
VI. State of the Environment in the United States and China
VII. Policy Decisions Concerning Environmental and Population Problems
VIII. National Population Policies in the United States and China
IX. Conclusion
15. Food Availability And Natural Resources
I. Introduction
II. Utilization of Resources
III. Production of Food in the United States and the World
IV. Summary
16. Food as a Resource
I. Introduction
II. Patterns of Human Population Growth
III. Food and Dietary Patterns
IV. Major Nutritional Problems
V. Trends in Food Production
VI. Resources Used in Food Production
VII. Planning Future Policy
17. Population Growth And The Poverty Cycle In Africa: Colliding Ecological And Economic Processes?
I. The African Paradox
II. Population
III. The Ecological Crisis
IV. The Economic Decline
V. Foreign Aid
VI. The Poverty Cycle and the Way Ahead
18. Food and Fuel Resources in a Poor Rural Area in China
I. Introduction
II. An Overview of Kazhou County
III. The Agroecosystem: Food and Fuel Production and Consumption System
IV. Energy Flows in the Kazhou Agroecosystem
V. Assessment of the Kazhou Agroecosystem
VI. Strategies for Improving Food and Household Fuel Supplies in Kazhou
VII. Conclusions