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Bread and flour-based foods are an important part of the diet for millions of people worldwide. Their complex nature provides energy, protein, minerals and many other macro- and mi… Read more
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Bread and flour-based foods are an important part of the diet for millions of people worldwide. Their complex nature provides energy, protein, minerals and many other macro- and micronutrients. However, consideration must be taken of three major aspects related to flour and bread. The first is that not all cultures consume bread made from wheat flour. There are literally dozens of flour types, each with their distinctive heritage, cultural roles and nutritive contents. Second, not all flours are used to make leavened bread in the traditional (i.e., Western) loaf form. There are many different ways that flours are used in the production of staple foods. Third, flour and breads provide a suitable means for fortification: either to add components that are removed in the milling and purification process or to add components that will increase palatability or promote health and reduce disease per se.
Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention provides a single-volume reference to the healthful benefits of a variety of flours and flour products, and guides the reader in identifying options and opportunities for improving health through flour and fortified flour products.
Nutritionists and Food Scientists interested in the specific health benefits of various flour resources
List of Contributors
Chapter 1. The Science of Doughs and Bread Quality
Chapter 2. Monitoring Flour Performance in Bread Making
Chapter 3. South Indian Parotta: An Unleavened Flat Bread
Chapter 4. Sourdough Breads
Chapter 5. Focaccia Italian Flat Fatty Bread∗
Chapter 6. Flour and Bread from Black-, Purple-, and Blue-Colored Wheats
Chapter 7. Emmer (Triticum turgidum spp. dicoccum) Flour and Breads
Chapter 8. Einkorn (Triticum monococcum) Flour and Bread
Chapter 9. Maize: Composition, Bioactive Constituents, and Unleavened Bread
Chapter 10. Amaranth: Potential Source for Flour Enrichment
Chapter 11. Quinoa: Protein and Nonprotein Tryptophan in Comparison with Other Cereal and Legume Flours and Bread
Chapter 12. Sorghum Flour and Flour Products: Production, Nutritional Quality, and Fortification
Chapter 13. Buckwheat Flour and Bread
Chapter 14. Non-Starch Polysaccharides in Maize and Oat
Chapter 15. Gluten-Free Bread
Chapter 16. Dietary Fiber from Brewer’s Spent Grain as a Functional Ingredient in Bread Making Technology
Chapter 17. Composite Flours and Breads: Potential of Local Crops in Developing Countries
Chapter 18. Legume Composite Flours and Baked Goods: Nutritional, Functional, Sensory, and Phytochemical Qualities
Chapter 19. Potential Use of Okra Seed (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench) Flour for Food Fortification and Effects of Processing
Chapter 20. Apricot Kernel Flour and Its Use in Maintaining Health
Chapter 21. Macadamia Flours
Chapter 22. Banana and Mango Flours
Chapter 23. Use of Potato Flour in Bread and Flat Bread
Chapter 24. Mineral Fortification of Whole Wheat Flour: An Overview
Chapter 25. Iron Particle Size in Iron-Fortified Bread
Chapter 26. Iodine Fortification of Bread
Chapter 27. Phytochemical Fortification of Flour and Bread
Chapter 28. Carotenoids of Sweet Potato, Cassava, and Maize and Their Use in Bread and Flour Fortification
Chapter 29. Production and Nutraceutical Properties of Breads Fortified with DHA- and Omega-3-Containing Oils
Chapter 30. Fortification with Free Amino Acids Affects Acrylamide Content in Yeast Leavened Bread
Chapter 31. Barley β-Glucans and Fiber-Rich Fractions as Functional Ingredients in Flat and Pan Breads
Chapter 32. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolics in Breads with Added Barley Flour
Chapter 33. Partial Substitution of Wheat Flour with Chempedak (Artocarpus integer) Seed Flour in Bread
Chapter 34. Effect of Starch Addition to Fluid Dough During the Bread Making Process
Chapter 35. Fermentation as a Tool to Improve Healthy Properties of Bread
Chapter 36. Apple Pomace (By-Product of Fruit Juice Industry) as a Flour Fortification Strategy
Chapter 37. Use of Sweet Potato in Bread and Flour Fortification
Chapter 38. Fortification of Bread with Soy Proteins to Normalize Serum Cholesterol and Triacylglycerol Levels
Chapter 39. Dietary Breads and Impact on Postprandial Parameters
Chapter 40. Fortification of Vitamin B12 to Flour and the Metabolic Response
Chapter 41. Metabolic Effects of β-Glucans Addition to Corn Maize Flour
Chapter 42. Lupine Kernel Fiber: Metabolic Effects in Human Intervention Studies and Use as a Supplement in Wheat Bread
Chapter 43. Metabolic Effects of Propionic Acid-Enriched Breads
Chapter 44. Folic Acid and Colon Cancer: Impact of Wheat Flour Fortification with Folic Acid
Chapter 45. Effects of the Soybean Flour Diet on Insulin Secretion and Action
Chapter 46. Metabolic Effects of Bread Fortified with Wheat Sprouts and Bioavailability of Ferulic Acid from Wheat Bran