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The FeT series – Fieldbus Systems and their Applications Conferences started in 1995 in Vienna, Austria. Since FeT'2001 in Nancy, France, the conference became an IFAC – In… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
The FeT series – Fieldbus Systems and their Applications Conferences started in 1995 in Vienna, Austria. Since FeT'2001 in Nancy, France, the conference became an IFAC – International Federation of Automatic Control sponsored event.
These proceedings focus on 13 sessions, covering, fieldbus based systems, services, protocols and profiles, system integration with heterogeneous networks, management, real-time, safety, dependability and security, distributed embedded systems, wireless networking for field applications, education and emerging trends.
Two keynote speeches from experts outside Europe are featured. The first one entitled "Bandwidth Allocation Scheme in Fieldbuses" by Prof. Seung Ho, Hanyang University, Korea. The second by, Prof. I.F. Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, "Key Technologies for Wireless Networking in the Next Decade".