Few body dynamics
- 1st Edition - November 20, 2012
- Editor: Asoke Mitra
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 6 9 1 4 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 6 0 1 0 9 - 4
Few Body Dynamics presents the proceedings of the VII International Conference on Few Body Problems in Nuclear and Particle Physics, held in Delhi from December 29, 1975 to January… Read more
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Request a sales quoteFew Body Dynamics presents the proceedings of the VII International Conference on Few Body Problems in Nuclear and Particle Physics, held in Delhi from December 29, 1975 to January 3, 1976. Invited speakers talked about topics ranging from dynamic equations and approximation methods to computation and experimental techniques, few body bound states, breakup reactions and polarization, few electron systems, and photon and electron probes on few body systems. Speakers also covered few body reactions with mesons and resonances, few body aspects of nuclear reactions and scattering, three body forces in nuclei, and quark physics. Comprised of four parts encompassing 145 chapters, this volume summarizes the status and results from experimental facilities such as the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in India, TRIUMF in Canada, and the Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility in the United States. It also discusses completeness relations in scattering theory for non-Hermitian potentials, ambiguities in phase-shift analysis, and parametrization of the half-shell function when the eigenchannel has a bound state. The next chapters focus on possible phenomenological forms for the two-body local potential, nuclear three-body forces arising from triple-boson couplings, and concepts such as N-particle transit operators, three-body separable expansion amplitude, the three-body problem with energy-dependent potentials, and the four-body problem. The book also introduces the reader to triton with realistic potentials, backward proton-deuteron scattering, and deep inelastic lepton-nucleon interactions at high energy. This book will benefit physicists, students, and researchers who want to learn about the dynamics of few body systems.
Editorial Preface
Programme of the Conference
Table of Contents
Part 1. Status and Results From Experimental Facilities
VEC at Calcutta
Preliminary Results of the Research on Few Body Problems at TRIUMF
Status of the C.P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF)
Part 2. Invited and Contributed Papers at Parallel Sessions
2.1. Nuclear and Coulomb Interaction
An OBE-Model Including the N-∆-Interactions, Two-Nucleon and Nuclear Matter Results
Completeness Relations in Scattering Theory for Non-Hermitian Potentials
Ambiguities in Phase-Shift Analysis (Invited paper)
Physical Properties Invariant for Phase Equivalent Potentials
An Interpretation of the Tabakin Rank-One Potential
A Possible Phenomenological Form for the Two Body Local Potential
Two Body Bound State and Parametrization of Half-Off-Shell t-Matrix
The Physical Basis of the Unitary Pole Expansion - Some Remarks
Parametrization of the Half-Shell t-Matrix When the Two Body Bound State is Delineated
A Simple Method of Calculating Scattering Parameters for Separable Potentials with Coulomb Interaction
Analyticity Constraints on the Nucleon-Nucleon T-Matrix
A Few Applications of Coulombian Asymptotic States
Nuclear Three-Body Forces Arising from Triple-Boson Coupling
Consistent Calculation of Alpha-Alpha Interaction by the Resonating Group Method
Tensor Contribution to Nuclear Matter in the First Order Perturbation Theory
Pairing-Pius-Surface-Tensor-Interaction and Structure of 51 v
2.2. Dynamical Equations and Approximation Methods
Local Strong and Coulomb Potentials in the Three-Nucleon System (invited paper)
Dynamical Equations for the N-Particle Transit Operators (invited paper)
Generalized Faddeev Theory of Nuclear Reactions (invited paper)
Three- and Four-Body Equations with Half-off-Shell Input (invited paper)
Theory of the Three-Body Separable Expansion Amplitude (invited paper)
A New Dynamics of NN Scattering (invited paper)
Zero Range Covariant Three Body Equations (invited paper)
The Three Body Problem with Energy Dependent Potentials
Generalized Separable Expansion Method of the Two-Body and the Three-Body Scattering Amplitudes
How Different is the Resonating-Group Method from the Integral-Equation Approach to Few-Particle Scattering
Four-Body Equations
K-Matrix Formalism for the Four-Body Problem and Bound State Scattering Theory
Integral Equation for Three- and Four-Nucleon Problem in Resonating Group Approximation
On a Time-Independent Theory of Multichannel Quantum Mechanical Scattering
2.3. Few Body Bound States and Computational Techniques
Effect in Level Spectrum of Three Resonantly Interacting Particles (invited paper)
Trinucleon Properties with One-Boson-Exchange Potentials
The Trinucleon System Bound by a One-Boson-Exchange Force
Three-Body Unitary Transformation, Three Body Forces and Trinucleon Bound State Properties
Binding Energy Calculation of Triton with Realistic Potentials
Analysis of the Shape of the Trinucleon Wave Function (invited paper)
Coulomb Energy of 3He
Three-Alpha Model Calculation of 12C in the Faddeev Formalism
A Study of 6He with Two-Body Local Potentials in Faddeev Formalism
Structure of the Alpha Particle Based on Realistic Two- and Three-Body Interaction (invited paper)
Multi-Cluster Problem Based on the Microscopic Theory (invited paper)
The Deuteron Wave Function from ND Scattering Experiments and NN Potential (invited paper)
Three-Body Vertices with Two-Body Techniques
2.4. Scattering , Breakup Reactions and Polarization
Proton-Induced 2H and 3He Breakup at 156 MeV (invited paper)
Proton Induced Deuteron Breakup at EP=12.5 MeV
Comparison of Deuteron Breakup Spectra at 8.5 MeV with Faddeev Calculations Using Different Separable Potentials
The Breakup Reaction p0+D → p1+p2+n at E0=20 MeV
Three-Body Breakup Reactions (invited paper)
A Test of the Proton Induced 2H Breakup Study for Special Kinematic Conditions
The N-P FSI Angular Distribution in Deuteron Breakup at 45 MeV
Off-Shell Effects in Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering
Nucleon-Deuteron Breakup Quantities Calculated with Separable Interactions Including Tensor Forces and Higher Partial Waves
Determination of the Total Nucleon-Deuteron Breakup Cross Section at Ed = 26.5 MeV
Study of Doublet Proton-Deuteron Breakup at Ep = 50 MeV
Neutron Experiments at LAMPF (invited paper)
A New Experiment in the Interaction of 14 MeV Neutrons with Tritons
Proton-Deuteron FSI in Proton Induced 3He Breakup
A Proposed Experiment for Determining the Neutron-Neutron Effective Range by Means of Doubly Quasi-Free Scattering in the D+D Reaction
Quasifree Processes in the Reaction 3He + 3He for E3HE = 50, 65 and 78 MeV
and 78 MeV
Double Spectator Process in the 3He (3He,dd)pp Reaction
Quasifree Processes in the 2H+3He Reactions
Further Evidence of High Energy Deuterons in the Reaction 3He + 3He
Production of High Energy Deuterons in the 3He + 3He Reaction and the Solar Neutrino Problem - a Comment
Resonant Subsystems as a Challenge to Nuclear Reaction Theory (invited paper)
Reactions 10B+d, 9Be+3He~>→3∝ and Excited States in 12C
Four-Body Description of d+d-^→p+t and p+3He→p+3He Reactions
Investigation of Few Nucleon Systems Using Polarized Deuterons (invited paper)
Neutron Polarisation Studies on Reactions Between Light Nuclei (invited paper)
Polarisation on Final State Interactions: 3He(3He,p)p∝ and 6Li(3He,p)∝∝
Excited States of 4He Studied with the Polarized Proton Capture Reaction (invited paper)
A Microscopic Description of Polarization Phenomena in the Four Nucleon System
A Study of the 6Li (3He,p∝)∝ Reaction
2.5. Few Body Reactions with Mesons and Resonances
Unitarity, Analyticity and the Relativistic Three Body Problem (invited paper)
Resonance Amplitudes in Light Nuclei (invited paper)
N* 's in the Deuteron Ground State (invited paper)
Structure in the Backward Proton-Deuteron Scattering in the 40-1000 MeV Region
The Process pp → dp+ in a Model of N and N* Exchanges
Pion Production in Neutron-Proton Collisions (invited paper)
( π,NN) Reactions for Nuclear Structure Studies (invited paper)
On the Energy Dependence of (π*,4He) and (π- ,12C) Backward Elastic Scattering Cross sections
On Coherent Neutral Pion Photoproduction from the Deuteron
Models for Pion Production by Protons in Light Nuclei (invited paper)
Current Algebra and Low Energy TfN Scattering (invited paper)
2.6. Symmetries; Photon and Lepton Probes on Few Body System
Parity-Nonconservation Effects in the Two-Nucleon System-Sensitivity to the Short-Range Strong Nuclear Force
The Parity Violating Asymmetry in the Radiative Capture of Polarized Neutrons by Proton
Remarks on the Level Scheme of F19
Electromagnetic Properties of Tri-Nucleon Systems with Separable Potentials (invited paper)
Integral vs Fractional Charges of Quarks - A View through Unified Gauge Theory (invited paper)
Meson-Exchange Currents in Electron-Deuteron Scattering (invited paper)
The Three Nucleon Bound State Problem as a Probe of the Internucleon Force (invited paper)
Neutron-Deuteron Collision and the Charge Form Factor of Triton
Trinucleon Photoeffect Using Coupled Hyperspherical Harmonics
Total Cross Section of the (ɣ,d) Disintegration of the Alpha Particle
Electron Scattering and Correlation Structure of Light Nuclei
Possible Evidence for Enhanced ∆S = 0,∆ T =2 Weak Interaction in Parity Mixing in Nuclei
2.7. Few Electron Systems
Application of the Channel Coupling Array Theory to Some Atomic Three-Body Systems (invited paper)
The Optical Potential in the Channel Coupling Array Method: A Model Study (invited paper)
High Energy Electron Scattering from a Two Centre Potential
Multimagnon Bound States (invited paper)
2.8. Nuclear Reactions and Scattering Few Body Aspects
Solvable Few Body Models as Laboratories for Nuclear Reaction Theories
Few-Body Approaches to Direct Nuclear Reactions (invited paper)
Nuclear Reactions and Scattering in the Three Body and Eikonal Formalism (invited paper)
Three-Body Approach to the Nucleon-Nucleus Optical Potential
Three-Body K Operators and Unitary Approximations: Application to Model (d,p) and (d,n) Processes (invited paper)
A Model for Deuteron Stripping and Breakup Reaction
N-Body Integral Equations and Orthogonality Scattering (invited paper)
A Microscopic Approximation for Sequential Decay Processes in Light Nuclear Systems (invited paper)
On Theory of Deuteron Stripping Reaction (invited paper)
Some Aspects of Studies of Interactions Between Two Light Nuclear Systems (invited paper)
Scattering of Mass-3 Projectiles from Heavy Nuclei
2.9. Workshop on Experimental Techniques
Survey of Few Nucleon Reactions for A > 3
Neutron Physics Techniques
The Study of Few Particle Systems with Photographic Emulsions
A Short Report on the Variable Energy Cyclotron at Chandigarh
Some Techniques of Correlation - Experiments
Detection Techniques at Intermediate Energies
Relevance of Few Nucleon Problems to Nuclear Power
Part 3. Invited Papers and Rapporteurs’ Talks at Plenary Sessions
3.1. Nuclear and Coulomb Interactions
Some Topics on N-N Interaction (invited paper)
Coulomb Problem and Separation of Electromagnetic Effects (invited paper)
Three-Body Forces in Nuclei (invited paper)
Relativistic Effects in Few Body Systems (invited paper)
3.2. Dynamical Equations and Approximation Methods
Rapporteur's Talk
3.3. Few Body Bound States and Computational Techniques
Rapporteur's Talk: Computational Techniques
Rapporteur's Talk: Bound States
3.4. Scattering , Breakup Reactions, Polarization
Breakup Processes - a Bridge (invited paper)
Inclusive Reactions and the Few-Body Problem (invited paper)
Polarization Phenomena in Few-Body Systems (invited paper)
Remarks on Polarization in Few-Body Reactions
Rapporteur's Talk: Breakup Reactions
3.5. Few Body Reactions with Mesons and Resonances
Quark Physics (invited paper)
Rapporteur's Talk : Resonances
Rapporteur's Talk : Meson Reactions
3.6. Symmetries, Photon and Lepton Probes on Two Body Systems
Symmetries (invited paper)
Rapporteur's Talk
3.7. Few Electron Systems
The Few Charged Particle Problem in Atomic Physics (invited paper)
Rapporteur's Talk
3.8. Nuclear Reactions and Scattering - Few Body Aspects
Rapporteur's Talk
Part 4. Postdeadline Papers
Multiple Scattering Approach to the π-4He Scattering at Intermediate Energies
Three Nucleon Potential in Nuclear Matter
Variational and Exact Studies of the Bound State of Three Helium Atoms
Studies of the 2H(p,2p)n Reaction for Constant NN Relative Energies
Nonlocaltty in (Helium-Helium) Interatomic Potentials
Three Body Problems with Local Potentials in Coordinate Space
Contributor Index
List of Registrants
List of Observers
- No. of pages: 792
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 20, 2012
- Imprint: North Holland
- Paperback ISBN: 9780444569141
- eBook ISBN: 9780444601094
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