Fermented Food Beverages in Nutrition
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1979
- Editor: Clifford Gastineau
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 1 4 2 8 6 - 2
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 4 6 0 2 - 9
Fermented Food Beverages in Nutrition presents the proceedings of International Symposium on Fermented Food Beverages in Nutrition convened at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,… Read more

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Request a sales quoteFermented Food Beverages in Nutrition presents the proceedings of International Symposium on Fermented Food Beverages in Nutrition convened at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. It focuses on the contributions of alcoholic beverages in nutrition. It discusses the effects of specific alcoholic beverages, such as wine, beer, and certain distilled spirits, in human health. Organized into seven parts, encompassing 31 chapters, the book starts by discussing the history of alcoholic beverages and their nutrient contributions. Part II focuses on fermentation process, its history, biochemistry, nutrient synthesis by yeast, wine fermentation and aging, and beer brewing. Part III discusses the production and consumption trends of beer and wine, with emphasis on the changing attitudes of Americans toward wine consumption. Metabolism and therapeutic application of alcoholic beverages are examined in part IV. Discussions include role of alcoholic beverages in gerontology and ketogenesis, and the effect of alcoholic beverage incorporation into therapeutic diets. Part V highlights the effects of misuse and abuse of alcoholic beverages in various human body systems, including gastrointestine, pancreas, liver, and cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as in cancer development and offspring effects during prenatal alcohol exposure. Parts VI and VII discuss the use of miniature swine as model for the study of human alcoholism and socioeconomic aspects of alcohol abuse. With the aim of bringing together existing factual knowledge concerning nutrition and health contributions of alcoholic beverages, this book is ideal for food scientists, nutritionists, dieticians, and researchers.
List of ContributorsPrefaceI Historical Overview 1 Fermented Beverages in Antiquity I. The Beginnings II. Early Egypt III. Recognition of Excess IV. Pre-lslamic Near East V. Changing Attitudes with Islam References 2 Maize Beer in the Economics, Politics, and Religion of the Inca Empire I. Native American Fermented Food Beverages II. The Preparation of Maize Beer III. Exchange in the Andes: Reciprocity and Redistribution IV. Maize Beer (Chicha) in Pre-Spanish Times V. State Management of the Brewing VI. Social and Cultural Importance of Fermented Beverages References 3 Nutritionally Significant Indigenous Foods Involving an Alcoholic Fermentation I. Introduction II. Alcoholic Foods in Which Sugars Are the Major Fermentable Substrate III. Alcoholic Foods in Which Saliva Is the Amylolytic Agent IV. Alcoholic Food Fermentations Involving an Amylolytic Mold and Yeast V. Alcoholic Foods in Which Starch Hydrolysis Involves a Malting (Germination) Step VI. Alcoholic Fermentations Involving Use of a Koji for Starch Hydrolysis VII. Alcoholic Milk Beverages VIII. Significance of Indigenous Alcoholic Foods in Human Nutrition IX. Summary References 4 The Nutrient Contributions of Fermented Beverages I. Nature of Nutritional Contribution of Beverages II. Time-Honored Precepts of Use III. Excesses and Nutritional Deficiencies IV. Direct Nutrient Contributions of Fermented Beverages 6 V. Clarification, Filtration, and Distillation VI. Trace Elements VII. Organic Compounds in Fermented Beverages VIII. Summary References Editorial CommentII Fermentation 5 A Historical Perspective on Fermentation Biochemistry and Nutrition I. Introduction II. Early Fermented Beverages III. Health Value of Fermented Beverages IV. Early Chemistry of Fermentation V. Yeast: A Living Organism VI. Discovery of Zymase VII. Chemistry of Yeast-Juice Action VIII. Yeast: Its Nutritional Aspects References Editorial Comment 6 Biochemistry of Fermentation I. Introduction II. The Alcoholic Fermentation: A Look into the Future III. Glycerol Fermentation IV. The Citric Acid Fermentation Reference 7 Nutrient Synthesis by Yeast I. Introduction II. Production of Nutrients by Yeast III. Conclusions References 8 The Biochemical Processes Involved in Wine Fermentation and Aging I. Introduction II. Products III. By-Products of Fermentation IV. Indirect By-Products V. Higher Alcohols VI. Heat VII. By-Products of Processing VIII. The Malo-Lactic Fermentation IX. Research Needs References 9 The Brewing of Beer I. Brewing Constituents II. Steps in Brewing III. Terminology Editorial Comment III Consumption of Beer and Wine 10 National Patterns of Consumption and Production of Beer I. Introduction II. History of Beer III. Production Trends IV. Consumption Trends V. World Production and Consumption VI. Conclusions References Supplementary Reading 11 Production and Consumption of Wine: Facts, Opinions, Tendencies I. Introduction II. Production and Distribution III. Consumption IV. Conclusions References 12 The Wine Industry and the Changing Attitudes of Americans: An Overview I. In the Beginning II. Prohibition Attitudes III. Recovery following Repeal IV. The Present V. The American Wine Consumer References IV Metabolism and the Therapeutic Use of Alcoholic Beverages 13 Absorption, Metabolism, and Excretion of Ethanol including Effects on Water Balance and Nutritional Status I. Introduction II. Absorption of Ethanol III. Distribution of Ethanol in the Body IV. Metabolism of Ethanol V. Excretion of Ethanol VI. Endogenous Biosynthesis of Ethanol in Animals VII. Effect of Ethanol Intake on Fluid Balance VIII. Effect of Ethanol Intake on Nutritional Status IX. Research Needs X. Summary References 14 The Energy Value of Alcohol I. Introduction II. Experiments of Atwater and Benedict III. Utilization of Alcohol by Normal Man IV. Utilization of Alcohol by Alcoholics References 15 Role of Alcoholic Beverages in Gerontology I. Introduction II. Alcohol Abuse and Gerontology III. Prevention of Alcohol Abuse IV. Results of Carefully Controlled Alcoholic Beverage Consumption Studies among Institutionalized Elderly V. Discussion VI. Research Needs VII. Conclusion References Editorial Comment 16 Medications, Drugs, and Alcohol I. Absorption Effects II. Congeners III. Metabolism IV. Microsomal Ethanol Oxidizing System V. Disulfiram (Antabuse) VI. Interaction of Alcohol with Other Psychoactive Drugs VII. Depressants VIII. Conclusions References Editorial Comment 17 Incorporating Alcoholic Beverages into Therapeutic Diets: Some Potentialities and problems I. Some Problems II. Should Alcohol Be Allowed in the Diets of Fat People? III. Does Alcohol Stimulate Weight Gain in the Undernourished? References 18 Alcohol and Ketogenesis I. Introduction II. Alcoholic Ketoacidosis III. Ethanol and Ketogenesis References Editorial Comment Concerning Alcohol Use in DiabetesV Effects of Misuse and Excess 19 Effects of Alcohol on Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Function in Alcoholics I. Introduction II. Absorption and Metabolism of Ethanol by the Gastrointestinal Tract III. Alcohol and the Stomach IV. Alcoholism and the Small Intestine V. Alcoholism and the Pancreas VI. Summary of Research Needs References 20 Liver Abnormalities in Alcoholism: Alcohol Consumption and Nutrition I. Introduction II. Alcohol Consumption and Beverage Choice III. Malnutrition and Liver Disease IV. Summary of Research Needs References Editorial Comment 21 Effects of Alcohol on the Cardiovascular System I. Introduction and Historical Review II. Effects of Alcohol on Cardiovascular Physiology, Biochemistry, and Structure III. Alcohol and Cardiovascular Disease IV. Summary and Research Needs References 22 Effects of Alcohol on the Nervous System I. General Considerations II. Disorders Associated with High Blood Alcohol Levels III. Disorders Associated with Zero or Diminishing Blood Alcohol Levels IV. Neurological Disorders of Nutritional Cause Associated with Chronic Alcoholism V. Neurological Disorders of Undetermined Cause Associated with Chronic Alcoholism References 23 Alcoholism: How do you get it? I. Common Concepts in Etiology of Alcoholism II. Is Alcoholism Associated with Underlying Psychopathology? III. Role of the Pleasurable Experience from Alcohol IV. Habituation, Dependence, Problems V. Tolerance and Need VI. Is Everyone Vulnerable? References Editorial Comment 24 Natural History of Alcohol Dependence I. Introduction II. Procedures III. Results IV. Discussion V. Research Needs VI. Summary Appendix I: Social and Drinking History Appendix II: Neurological Rating Form References 25 Nutritional Status of Alcoholics Before and After Admission to an Alcoholism Treatment Unit I. Introduction: Skid Row Alcoholic versus the More Common Alcoholic II. The Present Study III. Methods for Nutritional Data IV. Results V. Conclusions References Editorial Comment 26 Thiamine Status of Australian Alcoholics I. Introduction II. Clinical Studies III. Biochemical Studies IV. Etiology of Thiamine Deficiency in Alcoholism V. Thiamine Status of the Australian Population VI. Summary References Editorial Comment 27 Cancer and Alcoholic Beverages I. Introduction II. Alcohol and Carcinogenesis III. Human Cancer in Relation to Alcohol Consumption: The Epidemiological Evidence IV. Summary References Editorial Comment 28 Alcohol in pregnancy and Its Effects on Offspring I. Introduction II. Historical Review III. Modern Studies IV. Discussion V. Research Needs References Editorial Comment VI An Experimental Model 29 Miniature Swine as a Model for the Study of Human Alcoholism: The Withdrawal Syndrome I. Introduction II. Experiments on Physical Dependence III. Discussion IV. Summary and Conclusions References VII Socioeconomic Considerations 30 The Medical Costs of Excessive Use of Alcohol I. Cirrhosis of the Liver II. Accidents III. Suicide, Homicide, and Assault IV. Cancer V. Mental Disorders VI. Other Disorders VII. Conclusions References Editorial Comment 31 Socioeconomic Considerations and Cultural Attitudes: An Analysis of the International I. Introduction II. The Supply-Demand-Stress Model III. Indicators of Key Economic, Sociocultural, and Stress Variables IV. Overview and Conceptual Organization of the Effects of Government Policies V. Discussion References Editorial CommentAppendix: Compounds Identified in Whiskey, Wine, and BeerIndex
- No. of pages: 560
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1979
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780124142862
- eBook ISBN: 9780323146029
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