Section headings and selected papers: Plenary Papers. Fault management in a modern airliner, D Reichow. Analytical redundancy methods in fault detection and isolation - survey and synthesis, J Gertler. Supervision and fault diagnosis for the safe operation of nuclear power plants, W Aleite & D Wach. Survey Papers. Aspects of achieving total systems availability, R J Lauber. Fault diagnosis of machines via parameter estimation and knowledge processing, R Isermann. A standard interface for self-validating sensors, M P Henry & D W Clarke. A review of parity space approaches to fault diagnosis, R J Patton & J Chen. Safety management in a chemical plant, W Oberhoff & J Konig. Advanced fault detection for sensors and actuators in process control, A Halme & J Selkainaho. Enhancement of robustness in observer-based fault detection, P M Frank. Reliability and Safety Analysis. Fault Detection and Diagnosis. Knowledge Based Systems/Expert Systems. Maintenance. Applications. Discussion Session Summaries. Author index. Keyword index.