(partial) Knowledge based systems: a survey of expert systems for equipment maintenance and diagnostics, W T Scherer & C C White, III. Application of AI techniques in CAR environments, P Camurati et al. Fault detection of technological systems: critical assessment of various leak detection techniques for gas pipeline networks, G Lappus & G Schmidt. Fault detection in an evaporator via parameter estimation in real time, D T Dalle Molle & D M Himmelblau. Component failure detection using local second-order observers, D Hengy & P M Frank. Robust, fault-tolerant and intelligent controllers: towards a global approach for the design of reliable control systems, M Mariton & P Bertrand. Optimization control and reliablity of steel grinding process, R Pasquino. Fault tolerant digital techniques: VLSI wafers and boards diagnostics using multisignature analysis, A Hlawiczka. Transient fault tolerance in microprocessor controllers, J Sonnowski. Systems architectures and reliability statistics, D E Ventzas.
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