Extracellular Matrix
- 1st Edition - December 2, 2012
- Editor: Susan Hawkes
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 3 1 2 4 2 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 5 0 4 1 - 5
Extracellular Matrix contains the proceedings of the symposium ""The Extracellular Matrix,"" sponsored by the Michigan Molecular Institute and held in Midland, Michigan, on June… Read more

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Request a sales quoteExtracellular Matrix contains the proceedings of the symposium ""The Extracellular Matrix,"" sponsored by the Michigan Molecular Institute and held in Midland, Michigan, on June 28-July 2, 1982. The papers explore the role played by the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the physiology of a cell, particularly in the regulation of cellular phenotypes, differentiation, and proliferation. The progress made in isolating and defining the chemistry and functional interactions of the ECM components is discussed, along with the biology of the ECM. This book is comprised of 52 chapters and begins with an introduction to the ECM, with emphasis on the question of whether the malignant process can be defined in a cell culture model, and in particular, whether the pericellular matrix is characteristically altered in cancer. The discussion then turns to the structure of the heparan sulfate proteoglycans and the molecular mechanisms responsible for the association of these molecules with the surfaces of cultured cells. Subsequent chapters focus on the chemistry of ECM components such as collagen, glycosaminoglycans, and adhesive glycoproteins, along with their functional interactions, biosynthesis, turnover, and degradation. The final section is devoted to the diseased states of ECM. This monograph should serve as a valuable reference for biochemists as well as undergraduate and graduate students of biochemistry.
Perspectives in Extracellular Matrix Research: The Role of Cell Culture Models
I Chemistry of ECM components: Collagens, Glycosaminoglycans,and Adhesive Glycoproteins
Heparan Sulfate: On the Structure and Function of the Cell-Associated Proteoglycans
Structure and Function of Fibronectin
Structure and Biosynthesis of Cartilage Collagens
Interactions and Assembly of Basement Membrane Components
II Systems for Studying the Role of ECM in Growth and Differentiation
Cell-Matrix Interaction in Embryonic Avian Cornea and Lens
Patterns of Proteoglycan Synthesis during Chondrogenesis
Proteoglycan Synthesis by Proliferating, Non-Proliferating, and Senescent Cultures of Human Embryo Lung Fibroblasts
III Cell-Substratum Adhesion and Adhesion-Deficient Cell ines
The Effect of Different Proteoglycans on Serum-Mediated Cell Adhesion and Spreading
Adhesions and Cellular Adhesion
Selection of Substratum-Specific Adhesion Variants of Rat Hepatoma (HTC) Cells
Characterization of Cell Surface Heparan Sulfates Produced by Adhesion-Deficient Cell Lines
On the Mechanism of Cell Adhesion to Substratum in Metastatic and Other Tumor Cells
IV Biological Effects of the ECM in Tissue Interactions and Differentiation
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the Extracellular Matrix Meshwork during Cranial Neural Crest Cell Migration in Chick Embryos
The Role of the Extracellular Matrix in the Control of Neural Crest Cell Migration
Tunicamycin-Induced Defects in the Mouse Embryo: An In Vitro Study
Proteins of the Embryonic Extracellular Matrix: Regional and Temporal Correlation with Tissue Interaction in the Heart
Parameters Influencing Formation and Migration of Cardiac Mesenchymal Cells in Three-Dimensional Collagen Gels
Collagen Biosynthesis as a Key Regulatory Step in the Hormone-Induced Differentiation of the Mouse Mammary Gland
Influence of Extracellular Matrix, Laminin, and Fibronectin on the Growth of Cultured Mammalian Lens Epithelial Cells
The Role of ECM in the Development of Invertebrates: A Phylogeneticist's View
Glycosaminoglycans in and around Transplantable Hepatomas of Varying Growth Rates and Metastatic Characteristics
The Extracellular Matrix in the Control of Prostate Cell Growth
V Functional Interactions of ECM Components
Functions for Fibronectin, Hyaluronate, and Heparan Proteoglycans in Substratum Adhesion of Fibroblasts
Transformation-Dependent Alterations in the Composition and Interactions of Glycoproteins in the Extracellular Matrix of Human Fibroblasts: Characteristics of GP140 and GP250
Transformation Specific Protein of the Extracellular Matrix
Carbohydrates Protect the Collagen-Binding Domain of Fibronectin against Proteolytic Degradation
VI Growth of Cells on Surfaces Derivatized with ECM Components
Extracellular Matrix and Morphogenesis: Collagen Overlay Induces Lumen Formation by Epithelial Cell Lines
Extracellular Glycoprotein Mediates the Binding of Hyaluronate to In Situ Migrating Chick Cardiac Mesenchyme
VII Structural and Functional Studies of the Components of the ECM
Studies on the Major Carbohydrate from Human Placental Cellular Fibronectin
Specific Attachment of Collagen to Cardiac Myocytes: In Vivo and In Vitro
Laminin and Heparan Sulfate in Matrix Attachment of Teratocarcinoma-Derived Endodermal Cells
An Integral Membrane Proteoglycan is Capable of Binding Components of the Cytoskeleton and the Extracellular Matrix
Subcellular Sites of Elongation of Hyaluronate
Suppression of Sulfated-Proteoglycan Biosynthesis in Chondrocyte Cultures by Calcium Ionophores
Immunochemical Analysis of cAMP during Murine Limb Chondrogenesis In Vitro
A Biochemical Profile of the ECM during the Sequential Stages of Otic Capsule Formation In Vivo and In Vitro
Elaboration of Extracellular Matrix and Reverse Transformation of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
VIII Modulation of Mammary Cell Phenotypes by the ECM
Modulation of the Differentiated Phenotype of Cultured Mouse Mammary Epithelial Cells by Collagen Substrata
Growth and Differentiation of Rat Mammary Epithelium on Mammary Gland Extracellular Matrix
Effects of Collagen Gel Matrix on the Growth of Cultured Mouse Mammary Cells
The Role of Collagenous Substrata on the Production of Basement Membrane Proteins by Rat Mammary Epithelial Cells In Vitro
IX Biosynthesis, Turnover, and Degradation of ECM Components
The Effect of Mannose-6-Phosphate on the Turnover of the Components of the Extracellular Matrix
Biosynthetic Studies on Fibronectin and Chondroitin Sulphate Proteoglycans in Human Melanoma Cells
Transformation-Dependent Changes in Hyaluronic Acid Synthetase Activity and Its Product
The Effects of Taxol on Chondroblast Proteoglycan Secretion
Studies on Glycosaminoglycan-Dependent Protease Inhibitors
X Diseased States of ECM
Metastatic Tumor Cell Attachment to and Invasion of Organ Tissue and Artificial Vascular Endothelium In Vitro
Degradation of Cartilage Matrix by Yoshida Sarcoma Cells
Abnormalities in the Production of Extracellular Matrix by Cells from Individuals with Inherited Disorders of Collagen Biosynthesis
Defective Conversion of a Glycoprotein Precursor to Keratan Sulfate Proteoglycan in Macular Corneal Dystrophy
Alterations in the Basement Membrane in Diabetes
- No. of pages: 436
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: December 2, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780124312425
- eBook ISBN: 9780323150415
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