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Experimental Methods and Instrumentation for Chemical Engineers, Second Edition, touches many aspects of engineering practice, research, and statistics. The principles of unit o… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
1.7 Exercises (Correct, add)
2 Measurement and Analysis
2.7 Exercises (Correct, add)
3 Experimental Planning
3.3.2 Statistical Tests, ANOVA, F-Test
3.4.2 Experimental Designs (Improve)
3.4.3 Factorial Designs (Improve)
3.4.4 Response Surface Designs (Improve)
3.5 Exercises (Correct, add)
4 Electric Circuits Basics
4.1 Analog/Digital
4.2 Electric Circuits Basics
4.3 Load-Mass-Stress-Force
4.4 Displacement
4.5 Exercises
5 Pressure
5.6 Exercises (Correct, add)
6 Temperature
6.6 Exercises (Correct, add)
7 Fluid Metering
7.7 Thermal Mass Flow Meters (Improve)
7.7.1 Hot Wire Anemometry (Improve)
7.8 Coriolis (Improve)
7.12 Exercises (Correct, add)
8 Physicochemical Analysis
8.5 Exercises (Correct, add)
9 Gas and Liquid Concentration
9.1 Overview
9.2 Chromatography
9.2.1 Distribution Coefficient
9.2.2 Capacity Factor
9.2.3 Selectivity Factor
9.2.4 Theoretical Plates
9.2.5 Eddy Diffusion
9.2.6 Longitudinal Diffusion
9.2.7 Mass transfer resistance
9.2.8 Resolution
9.2.9 Gas Chromatography (Improve – more practical)
9.2.10 HPLC (Improve – more practical)
9.2.11 Method Development
9.3 Mass Spectrometry
9.4 Refractometry
9.7 Exercises (Correct, add)
10 Analysis of Solids and Powders (reorganization)
10.1 Overview
10.8 Exercises (Correct, add)