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Evolutionary Diversity as a Source for Anticancer Molecules discusses evolutionary diversity as source for anticancer agents derived from bacteria, algae, bryophytes, pteridoph… Read more
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Evolutionary Diversity as a Source for Anticancer Molecules discusses evolutionary diversity as source for anticancer agents derived from bacteria, algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, and gymnosperms. The book goes over the isolation of anticancer agents and the technologyenabled screening process used to develop anticancer drugs. The book also includes discussion of the nutraceuticals and natural products
derived from invertebrates that can be used as part of cancer treatment.
Evolutionary Diversity as a Source for Anticancer Molecules also deals with some of the current challenges in the prevention of cancer as well as the side effects of conventional drugs used for cancer patients.
This book is a valuable resource for cancer researchers, oncologists, biotechnologists, pharmacologists, and any member of the biomedical
field interested in understanding more about natural products with anticancer potential.
1. Evolutionary mechanism for biosynthesis of diverse molecules1.1 Introduction1.2 Models for evolutionary study1.3 Evolution of secondary metabolite pathways1.4 Cell fitness coupling for natural metabolite production1.5 Chemical diversity of natural products1.6 Occurrence of flavonoids in the plant kingdom1.7 Biomolecular activity of secondary metabolites1.8 Evolution of anticancer drug discovery1.9 Factors influence the production of secondary metabolites1.10 Future prospectiveReferences
2. Impact of ploidy changes on secondary metabolites productions in plants2.1 An introduction to ploids (or polyploids)2.2 Morphological effects, meiotic and breeding behavior2.3 Role of ploids (auto, allo and induced) in secondary metabolites production2.4 PerspectivesReferences
3. Effect of climate change on plant secondary metabolism: An ecological perspective3.1 Introduction3.2 Evolutionary theory based on secondary metabolites3.3 Effect of climate change on secondary metabolites3.4 Impact of climate change on secondary metabolites of medicinal plants3.5 The expression of secondary compounds in plants3.6 Early stage of plant evolution3.7 Environmental factors triggering the secondary metabolism3.8 The regulation of plant secondary metabolism by interactions of heat shock and elevated CO23.9 Ecological roles of secondary metabolites3.10 The ecosystem feedback of plant secondary metabolites for the climate change 3.11 Secondary metabolites as worthy asset for the biological system: Further support3.12 Conclusions and future prospectiveReferences
4. Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds fromnatural resources: Metabolomics and molecular approaches4.1 Introduction4.2 Metabolomics approach4.3 Metabolomics technologies4.4 Molecular approach4.5 Conclusion and future perspectivesReferences
5. Single-celled bacteria as tool for cancer therapy5.1 Introduction5.2 The anti-tumor effect through the release of bacterial substances5.3 The anti-tumor effect through enhancement of human immunity5.4 The anti-tumor effect through the production of biofilms5.5 The anti-tumor effect through the use of viruses along with bacteria5.6 The anti-tumor effect through bacteria-mediated anti-angiogenesis therapy5.7 The anti-tumor effect through live tumor-targeting bacteria5.8 The anti-tumor effect through the use of live bacteria as a tumor suppressor5.9 The anti-tumor activity through the use of engineered bacteria5.10 The anti-tumor activity of bacteria in combination with radiotherapy5.11 The anti-tumor activity of bacteria through tumor-specific antigens and antibodies5.12 The anti-tumor activity of bacteria through gene transfer5.13 The anti-tumor activity of bacteria through gene silencing5.14 The anti-tumor activity of bacteria through gene triggering strategies5.15 Future prospectiveReferences
6. Metabolic pathways for production of anticancer compounds in cyanobacteria6.1 Introduction6.2 Diversity and evolutionary significance of cyanobacteria6.3 Exploration of secondary metabolites6.4 Structural and functional diversity of anticancerous metabolites6.5 Biosynthetic pathway6.6 Future perspectives6.7 ConclusionAcknowledgementReferences
7. Prophyletic origin of algae as potential repository of anticancer compounds7.1 Introduction7.2 Metabolites or bioactive substances present in marine algae having anticancer properties7.3 Anticancer therapy via apoptosis7.4 Death receptor mediated pathway or extrinsic pathway7.5 Other: A typical forms of cell death7.6 Anticancer compound isolated from marine algae7.7 Anticancer properties of reported marine algal family7.8 ConclusionsReferencesFurther reading
8. Metabolic versatility of fungi as a source for anticancer compounds8.1 Introduction8.2 Plant-fungal interactions and its metabolic diversity8.3 Genetic aspects of plant-fungal interactions8.4 Biochemical aspects of plant-fungal interactions8.5 Signal transduction pathway in plant-fungal interactions8.6 The potent anticancer compounds produced by terrestrial endophytic fungi8.7 The potent anticancer compounds produced by deep-sea sediment fungi8.8 The potent anticancer compounds produced by algaeassociated fungi8.9 The potent anticancer compounds produced by mangrove endophytic fungi8.10 The potent anticancer compounds produced by sponge associated fungi8.11 ConclusionReferences
9. Structural information of natural product metabolites in bryophytes9.1 Introduction9.2 Exploration of bryophytes for medicinal usage9.3 Bryophytes as a source of biologically active molecules9.4 Different types of secondary metabolites found in bryophytes9.5 Bioactive molecules from bryophytes reported with different pharmacological activities9.6 Bryophytes as a potential biopharming agents9.7 Chemical syntheses of bryophyte components9.8 Biotechnological applications for effective utilization of bryophytes for therapy9.9 Challenges and future prospects9.10 ConclusionAcknowledgmentsReferences
10. Landscape of natural product diversity in land-plants as source for anticancer molecules10.1 Introduction10.2 Plant diversity and their anticancer potential10.3 Microbial antitumor products10.4 Anticancer property of fungi10.5 Responses of cancer cells to the lichen compounds10.6 Therapeutic potential of bryophytes against cancer10.7 Ferns a treasury of anticancer agents10.8 Anticancer property of gymnosperm10.9 Anticancer potential of angiosperms10.10 ConclusionReferences
11. Anticancer natural product from marine invertebrates11.1 Introduction11.2 Sponges11.3 Cnidaria11.4 Bryozoa11.5 Molluscs11.6 Echinoderms11.7 ConclusionsReferencesFurther reading
12. Melatonin: A scientific journey from the discovery in bovine pineal gland to a promising oncostatic agent: An evolutionary perspective12.1 Introduction12.2 Evolutionary history of melatonin12.3 Synthesis of melatonin in animals12.4 Synthesis of melatonin in plants12.5 Role of melatonin in integrity of genome and DNA repair12.6 Melatonin and telomerase activity 12.7 Conclusion12.8 Challenge and future perspectiveReferences
13. Spice up your food for cancer prevention: Cancer chemo-prevention by natural compounds from common dietary spices13.1 Introduction13.2 Role of diet in cancer origin and progression13.3 Anticancer activities of select spices used in daily diet13.4 Concluding summaryAcknowledgmentsReferences
14. Significance of nutraceuticals in cancer therapy14.1 History of nutraceuticals14.2 Drawbacks in conventional cancer treatments14.3 Importance of nutraceuticals in cancer therapy14.4 Various nutraceuticals and their application in cancer therapy14.5 Conclusion and future prospectiveReferences
15. Common techniques and methods for screening of natural products for developing of anticancer drugs15.1 Introduction15.2 Extraction of compounds15.3 Fractionation15.4 Purification15.5 Crystallization15.6 Chromatography15.7 Physical methods for basic structure elucidation15.8 Antioxidant assay15.9 Single electron transfer15.10 Hydrogen atom and single electron transfer15.11 Chelation power of antioxidant15.12 Lipid oxidation 15.13 Anticancer assay15.14 Methods to detect ROS15.15 ConclusionReferences