Editorial, D S Bell & J Gaffney. European Immigration Policy. The need for solidarity, E Pisani. Immigration and the European Community, G Callovi. Europe's immigrants, S Nair. Fortress Europe and human rights, P Leuprecht. Immigration and the French experience, C-V Marie. A common future, P Greib. Christians and future immigration policy, A Perotti. Schools and cultures in France. Pitfalls and prospects, A Seksig. Immigration policies and the Single European Market, J Costa-Lascoux. European Dossier. Spain's illegal immigrants, IOE Group. Marginality and minorities in France's immigrant population, F Dubet. Citizenship, nationality and internationality, G Raulet. Literary Chronicle. Of Central Europe: myths and reality, C Magris. Book Reviews. Max Gallo and the left, S Nair (Review of La Gauche est morte,vive la gauche by Max Gallo). A future for the left? E Shaw (Review of The Progressive Dilemma by David Marquand).