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Essentials of Medical Biochemistry, Second Edition: With Clinical Cases is the most condensed, yet detailed biochemistry overview available on the topic. It presents contemp… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Essentials of Medical Biochemistry, Second Edition: With Clinical Cases is the most condensed, yet detailed biochemistry overview available on the topic. It presents contemporary coverage of the fundamentals of biochemistry, emphasizing relevant physiologic and pathophysiologic biochemical concepts.
Pivotal clinical case studies aid in understanding basic science in the context of diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, and the text illuminates key topics in molecular immunology and hemostasis.
Users will find basic and fundamental concepts that will aid students and professionals in biochemistry, medicine, and other healthcare disciplines. the text is a useful refresher that will help users meet USMLE and other professional licensing examination requirements, providing thorough introductions, key points, multicolored illustrations of chemical structures and figures, fact-filled tables, and recommended reading lists.
at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Since 2001,
he has been teaching medical biochemistry to students who come from disadvantaged
backgrounds. He is also actively involved in the various aspects of molecular biology
and biochemical research in the field of clinical medicine.
and Physiology at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
An active professor, researcher, and teacher, he has many years of experience in both
the instruction and practice of clinical biochemistry.