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This is the sixth edition of a popular, highly readable primer in obstetrics and gynaecology. It has been thoroughly updated and aligns with the undergraduate curriculum in O&… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
This is the sixth edition of a popular, highly readable primer in obstetrics and gynaecology. It has been thoroughly updated and aligns with the undergraduate curriculum in O&G devised by the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Section 1 Essential reproductive science
1. Anatomy of the Female Pelvis; 2. Conception and Implantation; 3. Physiological Changes in Pregnancy; 4. Placental and Fetal Growth and Development; 5. Perinatal and Maternal Mortality
Section 2 Essential obstetrics
6. History Taking and Examination in Obstetrics; 7. Normal Pregnancy and Antenatal Care; 8. Obstetric Disorders; 9. Maternal Medicine; 10. Congenital Abnormalities and Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing; 11. Management of Labour; 12. Management of Delivery; 13. Postpartum and Early Neonatal Care; 14. Mental Health and Childbirth
Section 3 Essential gynaecology
15. Basic Clinical Skills in Gynaecology; 16. Gynaecological Disorders; 17. Infertility; 18. Early Pregnancy Care; 19. Sexual and Reproductive Health; 20. Gynaecological Oncology; 21. Prolapse and Disorders of the Urinary Tract
A. Principles of Perioperative Care; B. Governance, Audit and Research; C. Medicolegal Aspects of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; OSCE Stations Questions; OSCE Stations Answers; Self-assessment Questions; Self-assessment Answers; Further Reading; Index