Volume 1. Key-Note Lecture. Finite element modelling of continuous casting (S. Cescotto et al.). Studies on porous facturing solids (I. Doltsinis, R. Dattke). Microcomputer-based molecular dynamics and homogenization analysis for seepage problem in bentonite in pure- and salt-water (Y. Ichikawa et al.). Paradigm shift in computational solid mechanics (T. Kawai). Simulations of fluids and solids by multi-scale mesh free methods (W.K. Liu et al.). Surface subsidence models including capillary effects in hydrocarbon reservoirs (B.A. Schrefier, L. Simoni). Performance based structural engineering (I.F.C. Smith). Variable time step integration of equations of motion (S. Valliappan, K.K. Ang). Calculating the modes from dynamic stiffness matrix analysis of piecewise continuous structures (F.W. Williams, S. Yuan). Boo control and eigenvalue precise integration (W.X. Zhong). Mathematical Applications. Numerical solution of a sublinear singular boundary-value problem (M.P. Carpentier, P.M. Lima). On a method with regularization on the kernel of the operator for solving of signorini's problem (A.Y. Zolotukhin). Precise integration method for LQG optimal control problem (W-X. Zhong, Z-Q. Cai). The operative evaluation of rotor unbalance without tests (Y.L. Menshikov). Approxiation solvability of hot rolling problem with SCM model (S. Song et al.). Solving complex dynamic systems with matlab in electrical engineering problems (M.L. de Aguiar, M.M. Cad). Physics and Materials Science. Computer assisted operation of ASDEX upgrade reflectometry diagnostic (V. Grossmann et al.). Some approaches to numerical simulation of the polymer composite mechanical properties (Y. Yanovsky et al.). Surface properties of ITO thin films using atomic force microscopy image processing (A. Amaral et al.). Solid Mechanics. 3-D stress concentration of solid with two circular holes (Z. Tian et al.). Fatigue life prediction of -D problems by anisotropic damage mechanics (C. Deyu et al.). Dynamic behaviour of free rotors: A rotodynamic approach (G. Genta et al.). Simulation of ribbed-strip rolling by 3-D rigid visco-plastic FEM (Z.Y. Jiang et al.). Theoretical and experimental development of an industrial process for minting bimetallic foiled coins (J.M.C. Rodrigues, P.A.F. Martins). Construction of fundamental solutions with finite stress concentration at the crack tip for plane problems (K. Fujii et al.). A new approach for solving dynamical stress intensity factor KI (t) of orthotropic plates (T. Zongrou et al.). Strength analyses of a dual-drop capsule (I) (Z. Tian et al.). Finite Element Method & Boundary Element Method. The estimation of collapse load of plates by hierarchical co -plate element (W.S. lung et al.). Solution of vibration problems of kirchhofrs plate using a BEM formulation (Z. Manyang). Solving problems of thin plate on elastic foundation by BEM with macro element (Z. Manyang). Three dimensional analysis of flat rolling by a combined finite element- boundary element approach (X. Shangwu et al.). Adaptivity in space- time finite element approximations (M.M. Cecchi, F. Marcuzzi). Design optimization of composite beam structures (l.B. Cardoso et al.). Line element method for analysis of plates (V.P. Iu, L. Chu). Stress analysis of honeycomb sandwich wing structure with chord- wise taper by finite element method (I. Rasool et al.). Reissner-Mindlin plate analysis using a hybrid-mixed stress element (E.M.B.R. Pereira, l.A.T. de Freitas). EPFM approach for fatigue life prediction by p-version of FEM (C.H. Hong et al.). Meshless methods for potential problems in electrical engineering applications (I. Colominas et al.). Structural Analysis & Design. Applications of drilling degrees of freedom for 3-D and D structural analysis (M. Yuan et al.). The practical method for optimum design of structure subject to reliability constraints (A. Zhang et al.). Finite element analysis of anchorage zone stresses in post- tensioned masonry diaphragm walls (W.M. Quach). An efficient methodology for response moment evaluation with stochastic finite element (E. Guo-Kang, I. V. Pan). Historical structures: models and modelling (P.B. Lourenjo). Study of structural behavior of hyperbolic cooling tower with construction errors (W. Qin, Z. Jianchun). Simplified methods for 2nd order effects evaluation in RC columns (J.Vinagre, J. Camara). A discrete element model for analysis of block masonry (X.L. Liu, J.V. de Lemos). Structural Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering. Altering structures to exclude multiple vibration frequencies (R. Lawther). Modelling cable reinforcement solutions for monumental structures (J. Azevedo, G.E. Sincraian). Accurate analysis of multi-support structures subjected to non-uniformly modulated evolutionary random seismic excitations (J.H. Lin, Y.H. Zhang). The influence of the second order effects in the seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete structures (R. Bent). Seismic response analysis of soil-foundation-structure interaction systems (Z. Dongfu, S. Changqing). A model to evaluate the seismic non-linear response of R/C structures taking into account soil-structure interaction (M.R. Fragoso, E.C. Serra). The analysis of seismic safety during blasting (Z. Zhang, Z. Darning). Non conventional dynamic analysis (I. de Brito, M. Lopes). Vibration analysis of mast of oil-drilling rig (H. Xiuqing et al.). Study on coupling effect of mast of oil-drilling rig with its base frame and foundation in vibration (Z. Bofang et al.). Structural Engineering. Analysis of shoring loads of falsework system due to concrete placement procedures (S-I. Hong et al.). Reinforced concrete coupling beams: their differences from ordinary beams (A.K.H. Kwan, Z.Z. Zhao). A comparative assessment of the compressive strength of slender webs according to EC (H.M.S. Gervdsio, L.S. da Silva). Experiment and research on the concrete- filled steel tubular column joints with steel brackets through tubular core (H. XiaoLei et al.). A Model to cost-effective design of housing (P.G. Henriques). Economic studies of steel building frames (P.I.S. Cruz). Concrete Structures. Dual nonlinear computer analysis of prestressed concrete members with unbonded tendons (W. Yongping et al.). Analysis of massive structures during the concrete hardening process (A.L. Ratista, C. Pina). Stress state of the web of reinforced concrete I-beams subjected to transverse bending (S. Nakano). Strengthening design of concrete beams by addition of steel plates (A. Gomes, J. Appleton). The application of nonlinear finite element in analysis of RC beams with web openings (W. Quanlin et al.). Non linear analysis of slender bridge columns (M.S. Lopes et al.). Time evolution of failure domains due to chemical damage phenomena (A. Saetta et al.). Creep analysis of axially compressed concrete filled steel tubular members (W. Yuanfeng, H. Ring). Knowledge Based Systems. Agent based multidimensional analysis on a production system plant (O. Relo). Case-based reasoning for pile foundation: proceed from accumulated experience (O.Rabka, L.A.G. Garanito). Democratized architecture: grammars and computers for siza's mass houses (J.P. Duarte). Development of a knowledge based system for the portuguese code for thermal behaviour of buildings (J.M. Graj:a et al.). Case-based reasoning and agent-based technology in value engineering (F.L. Ribeiro). Object-oriented project programming system with resource restrictions (M.G. Pereira). Case-based reasoning (CBR) supporting PO box automation system (F. Wong, 0. Babka). Volume 2. Artificial Neural Networks & Genetic Algorithms. Active noise control inside train coaches (J.M.G. sa da Costa, M.A. Botto). An application of neural network in combustion processes evaluations (C. Boccaletti et al.). A neural network evaluation of the patch load phenomenon (E.T. Fonseca et al.). A neural network approach for fast density profile evaluation in fusion plasmas
(J. Santos et al.). An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for the forecast of macau daily electric load (S.C. Tam et al.). Prediction of macau daily electricity consumption with artificial neural network (K.M. Mok et al.). Fuzzy neural network in predicting rolling load in hot strip mill (x. Wang et al.). Modeling of seismically excited structures using neural networks (M.Z. Asik, A.E. Demirbas). The modified fast fourier transform and its application to analyze roll eccentricities (T. Wang et al.). Computer-Aided Instruction. Using BEM as a solver in CAI software of the course "Theory of Elasticity" (Z. Yao et al.). Educational software for structural analysis (H.M.C.C. Antunes et al.). A learning environment for reinforced concrete design (F. Farinha). Educational software for the theory of structures (H.M.C.C. Antunes et al.). Computer-Aided Design & Visualization . Visualization of composite structures with object oriented programming and openGL (J.B. Cardoso et al.). Controlling the propagation of the advancing front in three dimensional mesh generation (M.A. Piteri, J.P.M. de Almeida). H-Net CAD: dynamic modelling in the computer aided design of water supply networks (J.A.A. sa Marques et al.). A three-dimensional graphical system for steel connections design and detailing (L.F. da Silva et al.). Analysis and visualization of data from broadband microwave reflectometry (P. Varela et al.). The development and application of an integrated wharf structure CAD system (J. Feng, Y. Zhiqiang)
Development and achievement of -D model bases for the robot virtual assembly system (Z. Zheng et al.). Automation of bridge design process based on a deck geometric model (A.A. Sampaio). Development of a computer-aided design system based on a BEM approach for earthing grids in stratified soils (J. Colominas et al.). Computer-Aided Engineering. Tensile testing of textile yarns on a new high speed dynamometer operating by a piezoelectric sensor (J.M. Freyburger et al.). Computational support for quality control in the precast industry (F.A. Branco et al.). Building systems based on concurrent engineering (A.K.B.S. Duarte et al.). A computer random ray- tracing model in room acoustics (G. Jian, W. Shuoxian). Instrumentation of a daylight measurement station (A.S. Ribeiro et al.). A version model for an online software repository (C.P. Tou, R.P. Biuk-Aghai). Computer aided engineering and manufacturing of a "UVD" timber dryer (V. Dumitru et al.). Manufacture and computer aided engineering of rolls with attack cone used in cold rolling of external cylindrical threads (T. Stefan, B. Anton). Functional modelling and computer aided engineering of a plastifier for curved furniture (V. Dumitru et al.). A Portuguese-Chinese on-line domain-based machine translation system (F. Wu, Y -P. Li). Involving statistical factor analysis for disposable surgical clothing properties prediction (M.E.C. Silva et al.). Geographical Information Systems. Assessment of groundwater drastic vulnerability to pollution using GIS (Q. Yang et al.). Mapping urban quality of life in Portugal: a GIS approach (J.F.G. Mendes et al.). The -sets classification problem (J. Matos et al.). Distributing geological and mining information through the world wide web (J. Lopes). The D component of geomist, the geological and mining information system on the Iberian pyrite belt (L. Torres). Acceptance plans for attribute values in GIS datasets (J. Casaca et al.). Environmental Applications. Decision support systems for water resources planning and management (J.M.P. Vieira). Mesh generation and refinement in D hydrodynamic modelling: a case study (J.L.S. Pinho et al.). Water quality modeling and water environmental capacity analysis of the area surrounding macao (H. Chai et al.). Simulation of the effects of reclamation works on flow and sediment transport in the area surrounding macao (L.I. Portela). Comparison of numerical techniques solving longitudinal dispersion problems in the river Mondego (A.A.S. Duarte et al.). Comparison of different simulating annealing implementations: the least- cost looped-water network design case (J. Sousa, M. da Conceijdo Cunha). AquoMin: a software for mass exchange network design (P. Castro et al.). Road Engineering. Simulation of interaction between off-road tire lug and soil by a modified DEM (A. Oida, S. Ohkubo). Accounting of distance influence between vehicles wheels over stressed-deformed road constructions conditions (Sh.M. Aitaliyev et al.). Flexible road pavement design: validation of recent approaches to loading and materials behaviour (A.M. Baptista et al.). Properties of high modulus asphalt concrete: contribution to the use of a recent road material (S.D. Capitiio, L.Picado-Santos). Evaluation of occupant risk for longitudinal traffic barriers (G.D. Lee et al.). Geotechnics. Computer aided modeling procedure for complex geometry of rocks (T. Seiki et al.). Experimental and numerical study of a concrete dam failure on a jointed foundation (C. Pina et al.). A review of hydromechanical models of rock masses for analysis of pressure tunnels (L.N. Lamas). Hydromechanical modelling of pressure tunnels -a case study (L.N. Lamas). Numerical elasto-plastic analyses of stress and deformation of embankments on soft soils (M. Luan et al.). Numerical simulation of large-strain dynamic tests on driven piles (P. Pinto, M. McVay). Prediction of pile bearing resistance (A.P. Kong, M.S. Subrahmanyam). The application of stable configuration in deep foundation pit support structure (Y.Q. Yuan, L. Xian). Analysis of a group of piles: a comparison of computation methods (H. Novais-Ferreira et al.). About statistical variation of bearing capacity of driven piles -Macau foundation code (H. Novais-Ferreira). A numerical method for the interpretation of horizontal load tests of fixed-head pile groups (A.G.F. de Sousa Coutinho). Soil Mechanics. Analysis of strip footings on a layered medium (M.Z. Asik). Significance of the particle rotation on the mechanical behavior of the granular materials (A. Mahboubi). Numerical simulation of an embankment built on a soft deposit applying the "Melanie" model (L.J.L. Lemos et al.). Prediction of deformation of diaphragm wall (M.S. Subrahmanyam, L.H. Sai). A case study of dike failure by limit equilibrium (S. Qiang). Optimized planning of subsurface investigation (M.S. Subrahmanyam, I.T. Ng). The application of computer in analyzing foundation strength and plasticity (K. Shenglan, K. Ying). Application of pattern search method for slope stability analysis (H. Mo et al.). Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics. Morphodynamic evolution processes in coastal and estuarine regions: a case study (J.S. Antunes do Carmo, F.J. Seabra Santos). Study of hydraulic transients in simple pumping pipes: simplified methods vs. the method of characteristics (A. sa Marques et al.). Numerical modeling of pump-sump water intakes (J.M. Silva, L.S. Heng). First order heave response of a free floating spar buoy in a random seaway (R.C. Barros). A dynamic model for reciprocating compressor parametric analysis (C. Boccaletti, G. Cerri). Three-dimensional aerodynamical wing investigations based on structured meshes (A.L. de Bortoli). Method of geometrical immersion and its numerical realization for problems of elasticity theory (V.P. Matveyenko et al.).