Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- 1st Edition - June 20, 2014
- Editors: Jacob Peedicayil, Dennis R. Grayson, Dimitri Avramopoulos
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 0 1 0 8 - 7
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 1 7 1 1 4 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 1 7 1 3 4 - 3
Epigenetics in Psychiatry covers all major areas of psychiatry in which extensive epigenetic research has been performed, fully encompassing a diverse and maturing field, including… Read more

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Request a sales quoteEpigenetics in Psychiatry covers all major areas of psychiatry in which extensive epigenetic research has been performed, fully encompassing a diverse and maturing field, including drug addiction, bipolar disorder, epidemiology, cognitive disorders, and the uses of putative epigenetic-based psychotropic drugs. Uniquely, each chapter correlates epigenetics with relevant advances across genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics. The book acts as a catalyst for further research in this potentially very important and useful area of psychiatry.
The elucidation of basic principles of epigenetic biology points to the creation of more optimal and effective therapies for major classes of psychiatric disease. In this regard, epigenetic therapy, the use of drugs to correct epigenetic defects, may help in the pharmacotherapy of patients with these disorders. With time, such advances may eventually point to replacements for psychotropic drugs presently of symptomatic value and low efficacy. Moreover, there is evidence to suggest that other forms of treatment commonly used in the management of psychiatric disorders, like psychotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy, may also act by epigenetic mechanisms.
- Chapters review fascinating new areas of research across neuronal stem cells, cognitive disorders, and transgenerational epigenetics through drug addiction
- Relates broad advances in psychiatric epigenetics to a modern understanding of the genome, transcriptome, and protein
- Catalyzes knowledge discovery in both basic epigenetic biology and clinical application as epigenetic targets for drug discovery
This work is aimed at biomedical researchers of graduate level and above who are seeking to elucidate the epigenetic basis of psychiatric disorders. These researchers typically fall within biological psychiatry, neuroscience, epigenetics, molecular biology, and geneticists working on psychiatric disease.
- Preface
- About the Editors
- List of Contributors
- Part 1: General Aspects of Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- Chapter 1. Introduction to Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- Key Concept
- Introduction
- Genetics of psychiatric disorders
- Genotype versus phenotype
- Missing heritability
- Epigenetics in psychiatric disorders
- Epigenetic versus genetic approaches to psychiatric disorders
- Moving epigenetics forward
- Conclusion
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 2. Outline of Epigenetics
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- Molecular mechanisms of epigenetics
- Histone acetylation
- Histone methylation
- Other histone modifications
- Correlation of epigenetics with genetics, transcriptomics, and proteomics
- Clinical and medical implication of epigenetics
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 3. A Brief History of Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- Key Concept
- Introduction
- Erikson’s epigenetic principle
- Schizophrenia: the epigenetic puzzle
- Later theoretical developments
- Experimental (laboratory) studies on epigenetics in psychiatry
- The social environment and epigenetics in psychiatry
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 4. Roles of Epigenetics in the Neural Stem Cell and Neuron
- Key Concepts
- Outline of neural cell production during cortical development
- Epigenetic regulation of exit from cell proliferation cycle toward postmitotic neurons during early cortical development
- Epigenetic regulation underlying properties of multipotent neural stem cells and their differentiation into upper layer cortical neurons and astrocytes
- Epigenetic regulation of postnatal oligodendrocyte differentiation and adult neurogenesis
- Combination of trans-acting epigenetic modifiers involved in epigenome formation
- Importance of focusing on epigenetics in neuronal functions
- Impact of epigenetic regulation on synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory
- Plasticity of epigenetic profile in neurons in response to extrinsic stimuli
- The robust identity of neurons defined by the epigenetic status
- Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 5. Role of Epigenetics in the Brain
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- Role of epigenetics in evolution
- Role of epigenetics in brain development
- Role of epigenetic mechanisms in brain function
- Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 6. Epigenetic Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- Causal inference in epigenetic epidemiology
- Study designs in epigenetic epidemiology
- Methodologic issues to consider in epigenetic epidemiology
- Importance of a life course perspective
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 7. Laboratory Techniques in Psychiatric Epigenetics
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- DNA methylation
- Global quantification of DNA methylation
- Higher resolution analyses of DNA methylation
- Gene-specific quantification of DNA methylation
- Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis
- Genome approaches
- 5hmC approaches
- Chromatin
- Global histone analyses
- Sequence-specific and genome-wide histone analyses
- Conclusion
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 8. Laboratory Epigenetic Models of Schizophrenia
- Key Concept
- Introduction
- Laboratory non-epigenetic models of schizophrenia
- In vivo epigenetic models of schizophrenia
- Prenatal restraint stress model for schizophrenia
- Prenatal infection models
- In vitro epigenetic cell-based models of schizophrenia
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 9. Animal Models of Environmental Manipulations Resulting in Epigenetic Modifications That Increase Risk for Affective Disorders
- Key Concepts
- Mood disorders
- Rationale for the use of animal models
- Mood and anxiety-like phenotypes in rodents
- Prenatal exposures
- Postnatal exposures
- Adulthood exposures
- Future directions
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 1. Introduction to Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- Part 2: Epigenetics of Psychiatric Disorders
- Chapter 10. 5-Methycytosine and 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in Psychiatric Epigenetics
- Key Concepts
- Introduction to the epigenome
- CpG islands and DNA methylation
- DNA methylating enzymes
- DNMT1 overexpression in psychosis
- DNA methylation biomarkers
- Genome-wide methylation studies
- Genome-wide array-based methods
- Methylation of BDNF in psychiatric disorders
- Array-based studies for SZ
- Second generation methylation arrays and SZ
- Enrichment sequencing for studies of SZ
- Genome-wide studies of methylation in ASD
- Hydroxymethylcytosine historical perspective
- 5-hmC in psychiatric disorders
- Summary and conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 11. Pathogenic Histone Modifications in Schizophrenia are Targets for Therapy
- Key Concept
- A brief introduction to histone modifications
- Histone methylation and schizophrenia pathogenesis
- Aberrant histone acetylation in schizophrenia
- Other types of histone modifications associated with SZ pathogenesis
- Current therapeutic targets modulating histone codes
- Methodological challenges of histone modification analyses
- Conclusion and perspectives
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 12. Non-Coding RNAs and Psychiatric Disorders
- Key Concept
- Introduction
- Types and functions of non-coding RNAs
- Role of non-coding RNAs in the brain
- Role of non-coding RNAs in schizophrenia
- Role of non-coding RNAs in bipolar disorder
- Role of non-coding RNAs in major depressive disorder
- Polymorphisms of genes encoding mirnas associated with psychiatric disorders
- Conclusions and future directions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 13. Epigenetics of Bipolar Disorder
- Key Concepts
- The epigenetic hypothesis in bipolar disorder
- Epigenetic mechanisms
- Direct examination of epigenetic impact from the study of bipolar disorder
- Single-gene DNA methylation studies and bipolar disorder
- Genome-wide methylation studies and bipolar disorder
- Histone modifications studies and bipolar disorder
- Epigenetics of stress as an entry point
- Epigenetics of neuroplasticity
- Future directions
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 14. Epigenetics in Major Depressive Disorder
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- What is major depression?
- Brain imaging endophenotypes in MDD
- Two genetically driven hypotheses of depression
- Nature and nurture in MDD
- GWAS and the missing heritability
- Environmental influence, epigenetics, and the missing heritability
- Maternal diet and epigenetically mediated effects on neurodevelopment outcomes
- Gestational consequences of maternal stress
- Early-life adversity-mediated epigenetic reprogramming
- The epigenetic intersect of gonadal hormonal fluctuation and mood
- Inflammation
- The effects of glucocorticoid system disruption in MDD
- Epigenetic etiology and brain imaging endophenotype
- DNA methylome scans in MDD
- Conclusion
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 15. The Epigenetics of Suicide: The Critical Impact of the Environment on Epigenetic Regulation in Suicide
- Key Concepts
- Suicide perspectives
- The molecular consequences of early-life adversity: Transcriptional regulation by epigenetic mechanisms
- Other epigenetic alterations in suicide brains
- Investigating genome-wide DNA methylation patterns
- Toward an integrative model of stress-induced psychopathology
- Concluding remarks
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 16. Epigenetics in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- The lasting impact of early adversity
- HPA axis in PTSD and stress-related disorders
- Epigenetic effects of stress
- Implications of epigenetics for the treatment of PTSD and related disorders
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 17. Epigenetics and Cognitive Disorders
- Key Concepts
- Introduction: role of epigenetics in memory and neurodegeneration
- DNA methylation changes and histone modifications in Alzheimer’s disease
- DNA methylation changes and histone modifications in Huntington’s disease
- DNA methylation changes and histone modifications in Parkinson’s disease
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 18. Epigenetics in Intellectual Disability
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- Abnormal epigenetic silencing in ID
- Mutations in genes encoding epigenetic regulators
- DNA methylation in ID
- Disruption of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling in ID
- Histone methylation in ID
- Histone acetylation in ID
- Histone ubiquitination in ID
- Summary and conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 19. Epigenetics and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- How do epigenetic modifications contribute to diversity?
- Can drugs be developed for NDDs based on epigenetics?
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 20. Epigenetics in Child Psychiatry
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- Epigenetic mechanisms
- Epigenetic processes and child psychiatric disorders
- Psychotropic drugs and gene expression
- Psychotropic drugs and epigenetics
- Adverse effects of psychotropic drugs
- Conclusion
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 21. Epigenetic Mechanisms of Drug Addiction Vulnerability
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- Epigenetic regulation of gene expression
- Epigenetic mechanisms in addiction
- Acute drug exposure: rapid and specific epigenetic responses
- Chronic drug use
- Vulnerability to drug addiction
- Early-life stress
- Mood disorders
- Environmental enrichment
- Prior drug exposure
- Gestational drug exposure
- Epigenetic inheritance of addiction
- Future directions
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 22. Mitoepigenetics and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
- Key Concept
- Mitoepigenetics overview and relevance for brain disorders
- Mitochondrial epigenetics
- Mitochondria and nDNA epigenetics
- Epigenetics of nDNA-encoded mitochondrial genes
- Future directions
- Conclusion
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 10. 5-Methycytosine and 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in Psychiatric Epigenetics
- Part 3: Epigenetic Therapy of Psychiatric Disorders
- Chapter 23. Epigenetic Effects of Currently Used Psychotropic Drugs
- Epigenetic effects of valproic acid
- Epigenetic effects of antidepressants
- Epigenetic effects of antipsychotics
- Epigenetic effects of Lithium salts
- Conclusion
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 24. DNA Methyltransferase Inhibitors and Psychiatric Disorders
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- DNA methylation and DNMTs
- DNA methylation and DNMTs in the developing and adult brain
- DNMT inhibitors: currently available drugs and their mechanisms of action
- Experimental use of DNMT inhibitors in neuroscience research: relevance for learning and memory
- Therapeutic potential of DNMT inhibitors in schizophrenia
- Therapeutic potential of DNMT inhibitors in depression
- Therapeutic potential of DNMT inhibitors in bipolar disorders
- Therapeutic potential of DNMT inhibitors in posttraumatic stress disorder
- Conclusions, future directions, and challenges
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 25. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors and Psychiatric Disorders
- Key Concept
- Introduction
- HATs and HDACs maintain transcription homeostasis
- HDAC types
- HDACs in normal brain, behavior and in psychopathology
- HDAC inhibitors
- Clinical trials of HDACi
- HDACi tested in animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders
- HDACi in psychotic disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
- HDACi in MDD
- HDACi in drug addiction
- HDACi in neurological disorders
- HDACi classes
- Constraints in the development of HDACi as therapeutics for CNS disorders
- Recent efforts to develop selective HDACi
- Design of future HDACi for psychiatric disorders
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 23. Epigenetic Effects of Currently Used Psychotropic Drugs
- Part 4: Other Topics in Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- Chapter 26. The Social Environment and Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- Key Concepts
- Introduction: social factors, genes, and gene expression programming
- How mechanisms of gene regulation “above the genome” contribute to inter-individual differences in behavior
- Overview of epigenetic mechanisms
- Targeting of epigenetic modifications to specific genes
- Epigenetic mechanisms and mental health
- The response of epigenetic machinery to environmental signals
- Social factors associated with epigenetic modifications during sensitive periods of development
- Maternal care, epigenetics, and the HPA axis: laboratory animal studies
- Parental care, epigenetics, and the HPA axis: human studies
- Social factors associated with epigenetic modifications outside of sensitive periods of development
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgment
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 27. Nutritional Effects on Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- Key Concepts
- Introduction
- Nutritional epigenetics: the link between nutrition and epigenetics
- Effect of nutrition on DNA methylation
- Effect of nutrition on histone modifications
- Effect of nutrition on RNA-mediated regulation of gene expression
- Nutritional effects on epigenetics in psychiatry
- Effect of prenatal nutrition on epigenetics in psychiatry
- Effect of postnatal nutrition on epigenetics in psychiatry
- Transgenerational (heritable) effects of nutrition on epigenetics in psychiatry
- Clinical applications of nutritional effects on epigenetics in psychiatry
- Use of methyl donors in major depressive disorder
- Use of methyl donors in major psychosis
- Use of methyl donors in cognitive disorders
- Conclusions
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 28. Transgenerational (Heritable) Epigenetics and Psychiatric Disorders
- Key Concept
- A novel non-Mendelian mechanism of inheritance
- Molecular mechanisms for epigenetic inheritance
- Epigenetic inheritance of psychiatric disorder-related behavior in animal models
- Conclusion
- References
- Glossary
- Chapter 26. The Social Environment and Epigenetics in Psychiatry
- Abbreviations
- Glossary
- Index
- No. of pages: 664
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: June 20, 2014
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780128101087
- Hardback ISBN: 9780124171145
- eBook ISBN: 9780124171343
Jacob Peedicayil
Dennis R. Grayson