PrefaceAcknowledgmentsI Origins 1 Origin of the Elements and Interstellar Molecules 1.1 Nucleosynthesis of the Elements 1.2 Interstellar Atoms and Molecules Exercises 2 The Development of the Solid Earth 2.1 Formation of the Earth 2.2 The Loss of Gaseous Elements 2.3 The Primary Differentiation of the Elements 2.4 Secondary Differentiation of the Elements 2.5 Concentration of the Elements into Ores 2.6 Relationship of Ores to Average Crustal Abundance Exercises 3 Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life 3.1 The Atmosphere and Hydrosphere of Primitive Earth 3.2 Synthesis of Building Block Molecules 3.3 The Importance of "Reactive Compounds" 3.4 Formation of Biopolymers 3.5 Appearance of Living Cells 3.6 The Second Stage of Atmospheric Evolution 3.7 The Third Stage of Atmospheric Evolution 3.8 The Nonproblem of Catastrophic Dioxygen Depletion 3.9 Conclusions Exercises Suggested ReadingsII Energy 4 Theoretical Treatment of Energy 4.1 The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics 4.2 Entropy Pollution and Free Energy 4.3 Converting Heat to Work — Reversible Processes 4.4 Converting Heat to Work — Carnot Efficiency 4.5 Conversion of Matter into More Useful Forms — Aluminum from Bauxite 4.6 The Improbability of Life in a Universe at Equilibrium 4.7 Steady-State, Nonequilibrium Systems 4.8 Material Flows — Biogeochemical Cycles 4.9 Maximizing the Degree of Order in a Steady-State, Nonequilibrium System Exercises 5 Fossil Fuels 5.1 Origin and Development of Coal 5.2 Coal-Fired Power Plants 5.3 Cleaner Coal Combustion 5.4 Origin and Reserves of Petroleum and Natural Gas 5.5 Composition and Classification of Petroleum 5.6 Petroleum Refining 5.7 Environmental Problems Associated with Petroleum Exercises 6 Newly Developing Energy Sources 6.1 Nuclear Fission Reactors 6.2 Fission Power and the Environment 6.3 Fusion Power 6.4 Solar Energy —Thermal Collection 6.5 Solar Energy — Electronic Collection 6.6 Photosynthesis 6.7 Tidal and Geothermal Energy Exercises 7 Storage, Distribution, and Conservation of Energy 7.1 Synthetic Chemical Fuels—The H2 Economy 7.2 Electrochemical Energy Conversion 7.3 Net Energy 7.4 Conservation of Free Energy 7.5 The Energy Balance of the Earth Exercises Suggested ReadingsIII Air 8 The Atmosphere 8.1 Structure and Properties of the Atmosphere 8.2 Temperature Inversion and Air Pollution Episodes 8.3 Atmospheric Photochemistry 8.4 Possible Depletion of Stratospheric Ozone 8.5 Natural versus Polluted Air Exercises 9 Air Pollution —Industry and Energy Related 9.1 Particulate Matter 9.2 Analysis and Control of Particulates 9.3 Sulfur Oxides 9.4 Effects of Sulfur Oxides and Particulates 9.5 Control Technology for Sulfur Oxides 9.6 Other Industrial Air Pollutants Exercises 10 Air Pollution—Transportation Related 10.1 Carbon Monoxide 10.2 Nitrogen Oxides, NOx 10.3 Photochemical Smog 10.4 Airborne Lead 10.5 Control of Automobile Emissions 10.6 Alternatives to the Otto Cycle Engine Exercises Suggested ReadingsIV Earth 11 Mineral Resources 11.1 Estimating Reserves of Mineral Resources 11.2 Extraction of Metals — General Principles 11.3 Iron 11.4 Steel 11.5 Aluminum 11.6 Copper 11.7 Other Metals 11.8 Calcium and Magnesium Minerals 11.9 Silicates - Sand, Stone, and Gravel 11.10 Sulfur 11.11 Phosphorus 11.12 Nitrogen Exercises 12 Clay Minerals and Soil 12.1 Weathering of Silicates 12.2 Secondary Clay Minerals 12.3 Commercial Uses of Clays 12.4 Organic Matter 12.5 Soil Nutrients 12.6 Ion Exchange in Soils 12.7 Soil pH and Nutrient Availability 12.8 Soil Management 12.9 Detoxification of Wastes Exercises 13 Solid Wastes 13.1 Population × Affluence × Technology 13.2 Municipal Wastes 13.3 Reclamation, Recycling, and Reuse 13.4 The Entropy Ethic and Solid Wastes Exercises Suggested ReadingsV Water 14 Water—General Principles 14.1 Unique Physical and Chemical Properties 14.2 Criteria of Water Quality 14.3 Natural Water — Eutrophication 14.4 Detergents and Phosphates Exercises 15 Municipal Wastewater Treatment 15.1 The Importance of Microorganisms in Water Purification 15.2 Primary and Secondary Treatment 15.3 Tertiary or Advanced Wastewater Treatment 15.4 Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus 15.5 Disposal of Treated Wastewater in Soils Exercises 16 Industrial Wastewater 16.1 Sources of Industrial Water Pollution 16.2 Heavy Metals 16.3 Mercury 16.4 Detection and Abatement of Mercury Pollution 16.5 Paper Mills 16.6 Abatement of Paper Mill Pollution Exercises Suggested ReadingsVI Life 17 Toxic Substances 17.1 Lipids 17.2 Detoxification of Foreign Substances 17.3 Enzyme Activation and Inhibition 17.4 Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Teratogenesis 17.5 Classification of Toxic Substances 17.6 The Vinyl Chloride Episode 17.7 Control of Toxic Substances in the Environment Exercises 18 The Sustenance of Life 18.1 Food Quality 18.2 The Green Revolution 18.3 Pest Control 18.4 Persistence of Pesticides 18.5 Toxicity of Pesticides 18.6 Mode of Action of Pesticides 18.7 Integrated Pest Management 18.8 Energy and Agriculture Exercises Suggested ReadingsVII Science, Ethics, and Ecology Suggested ReadingsAppendix The Environmental LiteratureIndex