List of Reviewers
Section 1. Modeling Environmental Attack
1. Science based probability modeling and life cycle engineering and management (R.P. Wei and D.G. Harlow)
2. A model to predict the evolution of pitting corrosion and the pit-to-crack transition incorporating statistically distributed input parameters (A. Turnbull, L.N. McCartney and S. Zhou)
3. Revisiting the film-induced cleavage model of SCC (A. Barnes, N. Senior and R.C. Newman)
4. Crack tip strain rate equation with applications to hydrogen embrittlement and active path dissolution models of stress corrosion cracking (M.M. Hall, Jr.)
5. Grain boundary engineering for crack bridging: a new model for intergranular stress corrosion crack (IGSCC) propagation (D.L. Engelberg, T.J. Marrow, R.C. Newman and L. Babout)
6. Crevice scaling laws to investigate local hydrogen uptake in rescaled model occluded sites (J.R. Scully, M.A. Switzer and J.S. Lee)
7. Modelling of the effect of hydrogen ion reduction on the crevice corrosion of titanium (K.L. Heppner and R.W. Evitts)
8. Transport effects in environment-induced cracking (A.I. Malkin)
9. Will finite-element analysis find its way to the design against stress corrosion cracking? (M. Vankeerberghen)
10. Numerical modelling of hydrogen-assisted cracking (E. Viyanit and Th. Boellinghaus)
Section 2. Crack Growth Mechanisms
11. Critical issues in hydrogen assisted cracking of structural alloys (R.P. Gangloff)
12. Towards understanding the mechanisms and kinetics of environmentally assisted cracking (S.P. Lynch)
13. Effects of hydrogen charging on surface slip band morphology of a type 316L stainless steel (M. Ménard, J.M. Olive, A.-M. Brass and I. Aubert)
14. Hydrogen effects on the plasticity of nickel and binary nickel-chromium alloy (D. Delafosse, G. Girardin and X. Feaugeas)
15. Hydrogen-assisted cracking of iron-based amorphus alloys: experimental and finite element observations (N. Eliaz, L. Banks-Sills, D. Ashkenazi and R. Eliasi)
Section 3. Hydrogen Permeation and Transport
16. Quantification of hydrogen transport and trapping in ferritic steels with the electrochemical permeation technique (A.-M. Brass)
17. Hydrogen diffusivity and straining effect at cathodic polarization of A1 in NaOH solution (E. Lunarska and O. Chernyayeva)
18. Visualization of hydrogen diffusion path by a high sensitivity hydrogen microprint technique (S. Matsuda, K. Ichitani and M. Kanno)
19. Effect of deformation type on the hydrogen behavior in high-strength low-alloy steel (E. Lunarska and K. Nikiforow)
20. Strain-assisted transport of hydrogen and related effects on the intergranular stress corrosion cracking of alloy 600 (J. Chêne)
21. Hydrogen in trapping states harmful and resistant to environmental degradation of high-strength steels (K. Takai)
Section 4. Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking and Embrittlement
22. Ductile crack initiation and growth promoted by hydrogen in steel (Y. Shimomura and M. Nagumo)
23. Hydrogen assisted stress-cracking behaviour of supermartensitic stainless steel weldments (W. Dietzel, P. Bala Srinivasan and S.W. Sharkawy)
24. Hydrogen-assisted fracture of inertia welds in 21Cr-6Ni-9Mn stainless steel (B.P. Somerday, S.X. McFadden, D.K. Balch, J.D. Puskar and C.H. Cadden)
25. Embrittlement of metals in a hydrogen medium (N.M. Vlasov and I.I. Fedik)
Section 5. Nonferrous Alloys
26. Stress corrosion cracking of magnesium alloy with the slow strain-rate technique (H. Uchida, M. Yamashita, S. Hanaki and T. Nozaki)
27. Measurement and modeling of crack conditions during the environment-assisted cracking of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy (K.R. Cooper and R.G. Kelly)
28. Influence of composite materials on the stress corrosion cracking of aluminium alloys (F. Lu, W. Chang, G. Zhu, X. Zhang and Z. Tang)
29. Study on stress corrosion cracking of aluminium alloys in marine atmosphere (X. Zhang, Z. Sun, Z. Tang, M. Liu and B. Li)
30. Potential-pH map for environment-assisted cracking of Ti-6Al-4V (T. Haruna, M. Hamasaki and T. Shibata)
31. On the competitive effects of water vapor and oxygen on fatigue crack propagation at 550oC in a Ti6242 alloy (C. Sarrazin-Baudoux, F. Loubat and S. Potiron)
32. Effect of supercritical water on fatigue crack propagation in a titanium alloy (F. Loubat and J.M. Olive)
33. Microstructural sensitivity of stress corrosion cracking in copper alloys due to dynamic recrystallization (L. Lin, Y. Zhao, D. Cui and Y. Meng)
Section 6. Iron and Nickel Based Alloys
34. Susceptibility to and the mechanism of stress corrosion cracking in structural alloys in aqueous solutions (A.N. Kumar)
35. Corrosion-fatigue properties of surface-treated surgical implant stainless steel X2CrNiMo18-15-3 (G. Mori, H. Wieser and H. Zitter)
36. Stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel Type 316 in acid solutions and intergranular SCC mechanism: effects of anion species (Cl- and SO42-) and sensitizing temperature (R. Nishimura, A. Sulaiman and Y. Maeda)
37. Environmentally assisted cracking of nickel alloys - a review (R.B. Rebak)
Section 7. Ceramics and Glasses
38. Environment induced crack growth of ceramics and glasses (R.H. Jones)
39. Study of delayed fracture of PZT-5 ferroelectric ceramics (K.W. Gao, Y. Wang, L.J. Qiao and W.Y. Chu)
Section 8. Liquid Metal Embrittlement
40. Liquid metal-induced embrittlement of a Fe9Cr1Mo martensitic steel (J.-B. Vogt, I. Serre, A. Verleene and A. Legris)
41. Liquid metal embrittlement by lead of high chromium martensitic steel bolts (K. Nakajima, S. Inagaki, T. Taguchi, M. Arimura and O. Watanabe)
42. Liquid metal embrittlement of superplastic alloys (A.I. Malkin, Z.M. Polukarova, V.M. Zanozin, B.D. Lebedev, I.V. Petrova and E.D. Shchukin)
Section 9. History of SCC Research
43. Stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue: a record of progress, 1873-1973 (S.A. Shipilov)
Author Index
Subject Index
List of Reviewers
Section 1. Prediction of Stress Corrosion Cracking
1. Predicting failures in light water nuclear reactors which have not yet been observed - microprocess sequence approach (MPSA) (R.W. Staehle)
2. The electrochemistry of stress corrosion cracking - from theory to damage prediction in practical systems (D.D. Macdonald, G.R. Engelhardt and I. Balachov)
Section 2. Stress Corrosion Cracking in LWR Environments
3. Insights into stress corrosion cracking mechanisms from high-resolution measurements of crack-tip structures and compositions (S.M. Bruemmer and L.E. Thomas)
4. Quantification of the effects of crack tip plasticity on environmentally-assisted crack growth rates in LWR environments (T. Shoji, Z. Lu, H. Xue, K. Yoshimoto, M. Itow, J. Kuniya and K. Watanabe)
5. The role of hydrogen and creep in intergranular stress corrosion cracking of Alloy 600 and Alloy 690 in PWR primary water environments - a review (F.H. Hua and R.B. Rebak)
6. Modelling of primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) at control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzles of pressurized water reactors (PWR) (O.F. Aly, A.H.P. Andrade, M. Mattar Neto, M. Szajnbok and H.J. Toth)
7. Interdendritic crack introduction before SCC growth tests in high-temperature water for nickel-based weld alloys (M. Ozawa, Y. Yamamoto, M. Itow, N. Tanaka, S. Kasahara and J. Kuniya)
8. Influence of low-temperature sensitization on stress corrosion cracking of 304LN stainless steels (V. Kain, R. Samantaray, S. Acharya, P.K. De and V.S. Raja)
Section 3. Corrosion and Cracking of Waste Package Materials
9. Overview of corrosion issues for the Yucca Mountain waste container (R.H. Jones)
10. Stress corrosion cracking evaluation of a target structural material by different techniques (M.K. Hossain and A.K. Roy)
Section 4. Crack Growth in Pipeline Steels Under Cyclic Loading
11. SCC Growth in pipeline steel (A. Plumtree, B.W. Williams, S.B. Lambert and R. Sutherby)
12. Environmental effects on near-neutral pH stress corrosion cracking in pipelines (W. Chen, R.L. Eadie and R.L. Sutherby)
13. Environmentally assisted cracking of pipeline steels in near-neutral pH environments (J. Been, F. King and R. Sutherby)
Section 5. SCC and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Pipeline Steels
14. Crack initiation of line pipe steels in near-neutral pH environments (J.A. Colwell, B.N. Leis and P.M. Singh)
15. A mechanistic study in near-neutral pH stress corrosion cracking of pipeline steel (B.T. Lu and J.L. Luo)
16. The role of hydrogen in EAC of pipeline steels in near-neutral pH environments (J. Been, H. Lu, F. King, T. Jack and R. Sutherby)
17. The roles of crack-tip plasticity, anodic dissolution and hydrogen in SCC of mild and C-Mn steels (D. Delafosse, B. Bayle and C. Bosch)
18. Effect of microstructure on the hydrogen-embrittlement behaviour of HSLA steels under cathodic protection (L. Barsanti, M. Cabrini, T. Pastore and C. Spinelli)
19. Hydrogen-embrittlement resistance of X100 steels for long-distance high-pressure pipelines (L. Barsanti, F.M. Bolzoni, M. Cabrini, T. Pastore and C. Spinelli)
20. Influence of strain rate on the stress corrosion cracking of X70 pipeline steel in dilute near-neutral pH solutions (B. Fang, J.Q. Wang, E. Han, Z. Zhu and W. Ke)
21. Assessment of stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of buried pipeline steels (A.H.S. Bueno, B.B. Castro and J.A.C. Ponciano)
22. Change of physiochemical parameters of soils near stress-corrosion defects on gas pipelines (S.K. Zhigletsova, V.B. Rodin, V.V. Rudavin, G.E. Rasulova, N.A. Alexandrova, G.M. Polomina and V.P. Kholodenko)
Section 6. Degradation of Materials Under In-Service Conditions
23. Stress corrosion cracking of carbon steel in fuel ethanol service (J.G. Maldonado and R.D. Kane)
24. Hydrogen degradation of steels under long-term in-service conditions (H.M. Nykyforchyn, K.-J. Kurzydlowski and E. Lunarska)
25. Corrosion and hydrogen absorption of commercial reinforcing steel in concrete after 33 years of service on the Baltic Sea beach (S.M. Beloglazov, K.V. Egorova and N.V. Kolesnikova)
26. Stress corrosion cracking of aluminium brass induced by marine organism fouling (L. Lin and Y. Zhao)
27. Modeling of prior exfoliation corrosion in aircraft wing skins (M. Liao, G. Renaud, D. Backman, D.S. Forsyth and N.C. Bellinger)
Section 7. Stress Corrosion Cracking Case Studies
28. Case studies of corrosion and environmentally induced cracking in industry (I. Le May and C. Bagnall)
29. Stress corrosion cracking: cases in refinery equipment (G.R. Lobley)
30. Embrittlement cracking of a stabilized stainless steel wire mesh in an ammonia converter (V. Kain, V. Gupta and P.K. De)
31. Environment-induced transgranular stress corrosion cracking of 304L stainless steel instrument line tubes (M. Clark, O. Yong, A.M. Brennenstuhl and M. Lau)
32. Stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel in a nuclear power plant environment (M. Brezine and L. Kupca)
Section 8. New Test Methods for SCC Studies
33. High-resolution, in-situ, tomographic observations of stress corrosion cracking (T.J. Marrow, L. Babout, B.J. Connolly, D. Engelberg, G. Johnson, J.-Y. Buffiere, P.J. Withers and R.C. Newman)
34. Detection of SCC by the simultaneous use of electrochemical noise and acoustic emission measurements (M. Leban, Z. Bajt, J. Kovac and A. Legat)
35. Circumferential notch tensile (CNT) tests for determination of KISCC, using small fracture mechanics specimens (R. Rihan, R.K. Singh Raman and R.N. Ibrahim)
36. Development of spiral notch torsion test: a new fracture mechanics approach to determination of KISCC (R.K. Singh Raman, R. Bayles, S.P. Knight, Jy-An Wang, B.R.W. Hinton and B.C. Muddle)
37. Issues in stress corrosion testing of welded super martensitic stainless steels for oil and gas pipelines (A. Turnbull and B. Nimmo)
38. Evaluation of the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement by the slow bending test (M. Cabrini, G.D'Urso and T. Pastore)
Author Index
Subject Index