List of Illustrations
One. Introduction to Equipment
1.1 The Drawing Board
1.2 The Tee-square
1.3 Set-squares
1.4 Pencils
1.5 Drawing Paper
1.6 Erasers
1.7 Compasses
1.8 Ruler
1.9 Methods of Attachment
1.10 Pencil Sharpening Medium
1.11 Pencil Sharpening
1.12 How to Use Drawing Instruments
1.13 Lettering and Figuring
1.14 Printed Words and Notes etc.
Two. Early Work on Geometrica Construction
2.1 Types of Lines
2.2 Drawing Various Shapes
2.3 Types of Lines Illustrated
2.4 Arrow Heads
2.5 Further Work with 45° and 60° Set-squares
2.6 Further Work on Types of Lines
2.7 Further Lettering
2.8 Conclusion
Three. Simple Geometrical Constructions
3.1 Angles
3.2 Bisection of Angles
3.3 Triangles
3.4 Quadrilateral
3.5 The Circle
3.6 Inscribed and Circumscribed Circles
3.7 The Division of Lines
3.8 The Diagonal Scale
Four. Types of Projection
4.1 Simple Perspective Drawing
4.2 Simple Isometric Drawing
4.3 Orthographic Projection
4.4 First Angle Projection (English)
4.5 First Angle Projection (continued)
4.6 Third Angle Projection (American)
4.7 Third Angle Projection (continued)
Five. The System of Dimensioning
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Dimension Lines Not to Intersect
5.3 Overall Dimensions to Be Clearly Shown
5.4 Corresponding Dimensions in Corresponding Places
5.5 Dimensions from Two Faces at Right Angles
5.6 Double Dimensioning Must Be Avoided
5.7 Dimensions from "Corner to Comer"
5.8 For Turned Parts Give Diameters, Not Radii
5.9 Symmetrical Shapes
5.10 Points Not Covered by Foregoing Rules
Six. First Angle, or English, Projection
6.1 Orthographic Projection
6.2 Orthographic Projection
6.3 Scale Drawings
6.4 Full Sections and Hidden Detail
6.5 Half-sections
6.6 Drawings of Simple Objects
6.7 Exercise A, Fig. 30(a)
6.8 Exercise B, Fig. 30(b)
6.9 Exercise C, Fig. 30(c)
6.10 Exercise D, Fig. 30(d)
Seven. Their Angle, or American, Projection
7.1 Orthographic Projection
7.2 Orthographic Projection
7.3 Full Sections
7.4 Half-sections
7.5 Drawings of Simple Objects
7.6 Exercise A, Figs. 30(a) and 36(a)
7.7 Exercise B, Figs. 30(b) and 36(b)
7.8 Exercise C, Figs. 30(c) and 36(c)
7.9 Exercise D, Figs. 30(d) and 36(d)
Eight. Screw Threads
8.1 A Typical Screw
8.2 Thread Section Data
8.3 Whitworth Thread, Step-by-step Construction
8.4 B.A. Thread
8.5 Acme Thread
8.6 Square Thread
8.7 Unified Thread
8.8 Screw Threads (Convention)
8.9 Square Thread (Convention)
Nine. Freehand Drawing of Engineering Parts
9.1 Freehand Drawing
9.2 Freehand Isometric
9.3 Freehand Isometric
9.4 Freehand Orthographic. An Elbow
9.5 Freehand Orthographic. A Tee-piece
9.6 Freehand First Angle Projection. A Square Flange
9.7 Freehand Third Angle Projection. A Square Flange
9.8 Freehand First Angle Projection. Oval Flange
9.9 Freehand Third Angle Projection. Oval Flange
9.10 Freehand First Angle Projection. Stud
9.11 Freehand Third Angle Projection. Stud
9.12 Freehand First Angle Projection. Sheet Metal Bracket
9.13 Freehand Third Angle Projection. Sheet Metal Bracket
9.14 Freehand First Angle Projection. Cast Cover
9.15 Freehand Third Angle Projection. Cast Cover
9.16 Isometric Sketches for Freehand Drawing
9.17 Isometric Sketches for Freehand Drawing
9.18 Isometric Sketches for Freehand Drawing
Ten. Mechanical and Electrical Detail Parts
10.1 Fastenings (Screws and Bolts)
10.2 Hexagon Nut
10.3 To Draw a Hexagon Nut by a Quick Method
10.4 Hexagon Headed Bolt
10.5 Studs
10.6 Keys
10.7 3/4-in. Tee
10.8 3/4-in. Normal Bend
10.9 3/4-in. Single Saddle
10.10 Wiring Diagram
Eleven. Simple Assemblies
11.1 Bearings
11.2 Isometric and Third Angle Projection of Footstep Bearing
11.3 Outlining the Assembly
11.4 Dimensioning an Assembly Drawing
11.5 First Angle Projection of Footstep Bearing
11.7 Coupling in Third Angle Projection
11.8 Simple Pulley and Bracket
11.9 Assembly in Third Angle Projection
11.10 Outlining the Assembly
11.11 Assembly in First Angle Projection
Twelve. Simple Machine Tools and Components
12.1 Revision of Useful Data
12.2 The Drawing of a Section
12.3 Parts Not Sectioned
12.4 Simple Bushed Bearing
12.5 Method of Producing the Drawing in Third Angle Projection
12.6 Method of Producing the Drawing in First Angle Projection
12.7 Detailed Parts, Third Angle Projection
12.8 Headstock for Small Lathe
12.9 Assembly in First Angle Projection
12.10 Third Angle Projection, Explanation
12.11 Detailed Drawing of a Bearing Bracket. Part No. 1
12.12 Pulley. Part No. 2
12.13 Bearing Bush. Part No. 3
12.14 Hollow Mandrel. Part No. 4
12.15 Screwed Collar. Part No. 5
12.16 Stud. Part No. 6
Author's Note