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Engineered Biomimicry covers a broad range of research topics in the emerging discipline of biomimicry. Biologically inspired science and technology, using the principles of math a… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Engineered Biomimicry covers a broad range of research topics in the emerging discipline of biomimicry. Biologically inspired science and technology, using the principles of math and physics, has led to the development of products as ubiquitous as Velcro™ (modeled after the spiny hooks on plant seeds and fruits). Readers will learn to take ideas and concepts like this from nature, implement them in research, and understand and explain diverse phenomena and their related functions. From bioinspired computing and medical products to biomimetic applications like artificial muscles, MEMS, textiles and vision sensors, Engineered Biomimicry explores a wide range of technologies informed by living natural systems.
Engineered Biomimicry helps physicists, engineers and material scientists seek solutions in nature to the most pressing technical problems of our times, while providing a solid understanding of the important role of biophysics. Some physical applications include adhesion superhydrophobicity and self-cleaning, structural coloration, photonic devices, biomaterials and composite materials, sensor systems, robotics and locomotion, and ultra-lightweight structures.
Applied physicists, biophysicists, engineers, bioengineers, material scientists
Biology inspires - Diversity matters
The World’s Top Olympians
1 Introduction
2 Sprints, middle-distance, and long-distance events
3 High-altitude training
4 Long jump and high jump
5 Swimming and diving
6 Pumping iron
7 Concluding remarks
Chapter 1. Biomimetic Vision Sensors
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Imaging, vision sensors, and eyes
1.3 Biomimetic approaches to vision sensors
1.4 Case Study: Musca domestica vision sensor
1.5 Biomimetic vision sensor developments
1.6 Concluding remarks
Chapter 2. Noise Exploitation and Adaptation in Neuromorphic Sensors
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Organization of neurobiological sensory systems
2.3 Noise exploitation in neurobiology
2.4 Learning and adaptation
2.5 Case study: Neuromorphic acoustic source localizer
2.6 ΣΔ Learning framework
2.7 Conclusions
Chapter 3. Biomimetic Hard Materials
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Design guidelines for biomimetic hard materials
3.3 Biomimetic hard materials at the macroscale
3.4 Biomimetic hard materials at the micro- and nanoscales
3.5 Conclusion and outlook
Chapter 4. Biomimetic Robotics
4.1 Introduction to biomimicry
4.2 Technologies facilitating biomimetic robotics
4.3 Engineering applications
4.4 Prognosis for the future
Chapter 5. Bioinspired and Biomimetic Microflyers
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Design space for microflyers
5.3 Physical challenges at small scales
5.4 Unsteady aerodynamics in animal flight
5.5 Airframes
5.6 Modeling
5.7 Sensors
5.8 Future challenges
Chapter 6. Muscular Biopolymers
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Three-dimensional fabrication of biopolymer nanocomposites (IBMCs)
6.3 chitosan/Nafion® composite 3-D manufacturing procedure
6.4 Modeling and simulation
6.5 Conclusions
Chapter 7. Bioscaffolds: Fabrication and Performance
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Fabrication of 3D bioscaffolds
7.3 Surface modification of scaffolds
7.4 Bioactive molecule delivery with scaffolds
7.5 Conclusions and perspectives
Chapter 8. Surface Modification for Biocompatibility
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The surface region
8.4 A biomaterials surface science lab of your own
8.5 Conclusion
Chapter 9. Flight Control Using Biomimetic Optical Sensors
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Structure of the Visual World of Insects
9.3 Airborne Compass Based on Sky Polarization
9.4 Ocelli Attitude Reference
9.5 Optical-Flow Control of Height and Course
9.6 Conclusion
Chapter 10. Biomimetic Textiles
10.1 Textiles
10.2 Biomimicry
10.3 Biomimesis in textile-materials engineering
10.4 Concluding remarks
Chapter 11. Structural Colors
11.1 Introduction: Colors in nature
11.2 A brief history of research
11.3 Physical mechanisms for structural color
11.4 Structural colors from natural photonic structures
11.5 Attempts to mimic structural colors
11.6 Applications of structural colors in art and industry
11.7 Concluding remarks
Chapter 12. Biomimetic Antireflection Surfaces
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Scalable self-assembly of colloidal particles
12.3 Templated broadband moth-eye antireflection coatings on semiconductor wafers
12.4 Templated transparent moth-eye antireflection coatings
12.5 Nanostructured superhydrophobic coatings
12.6 Conclusions
Chapter 13. Biomimetic Self-Organization and Self-Healing
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Navigation in large groups
13.3 Collective decision making
13.4 Coordination of large construction work
13.5 Swarm intelligence
13.6 Self-sealing
13.7 Self-healing
13.8 Adaptive growth
13.9 Multilayer formation
13.10 Discussion and perspectives
Chapter 14. Solution-Based Techniques for Biomimetics and Bioreplication
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Bioreplication techniques and processes
14.3 Bioreplica photonic crystals
14.4 Concluding remarks and future directions
Chapter 15. Vapor-Deposition Techniques
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Physical vapor deposition
15.3 Chemical vapor deposition
15.4 Atomic layer deposition
15.5 Molecular beam epitaxy
15.6 Concluding remarks
Chapter 16. Atomic Layer Deposition for Biomimicry
16.1 Atomic layer deposition: history and technology
16.2 Application of ALD to biomaterials
16.3 Future perspectives of ALD in biomimetics
16.4 Summary
Chapter 17. Evolutionary Computation and Genetic Programming
17.1 Bioinspired computing
17.2 History and Variants of Evolutionary Computing
17.3 Genetic Programming: History, Principles, and Methods
17.4 Advances and State of the Art
17.5 Applications
17.6 Human-Competitive Results of Genetic Programming
17.7 Conclusions