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Energy Optimization in Process Systems and Fuel Cells, Second Edition covers the optimization and integration of energy systems, with a particular focus on fuel cell technolog… Read more
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Energy Optimization in Process Systems and Fuel Cells, Second Edition covers the optimization and integration of energy systems, with a particular focus on fuel cell technology. With rising energy prices, imminent energy shortages, and increasing environmental impacts of energy production, energy optimization and systems integration is critically important. The book applies thermodynamics, kinetics and economics to study the effect of equipment size, environmental parameters, and economic factors on optimal power production and heat integration. Author Stanislaw Sieniutycz, highly recognized for his expertise and teaching, shows how costs can be substantially reduced, particularly in utilities common in the chemical industry.
This second edition contains substantial revisions, with particular focus on the rapid progress in the field of fuel cells, related energy theory, and recent advances in the optimization and control of fuel cell systems.
Graduate students and researchers in chemical, mechanical, materials and environmental engineering, as well as those engaged in system theory, operation research, chemistry, applied physics, applied mathematics
1. Brief review of static optimization methods
1.1 Introduction: significance of mathematical models
1.2 Unconstrained problems
1.3 Equality constraints and lagrange multipliers
1.4 Methods of mathematical programming
1.5 Iterative search methods
1.6 On some stochastic optimization techniques
2. Dynamic optimization problems
2.1 Discrete representations and dynamic programming algorithms
2.2 Recurrence equations
2.3 Discrete processes linear with respect to the time interval
2.4 Discrete algorithm of Pontryagin’s type for processes linear in θN
2.5 Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations for continuous systems
2.6 Continuous Maximum Principle
2.7 Calculus of variations
2.8 Viscosity solutions and nonsmooth analyses
2.9 Stochastic control and stochastic Maximum Principle
3. Energy limits for thermal engines and heat pumps at steady states
3.1 Introduction: role of optimization in determining thermodynamic limits
3.2 Classical problem of thermal engine driven by heat flux
3.3 Toward work limits in sequential systems
3.4 Energy utilization and heat pumps
3.5 Thermal separation processes
3.6 Steady chemical, electrochemical, and other systems
3.7 Limits in living systems
3.8 Final remarks
4. Hamiltonian optimization of imperfect cascades
4.1 Basic properties of irreversible cascade operations with a work flux
4.2 Description of imperfect units in terms of carnot temperature control
4.3 Single-stage formulae in a model of cascade operation
4.4 Work optimization in cascade by discrete maximum principle
4.5 Example
4.6 Continuous imperfect system with two finite reservoirs
4.7 Final remarks
5. Maximum power from solar energy
5.1 Introducing Carnot controls for modeling solar-assisted operations
5.2 Thermodynamics of radiation
5.3 Classical exergy of radiation
5.4 Flux of classical exergy
5.5 Efficiencies of energy conversion
5.6 Towards a dissipative exergy of radiation at flow
5.7 Basic analytical formulae of steady pseudo-Newtonian model
5.8 Steady nonlinear models applying Stefan–Boltzmann equation
5.9 Dynamical theory for pseudo-Newtonian models
5.10 Dynamical models using the Stefan–Boltzmann equation
5.11 Towards the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman approaches
5.12 Final remarks
6. Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman theory of energy systems
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Dynamic optimization of power in a finite-resource process
6.3 Two different works and finite-rate exergies
6.4 Some aspects of classical analytical HJB theory for continuous systems
6.5 HJB equations for nonlinear power generation systems
6.6 Analytical solutions in systems with linear kinetics
6.7 Extensions for systems with nonlinear kinetics and internal dissipation
6.8 Generalized exergies for nonlinear systems with minimum dissipation
6.9 Final remarks
7. Numerical optimization in allocation, storage and recovery of thermal energy and resources
7.1 Introduction
7.2 A discrete model for a nonlinear problem of maximum power from radiation
7.3 Nonconstant Hamiltonians and convergence of discrete DP algorithms to viscosity solutions of HJB equations
7.4 Dynamic programming equation for maximum power from radiation
7.5 Discrete approximations and time adjoint as a Lagrange multiplier
7.6 Mean and local intensities in discrete processes
7.7 Legendre transform and original work function
7.8 Numerical approaches applying dynamic programming
7.9 Dimensionality reduction in dynamic programming algorithms
7.10 Concluding remarks
8. Optimal control of separation processes
8.1 General thermokinetic issues
8.2 Thermodynamic balances toward minimum heat or work
8.3 Results for irreversible separations driven by work or heat
8.4 Thermoeconomic optimization of thermal drying with fluidizing solids
8.5 Solar energy application to work-assisted drying
8.6 Concluding Remarks
9. Optimal decisions for chemical reactors
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Driving forces in transport processes and chemical reactions
9.3 General nonlinear equations of macrokinetics
9.4 Classical chemical and electrochemical kinetics
9.5 Inclusion of nonlinear transport phenomena
9.6 Continuous description of chemical (electrochemical) kinetics and transport phenomena
9.7 Toward power production in chemical systems
9.8 Thermodynamics of power generation in nonisothermal chemical engines
9.9 Nonisothermal engines in terms of carnot variables
9.10 Entropy production in steady systems
9.11 Dissipative availabilities in dynamic systems
9.12 Characteristics of steady isothermal engines
9.13 Sequential models for dynamic power generators
9.14 A computational algorithm for dynamic process with power maximization
9.15 Results of computations
9.16 Some additional comments
9.17 Complex chemical power systems with internal dissipation
10. Fuel cells and limiting performance of electrochemobiological systems
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Electrochemical engines
10.3 Thermodynamics of entropy production and power limits in fuel cells
10.4 Calculation of operational voltage
10.5 Thermodynamic account of current-dependent and current-independent imperfections
10.6 Evaluation of mass flows, power output, and efficiency
10.7 Quality characteristics and feasibility criteria
10.8 Some experimental results
10.9 Assessing power limits in steady thermoelectrochemical engines
10.10 Hybrid systems
10.11 Unsteady states, dynamic units, and control problems
10.12 Biological fuel cells and biological sources of hydrogen
10.13 Energy and size limits for living organisms in biological systems
10.14 A brief commentary on development and evolution of species
11. Systems theory in thermal and chemical engineering
11.1 Introduction
11.2 System energy analyses
11.3 Mathematical modeling of industrial energy management
11.4 Linear model of the energy balance for an industrial plant and its applications
11.5 Nonlinear mathematical model of short-term balance of industrial energy system
11.6 Mathematical optimization model for the preliminary design of industrial energy systems
11.7 Remarks on diverse methodologies and link with ecological criteria
11.8 Control thermodynamics for explicitly dynamical systems
11.9 Interface of energy limits, structure design, thermoeconomics and ecology
11.10 Towards the thermoeconomics and integration of heat energy
12. Heat integration within process integration
13. Maximum heat recovery and its consequences for process system design
13.1 Introduction and problem formulation
13.2 Composite curve (CC) plot
13.3 Problem table (Pr-T) method
13.4 Grand composite curve (GCC) plot
13.5 Special topics in MER/MUC calculations
13.6 Summary and further reading
14. Targeting and supertargeting in heat exchanger network design
14.1 Targeting stage in overall design process
14.2 Basis of sequential approaches for HEN targeting
14.3 Basis of simultaneous approaches for HEN targeting
15. Minimum utility cost (MUC) target by optimization approaches
15.1 Introduction and MER problem solution by mathematical programming
15.2 MUC problem solution methods
15.3 Dual matches
15.4 Minimum utility cost under disturbances
16. Minimum number of units (MNU) and minimum total surface area (MTA) targets
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Minimum number of matches (MNM) target
16.3 Minimum total area for matches (MTA-m) target
16.4 Minimum number of shells (MNS) target
16.5 Minimum total area for shells (MTA-s) target
17. Simultaneous HEN targeting for total annual cost
TAC-Transp model
18. Heat exchanger network synthesis
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Sequential approaches
18.3 Simultaneous approaches to HEN synthesis
19. Heat exchanger network retrofit
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Network pinch method
19.3 Simultaneous approaches for HEN retrofit
20. Approaches to water network design
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Mathematical models and data for water network problem
20.3 Overview of approaches in the literature