X-Ray Analysis and the Structure of Insulin
The Meaning of 'Structure' and 'Activity' for Peptide Hormones
Studies of the Effects of Human Synthetic Calcitonin in Experimental Animals and in Man
Ultimobranchial Function in Non-mammals
Plasma Calcitonin Levels in Birds and Fish
Ultimobranchial Calcitonin of Anguilla japonica
Chicken Calcitonin: Isolation and Biological Properties
Stimulation of Secretion of Pig Thyrocalcitonin by Gastrin and by Gastrointestinal Secretagogues
Synthesis of Highly Active Analogues of Salmon Calcitonin
Metabolic Fate of Human Calcitonin in the Dog
Ultrastructural and Cellular Changes at the Costochondral Junction following In Vivo Treatment with Calcitonin or Calcium Chloride in the Rabbit
Radioimmunoassays for Calcitonins: Clinical and Experimental Studies
Physiological Function of Thyrocalcitonin
Cyclic Amp
Recent Advances
Calcium and Cyclic AMP in Cell Activation
Comparative Aspects of the Metabolism and Distribution of Cyclic AMP and Cyclic GMP
Cyclic AMP Activated Protein Kinase Activity in the Thyroid
Embroyological Origin of Endocrine Cells
The Clear Cell System: The Peripheral Endocrine (Paracrine) Glands
The Neural Crest Origin of the Endocrine Polypeptide Cells of the APUD Series
Demonstration of the Neural Origin of the Ultimo branchial Body Glandular Cells in the Avian Embryo
Correlated Immunofluorescence and Cytochemical Studies on Endocrine Polypeptide Cells
Hormone Release
The Microtubule-microfilament System in Beta Cell Secretion
Significance of Amines in Poly Peptide-secreting Endocrine Cells with Special Regard to the C Cells
Synthetic Peptides that Release TSH and LH from the Pituitary
The Effects of Steroid Hormones and Carcinogens on the Interaction of Membranes with Polysomes
Functional Pathological Aspects of the Para-endocrine Syndrome
Parafollicular Cells in Thyroid Glands with Medullary Carcinoma
ACTH Concentrations in Non-endocrine Tumors
Gastrointestinal Hormones
Some Recent Developments in the Field of the Intestinal Hormones
Isolation Studies of Enteroglucag On-like Immunoreactive Peptides from a Human Renal Tumor
Gastrointestinal effects of Calcitonin in Man
Nerve Supply and the Hormone Release Mechanism of Endocrine Cells in the Gastro-intestinal Tract
Ultrastructural and Histochemical Investigations on the Endocrine Cells of the Intestinal Mucosa
The Fine Structure of Endocrine Polypeptide Storage Granules
Ultrastructural Aspects on the Monoamine-Storing Cells in the Gastric Mucosa of the Mouse
The Influences of Experimentally Induced Hyper- and Hypocalcaemia on Gastric Function in Rat and Man
Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitotin
Chemistry and Physiology of the Calcitonins: Some Recent Advances
Chemistry and Conformation of the Bovine Parathyroid Hormone
Parathyroid Hormone: Chemical and Immunochemical Studies of the Active Molecular Species
Biochemical Changes following Parathyriodectomy
Further Evidence that the Initial Calcium Shift into Bone is a Primary Response to Parathyroid Hormone
Synthesis of Human Parathyroid Hormone by Cells in Culture
Demonstration of Binding Sites of Parathyroid Hormone in Bone Cells
Radioimmunoassay of Rat Calcitonin
Localization of Antigenic Sites in Parathyroid Hormone
Natriuretic Hormone
Is there a Natriuretic Hormone?
Physiological Properties of a Natriuretic Humoral Substance Occurring in Human Urine and Plasma
Evidence for a Hormone other than Aldosterone which Controls Urinary Sodium Excretion
Further Evidence for a Humoral Natriuretic Factor
Vitamin D
Diphosphonates 430
The Intermediary Metabolism of Vitamin D: 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol, a Kidney Hormone Affecting Calcium Metabolism
1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol: Isolation, Identification, Regulation and Mechanism of Action
Calcium Control of the In Vivo Biosynthesis of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Nicolaysen's Endogenous Factor
Increased Rate of Metabolism of Vitamin D3 in Phenobarbitone-induced Rats
Effect of Vitamin D Metabolites on Bone Resorption in Tissue Culture
Some Aspects of Vitamin D Metabolism in Man
List of Participants