R.D. Ballard, Foreword. Origin and Transport of Magma: H. Sigurdsson, B. Houghton, H. Rymer, J. Stix, and S. McNutt, Introduction. H. Sigurdsson, The History of Volcanology. R. Jeanloz, Mantle of the Earth. P. Asimov, Melting the Mantle. M. Daines, Migration of Melt. M. Perfit and J. Davidson, Tectonics and Volcanism. N.W. Rogers and C.J. Hawkesworth, Composition of Magmas. T.L. Grove, Origin of Magmas. P.J. Wallace and A.T. Anderson, Volatiles in Magmas. F.J. Spera, Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Magmas. B.D. Marsh, Reservoirs of Magma and Magma Chambers. M.J. Rutherford and J. Gardner, Rates of Magma Ascent. C. Carrigan, Plumbing Systems. C. Jaupart, Magma at Shallow Levels. Eruption: T. Simkin and L.Siebert, Active Volcanoes on the Earth. D.M. Pyle, Sizes of Volcanic Eruptions. H. Sigurdsson, Episodes of Volcanism. Effusive Volcanism: G.P.L. Walker, Basaltic Volcanoes and Volcanic Systems. C. Kilburn, Lava Flows. J. Fink and S. Anderson, Domes and Coulees. J. Wolff and J. Sumner, Spatter-Fed Lavas and Fire-Fountaining. C. Conner and M. Conway, Basaltic Volcanic Fields. P. Hooper, Flood Basalt Provinces. R. Batiza and J. White, Submarine Lavas and Hyaloclastite. R. Schmidt and H.-U. Schmincke, Seamounts, Submarine Volcanoes, and Volcanic Islands. J. Smellie, Sub-Glacial Eruptions. Explosive Volcanism: Cashman, B. Sturtevant, P. Papale, and O. Navon, Magmatic Fragmentation. M.M. Morrisey, B. Zimoriski, K. Wohletz, and R. Buettner, Phreatomagmatic Fragmentation. S. Vergniolle and M. Mangan, Strombolian and Hawaiian Eruptions. M.M. Morrissey and L.G. Mastin, Vulcanian Eruptions. Cioni, P. Marianelli, R. Santecroce, and A. Sbrana, Plinian Eruptions. J.D.L. White and B. Houghton, Pyroclastic Eruptions. B.F. Houghton, C.J.N. Wilson, R.T. Smith, and J.S. Gilbert, Phreatoplinian Eruptions. S. Carey and M.I. Bursik, Volcanic Plumes. C.J.N. Wilson and B.F. Houghton, Pyroclastic Transport and Deposition. B.F. Houghton, C.J.N. Wilson, and D.M. Pyle, Fall Deposits. G. Valentine and R.V. Fisher, Deposits of Surges and Directed Blasts. A. Freundt, S.N. Carey, and C.J.N. Wilson, Ignimbrites and Deposits of Block-and-Ash Flows. J.W. Vallance, Lahar Deposits. T. Ui and M. Yoshimoto, Debris Avalanche Deposits. S. Carey, Volcaniclastic Sedimentation Around Island Arces. P.W. Lipman, Calderas. J.P. Davidson and S. Da Silva, Composite Cones. D. Vespermann and H.U. Schmincke, Scoria Cones and Tuff Rings. Extraterrestrial Volcanism: P.D. Spudis, Volcanism on the Moon. R. Lopes-Gautier, Volcanism on IO. L. Crumpler, Volcanism on Venus.J.R. Zimbelman, Volcanism on Mars.P. Geissler, Cryovolcanism in the Outer Solar System. Volcano Interactions: P. delMelle and J. Stix, Volcanic Gases. F. Goff and C. Janik, Geothermal Systems. P. Browne and M. Hochstein, Surface Manifestations. D. Butterfield, Submarine Hydrothermal Vents. P. delMelle and A. Bernard, Volcanic Lakes. N.C. White and R.J. Harrington, Mineral Deposits Associated with Volcanism. Volcanic Hazards: T.P. Miller and T.J. Casadevall, Volcanic Ash Hazards to Aviation. M.J. Mills and O.B. Toon, Volcanic Aerosol and Global Atmospheric Effect. S. Nekada, Hazards from Pyroclastic Flows and Surges. D. Peterson and R.I. Tilling, Lava Flow Hazards. K. Rodolfo, Lahars and Jokulhlaup Hazards. H. Rymer and G. Williams-Jones, Volcanic Gas Hazards. J.E. Beget, Volcanic Tsunamis. S.R. McNutt, Volcanic Seismicity. P. Baxter, Impacts of Eruptions on Human Health. M. Arthur, The Volcanic Contribution to the Sulfur and Carbon Geochemical Cycle. I. Thornton, The Ecology of Volcanoes-Biological Recovery and Colonization. M. Rampino and S. Self, Volcanism and Biotic Extinction. Eruption Response and Mitigation: S.R. McNutt, Seismic Monitoring. J.B. Murray, C.A. Locke, and H.Rymer, Ground Deformation, Gravity, and Magnetics. J. Stix and H. Gaonach, Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring. S. McNutt, J. Stix, and H. Rymer, Synthesis of Volcano Monitoring. C. Newhall, Volcano Warnings. S. de la Cruz, R. Quaas, and R. Meli, Volcanic Crisis Management. R. Blong, Volcanic Hazards and Risk Management. D. Johnson and K. Ronan, Risk Education and Intervention. Economic Benefits and Cultural Aspects of Volcanism: S. Arnorsson, Exploitation of Geothermal Resources. C-l. Ping, Volcanic Soils. J. Dehn and S.R. McNutt, Volcanic Materials for Commerce and Industry. H. Sigurdsson and R. Lopes-Gautier, Volcanoes and Tourism. S. Harris, Archaeology and Volcanism. H. Sigurdsson, Volcanoes in Art. H. Sigurdsson and R. Lopes, Volcanoes in Literature and Film. Appendices: Units and Physical Properties of the Earth; Volcanoes of the Earth.